Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Today's Blind Items - An Exchange - House On St. Charles Blind Item - Part One

****Beginning on Monday, it is time for Reader Photos again. If you want your photo included in the run up to and on Reveal Day, then email your photo to****

It is not really discussed, but anyone can find out that this female offspring of a permanent A lister who would love to be a permanent A++ lister has a history of substance abuse problems. The thing is, she keeps her head down, so people don't really talk about. This is not something that was confined to youthful indiscretions, but it has not been a big deal. It was not even on my radar at all, or something I cared about until I was given a little heads up about some behind the scenes drama involving The House On St. Charles.

What happened is not recent, but what did happen, and whether it will make it into the open is being hotly debated and involves multiple countries and heads of state and two very unlikely allies. The people running the House have a long history of putting people in compromising positions. They used the location of the house and what the city has to offer, to help make that happen. They were always looking for an angle. The angle didn't have to be right away. They were willing to wait things out until an opportune time.

A couple of decades ago, the people running the House identified someone they wanted to have in their pocket. It is the female offspring mentioned in the first sentence. They knew she loved to party, and they knew she loved not only pot, but things much stronger. Our offspring had a bad experience early on in her drug purchasing life, and was grateful for these people who seemingly showed up at every party she attended and always had a ready supply of coke for her to enjoy and never asked for payment. Of course she didn't know she was being filmed. It was a lesson she would repeat in the future, but that is for another day.

So, time goes by and one night, our offspring is at a party out of town, but her drug suppliers are right there waiting. Other people were waiting too. A bunch of undercover police types with wires in their ears. They weren't there for the drug suppliers, but were there for two other guests at the party. Much bigger fish in the party pond. Huge fish in the party pond and they liked to party. They also knew the offspring and knew how to ditch the people watching them. The next thing you know the suppliers are making all three of the party goers very happy and it is all being recorded. Every last bit.


  1. It leads to me think this is a future presidential hopeful's daughter, Warren or Biden?

    1. Considering Biden’s son is a fucking dumpster fire of a human i doubt this blind would be wasted on his daughter.

  2. +1 Montana, that one description is what Enty has been using for candidates.

  3. Biden's son Hunter went to rehab for crack, so it wouldn't be that out there.

  4. Karenna or Kristin Gore daughters of Al?

  5. Hunter loves smoking crack in strip clubs lol

  6. Emma or Georgina Bloomberg?

  7. It's Ashley

    " The 76-year-old former vice president's daughter Ashley, now 37, was arrested for marijuana possession at age 17. Records show the prosecutor declined to pursue the charges. A decade later, a "friend" of Ashley Biden attempted to sell the New York Post a 43-minute hidden-camera video purportedly showing Ashley snorting cocaine. The police did not get involved. "


  9. Ashley Biden went to Tulane

  10. Ughhh WTF did Enty sell this blog to Rupert Murdoch??!!? I loved when this blog had CELEBRITY BI's. These new political BI's all have an obvious right leaning to them.

    Leave the political crap off the site and return to the mindless celebrity blog it once was please.

  11. I had no idea that any of Biden's kids smoked crack or snorted coke or got arrested before I read it on CDAN. It's been very educational.

  12. The wrong Biden kid died it seems...

  13. Ashley Biden’s past is full of weed and wild parties

  14. I was thinking Beatrice or Eugenie...

  15. ErMaGeRd! EnTy HaS uS oN tHe EdGe Of OuR sEaTssss

  16. Didn't Hunter get pegged at a NYC strip club?

  17. They should put Biden's kids, Palin's kids, Chelsea, Trump's kids, and the entire Bush family on a teeny-tiny sand bar somewhere.

    Then just let the sea level rise.

  18. Palin's kids have been under public scrutiny, so Biden's are fair game. I do remember something about his daughter,no one wanted to report it, including conservatives. Hunter's indiscretions are the cause of the impeachment hearing! Without them, there is nothing.

  19. @Montana
    The dems wouldn't keep getting outed if there wasn't stuff to out.
    besides a lot of us on the "alt-right" already know this shit....just that liberals pretend like it isn't true.
    And if you didn't know....Murdoch's kids are in charge of Fox now - and they aren't all that conservative so you'll have to find something else to bitchh about.

    1. Murdoch's kids are freaking Euro lefties, thru and thru.
      Anyone ho thinks that network I full of right wingers is just dumb as to how things work in the news biz.

  20. The blackmailers were just Biden there time.

  21. if ashely Biden went to Tulane, the St. Charles makes sense bc that is a street that runs from Uptown (Tulane area) all the way into the french quarter... would make sense E is trying to imply New Orleans with that

  22. &MeliticusBee.... apparently there will be another hearing upon a hearing upon until the dude at the water cooler can verify the conversation they had with the assistant of the “Whistle Blower” aka/ Schiffs plant.
    Beyond that they 👀 legit AF.

    1. It is all about gettinf House Dems tv time before the 2020 elections, and trying to create headlines to assail Trump. Hearings will never proceed to Senate, because that would entail surrendering control of the nonsense and narrative to GOP majority of Senate. Dog & pony show. Anyone thinking otherwise is too stupid to have a vote.

    2. I agree .
      Why is their derangement so deep that they cant realize how futile their time and our money is being spent?

    3. Dems want control of The Senate.

    4. What up, Agent!

      Only thing that matters is viral quotes and headlines. Retweets and Likes from a Korean click farm cost less than 30second commercials on TV, and can reach more people in this DVR/OnDemand/Streaming age.

  23. I love it how conservatives vote for a man whose lies are documented ever day, cheated on ALL three of his wives... the last one with a porn star he paid off to keep quiet during the election while that wife was pregnant with his fifth kid by three different women.

    1. Whose talking about voting? Most of the country is laughing about the desperation behind an unhinged coup attempt ,trying to “unvote” ,the majority voice of the country...
      So who looks crazy here?

    2. 3 . Years. Later......(forgot ,didn’t think it needed clarification,but ya never know:)

  24. Joe is an Ass. His son Beau was very nice. I don’t care what party they belong to, if you are dirty you need to be exposed.

  25. cc423, President Trump screwed around - don't like that about him. My husband would be without balls if he pulled that crap. With the other choice for POTUS being the Beast, I went all in for Trump.

    Having posted that,screwing around is not as bad as committing treason and running murder incorporated. Stay tuned.

  26. Malia. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  27. Bidens daughter- years ago they published photos with her and her crack pipe.
    God knows what else went on in that house
    Joe and his “ hairy legs” he likes kids to rub
    Yuucchh what a family

  28. This is Ashley Biden and the Bush twins partying and ditching the Secret Service back in the day.

  29. Neil Bush went to Tulane. I was at a concert one year... maybe 86 and the band playing said RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU DID COKE WITH BUSH'S SON>.. The whole crowd roared./ This was Multiple Places at the WTUL MARATHON, in fact.

    I think Ashley is Biden's niece, not daughter, but I am too lazy to look it up.

  30. I was wrong. Ashley is the daughter. THey don't even have her PIC on WIKI. How bad must she have fucked up if Hunter is still front and center? LORDY LORDY

  31. im sick to death of the kek trolls stumping for Trump.

    1. Wait until the kooks make a Bernie hand gesture into a symbol of pedo necrophilia or some other loony thing the media will believe.

  32. Agreed. Everybody knows this is a dog and pony show and even my very liberal friends/ family members recognize this. The ratings for this shitshow are awful which shows America's disinterest and ability to realize a farce when they see one.

  33. Aww, did your heroes end up being verifiable douchebags @MontanaMarriott? Suck it up, buttercup. If there were videos of Republican's kids doing shitty things, you can bet Liddle Adam Schitt would have dug them up. But conservatives tend to have way more common decency and parenting skills than progressives.

    Would you love it better if someone could prove any of the nonsense you're spouting @cc423? I bet you would. Maybe cheating on your wife is an impeachable offence. Probably the best chance you losers have got at this stage. Good luck with your Trump derangement fantasies - they seem to be driving voters towards the Republicans at every misstep you clowns make.

    DJT has 2020 in the bag and you two should cry more.

  34. Are you sick of the "Kek trolls" @Melody the First?
    You almost managed to use the parlance. Almost. So hip, so edgy. An edge-lord.
    Is it because you've been "educated" by the (((New York Times))) to hate white people (like yourself), the USA, men, and the President? Poor thing. That's going to take some undoing.
    Luckily, you've got at least 5 more years and a majority of better educated and brighter Americans who are happy to give their time deprogramming you and those other lost souls like you. Better get used to the idea because your (((heroes))) are busy digging the D party into a hole they might never be able to climb out of. The rest of us are fighting for the country.
    It's going to be hard but you will, eventually, accept the love and forgiveness of the so called "Kek trolls" you're trying so desperately to distance yourself from. HRC called us deplorables and you see how that worked out for her. She lost the un-losable election with her words of hatred.

  35. Bill Clinton Jodi Foster or Tatum O'Neal

  36. A “coup”?! Oh fuck off. He’s deserves every moment of the impeachment investigation, he and his team have consistently proven this.

    But what do I know eh? A senile, disoriented, incompetent, corrupt moron who has increased national debt substantially is of course an awesome president. BUT HER EMAILS! PEADO RING! CLINTON!

    Fuck all the way off. Pathetic.

    (Oh and preempting the inevitable need to call me a libtard, snowflake etc. Cool story bro).

    I hate the fact Enty associates with people like Gabe and Tiffany Fitzgerald - if anyone cares for a laugh, I’d recommend reading the latters twitter. Delusional codswallop is putting it mildly. 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

  37. Oooft HS. I don’t know where to start with you. 😂🥴🥴

  38. Trump is a dumb f*cker who has no business in the White House.
    Joe Biden's crotch fruit are ill-behaved drug addicts.
    Two things can be true at once.

  39. @jes
    as much as it pains me to say....I believe this is indeed the Bush daughters (who were the bigger fish, and knew how to ditch the ear-wire guys) and Ashley Biden.
    All three are 38 years old....

  40. HS launches some truth bombs

  41. PLEASE. Republican OR Democrat, we need to know what politician’s vote can be bought or manipulated because they are desperate to keep their little darlings’ secrets under wraps.

    Keep up the good work,Enty.

  42. @AbbyRock If you can say that, your husband is already "without balls".

  43. This is about Barbara and Jenna Bush and Prince Andrews daughter Beatrice.
    All born in 1981 and all liked to party underage 20 years ago.

    The opposite side.
    The opposite side of the was of independence

    The nuggets ‘not just about the party, but more’
    Prince Andrews recent exposure about what he was doing at that time.

    The Saudi Embassy in London.
    Is on Charles St.

    It’s also why the ‘police types’ were only after two of the girls...not the princess.
    No doubt to use for blackmail purposes also.

    Also why Bush allowed the Bin Laden family to fly out of the country very shortly after 9/11.

    Seems they still have nuggets to use as blackmail.

  44. Repub. Democrat. They're ALL fuckin dirty. American lives do not matter to the politicians who are supposed to be working on behalf of the people. It's all about money and always has been. The Bush Family had deep financial and business ties with the Saudis. Everyone knows that. Follow the money and it will become obvious why 9/11 was allowed to go down.
    Why are we fighting each other along political lines? Let me reiterate: Unless your net worth starts at 1 Billion, NONE OF THESE POLITICIANS GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
