Monday, December 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 11, 2019

That cheating with the booster's daughter thing was pushed to the side in a wave of woe is me because I am sick. In reality, it was pretending to be sick. It will come back in a hurry if he lands that new pro gig which he most definitely met with a representative from the team.

Urban Meyer/Dallas Cowboys


  1. Fake heart attack coming in 3,2,1...

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Who the fuck in their right mind would coach pro football. Ever wonder why so many teams can’t score until the end of the game when they magically just happen to cover the spread. You can stop wondering.

  3. Why would anyone coach college football? Dealing with a bunch of hillbilly fans, most of whom can't get into the colleges that they purport to be "fans" of. Gross.

  4. Who would want to be head coach for Jerry? I thought he was interested in the Redskins. He won't be good

  5. Who would want to play football? Instead of CTE and chronic pain from multiple injuries... Why not smoke a pack a day and be able to move your limbs and use your brain when 65!?

  6. Damn. And I thought Nick Saban was slimy.

  7. Well, the Cowboys are tits up and taking on water. Urban has been linked with maybe the Cleveland Browns. That poor son of a bitch has no chance.
