Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 22, 2019

The director is in a sticky situation. If he settles with his accuser, than the celebrity cult will forever brandish him a rapist. He wants to bring in evidence that the religion is behind all of the accusations, but isn't being allowed to do so. Plus, some of his motions are really victim shaming in disguise. On the other hand, if the accuser loses any of the director's motions, it is going to be tough to go to trial because of some of the communications made with others about the motive and who is behind the suits.

Paul Haggis/Scientology


  1. The only way to get rid of manipulative religons and cults is to get rid of stupid gullible people.

    And that ain't gonna happen.

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Your stupidity baffles me. Can’t believe I use to fuck with what you said

  3. @Yo, I'm impressed you didn't use a racial slur again in your comment, it probably won't be removed this time. 👍

  4. @Brayson Seriously, what is *wrong* with you?

  5. @OKay, Yo is pissed at me because I called him out for using an anti-semitic slur on Blind #7 today. Apparently one of the Enterns saw and removed his comment. Mine is still there if you want to take a look.

    Paul Haggis has been accused of sexual assault/rape by multiple women. People are floating a conspiracy theory, but how many times have we heard that excuse? Don't believe the victims, they're out to get you kind of thing.
    And now you're giving me grief for talking a little smack to an anti-Semite, and giving crap to an accused rapist.

    @OKay, What's wrong with you?

    1. Your completely right ..soy is just being extra today lol

    2. Brayson is awesome.

  6. I agree completely..its not like scientology hide the fact it corrupts and blackmails..and yeah he probably did rape her..
