Friday, December 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 3, 2019

Another woman is about to come forward saying she was sexually assaulted by this foreign born A list athlete who keeps facing no consequences for his actions.

Conor McGregor


  1. No wonder he's trying to line up fights soon. Needs lawyering money.

  2. If my sister said she was going to hang out with McGregor I tell her that that was a bad idea

  3. @Dark Star, When has telling one's sister that something was a bad idea ever not made them want to do it even more? 🤣

  4. @Gen, Not a fan of the Kennedys then?

  5. Well, except for the foreign born and athlete part, this has the diaper-wearing imbecile in the white house written all over it. Or maybe not written exactly--a smudge from when he was adjusting himself.
