Sunday, December 29, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 20, 2019

Instead of touring to make money, this pint sized OG rapper has been hitting up producers and record executives and others for "advances." If she is not successful, she will lose everything she has.

Lil Kim


  1. Well that's one way of earning !

  2. Oh I see you eventually decided to wake up and post, nothing was here at 12:55 when I went to football. Kim could go back and hook I guess or dealing. You get advances when you make records and they can really advance you on royalties because that’s not easy to predict.

  3. So apparently Zac Efron has been hospitalized in Australia while shooting his new reality show. He may have typhoid, according to reports, which is something I thought you had to be innoculated against before going overseas). I looked up typhoid and WTF, I found that it is only spread from one infected human to another human, via direct contact with the feces of said infected person.

    What kind of reality show are you filming, Zachary?

    1. Thypoid Mary spread the disease by cooking. Its easily contracted with dirty water, mosquito bites and other less sinister ways.

  4. Re: Zefron. I think it's a BS PR attention story cause his show is literally called "Killing Zac Efron" and there was a pap photo of him out today shopping.

    1. He aged overnight and looks like hell. Iv treatments work wonders.

  5. Sandy, it’s a private blog. They can post whenever they’d like.

  6. I think he really was sick.

  7. According to evening ews reports he was airlifted to Australia from New Guinea. I think he's on his way home now.

  8. FFS! Tour bitch, that's how every other former Queen makes money.
