Saturday, January 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #7

January 18, 2019

If the experiment goes horribly wrong they have a woman to blame for it which is what this studio wanted. The A/A- list mostly movie actress all of you know has a franchise installment that is going to stretch the boundaries of who watches the movies.

Scarlett Johansson/Black Widow first R rating for Marvel movie

Blind Items Revealed #6

January 18, 2019

The disgraced producer thinks he can get things done more cheaply and thinks the bad stuff is behind him so got rid of the person who made the bad things disappear. The producer will regret his decision.

Harvey Weinstein

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 18, 2019

A group of designers have banded together and are making it very difficult for the mistress of the very very rich guy to find a dress for the Oscars. Apparently the mistress is going to get shown off so every reporter can ask the couple about their relationship.

Jeff Bezos/Lauren Sanchez

Blind Item #8

Our favorite closeted A-/B+ list mostly television actor had a great year. What is he going to do for an encore? Well, he found someone for the showrunner a couple of months ago and lo and behold, our actor got another role. 

Blind Item #7

I guess he is still permanently A list, although he hasn't really done anything of any significance in quite some time. Oh, he did make a really bad movie within the last year or two. Shockingly enough, it could have been worse though because the alliterate former actress turned escort was attached to it at one point. Anyway, our actor is broke and trying to scrape by on the direct to streaming stuff.

Blind Item #6

Speaking of the disgraced director, this permanent A++ list mostly movie director was asked to comment about the director two nights ago and just ignored the question. Hmmm, a little complicit maybe? A little too much like looking in the mirror?

Blind Item #5

At the request of the big studio who wants to make as much money as possible down the line for this movie, this disgraced A- list director scrubbed every bit of his association with the movie from his Instagram. Like people, will forget. Please.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 18, 2019

Our celebrity CEO had the first of many bad days today.  The teeth of his settlement with the Feds kicked in at the beginning of the year, which put a damper on his ability to lie about the really big things. Both of his big companies are in deep, deep financial trouble.  The others are just complete frauds.  It's 30 minutes to midnight.  After the crash is complete, expect people from the CEO's personal and business lives to spill even crazier tea than you've ever heard about him before, and that's really saying something.

Elon Musk

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 18, 2019

The stature of the performers at this tribute concert was supposed to be much higher, but dozens of A listers wanted no part of the widow.

Chris Cornell

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 17, 2019

I doubt the Coroner will ever make public is how all the drugs were administered to this deceased news anchor. It was not orally or intravenously or via nasal passage.

Chris Burrous

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 17, 2019

Apparently even when this A list singer was at her peak love of this B+/B list actor she was still hooking up with one of her exes for sex and coke lunch hours. They usually occurred when the actor was working.

Ariana Grande/Pete Davidson

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list singer is proving once again that if the check is large enough, she would perform for anyone under any conditions. OK, maybe not a live execution, but shortly thereafter probably.

Blind Item #3

Just like I told you would happen, the family kept out the underlying cause/contributing factor to the death of this barely there celebrity formerly partnered with this permanent A lister. He argued it was for her family. Nope. It was for him because he didn't want to answer questions about his own health.

Blind Item #2

I think this team thinks if they wish hard enough they can make the not true, true because there is no way this former tweener turned A- list singer has the amount of sobriety her team says she has.

Blind Item #1

Apparently this reality family is able to overlook the other two dozen accusations against this woman beating/sexual assaulting/multiple five year restraining order receiving A list singer and think he is being falsely accused of one complaint, but totally forget the dozens of others. Awful people.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Blind Item #14

This permanent A list comic movie actor is a celebrity offspring. His wife left him because he is such a jerk. Still married, at least for now is this permanent A list comic television actor who went to a strip club with the movie actor. They were escorted to a private room with a bed by several strippers.

Blind Item #13

Considering this foreign born former reality star host turned celebrity was in an Uber Black blowing a man not her husband, it was quite the shock to see her on a red carpet with her A list mostly movie actor husband later that night.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list everything in her mind never has carbs or sugar. She just wanted to get some attention for it because she is going to be selling a diet and workout program.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born three named model/wannabe actress was already wafer thin. Now though, with her crash and burn forced commitment idea gone astray she has been starving herself, drinking and smoking and nothing else and is a wreck.

Blind Item #10

The girlfriend of this A- list mostly movie actress is name dropping the actress at high end stores to get free stuff. She is then selling the stuff. Her actress girlfriend has no idea any of this is happening.

Blind Item #9

According to the police, there is something not quite right about the statement given by this A- list reality star who only is that high if you watch the actual show, otherwise you have no idea who she is. It could make sense to some extent if she split with that guy she is supposed to marry and was moving things out of his place to hers, but that is not what she told police.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 17, 2019

The biggest tell that this "relationship" is not what it seems is that within days of meeting this A- list disgraced mostly movie actor from an acting family, his girlfriend quit her job to focus entirely on the actor and her visibility. There are a number of fake projects she has listed to bolster her credits which has in turn, got her small roles on other projects set up by the actor and his friends. They have also added her to short films which in this case, take it to a whole other meaning because the films are a minute or two long but there is a credit for her on IMDb. Seemingly all she really does is cash the checks he gives her while following him around the world making it seem like he is not the horrible creeper he really is.

James Franco/Isabel Pakzad

Four For Friday - Tricia 13 Blind Item

So this is one of many Epic nights I’ve had the privilege of having. ... It happened in my original city of NYC which still is  a a fabulous place for spotanenous parties.
I am there because I was involved with a Theatre Company that boasts some of the biggest names you know and see on screen /stage all time. We were all there for a Benefit reading of a now (very famous Writer/Director). The party was non -disclosed until I had my conversation with an actor and he essentially brought me and my friends/entourage to an iconic Playwrights loft with people and celebrity that spanned the spectrum... We still talk about it and though some are no longer here.. it was a night to remember .

In the effort to keep it tight- the players that night are as follows:
Mr 1) Flirty Former A list TV actor from several network shows. He was also a leading male in a cult fave film(one of mine anyway).He was single at the time or dating that former  foreign born MTV personality.They married and It didn’t last and I know why-(he’s a flirt) yet he’s the reason we were invited to The Iconic playwrights  apartment (killer pad btw). We chatted and I said “so you going to ———/////party ? He said yeah ! Follow us  in a cab. We did (naturally)  He’s a flirt.
Probably why they not together/divorced.

We arrived Man2)There we were greeted by the charming and very gracious Permanent A list playwright-his most notable work was likely that amazing piece adapted to film starring the triple threat actor whose an A list Dick and America’s Sweetheart for awhile.... Prelude to downfall.
Man3) a very mysterious looking young guy with good looks and a bohemian cap. You know him now from  both film/tv (and Theatre if you run in those circles)and he is an excellent actor. Had a High profile relationship and now has kids.This night he was an up and comer starving actor and we connected. Exchanged numbers and had dinner/dates in the future -but I had no idea how far he would go ,just knew he called me post party from a Brooklyn number where he was crashing and asked me to dinner(I declined). We met not long ago but he was with the female1) foreign born A list AA nominee still and I didn’t take that Vespa ride.

Next person to walk in was Man3)an Actor(working on his Directorial film debut. He was coming off a hugely successful film where he got the attention he never got from his TV show or even his famous mom/dad. Talented guy., but lacks in the personality department. That’s “just reality”.Love the  90s It film he was in with the former It girl as well as the film he was in process of directing... it was shooting in NYC and he showed with that fabulous actress from an acting family who is/was extremely shy, and very humble. We talked about her son. Her work, her family and the party that was unfolding around in us which seemed bigger life.  Grew more so when
Man 4) walked in with then fiancée.I had met him  as he was on the Artistic Board of these same theatre  folks, and he was always guarded., but charismatic. Liked his drink, his — well that.
Iconic family, unfortunate destiny. The night was just beginning

Your Turn

How many tattoos do you have? If you don't have one, would you ever consider getting one?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 17, 2019

There is now a minimum requirement of 5-7 puff pieces per day praising the alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity. I wonder how all of that will play out when the former husband decides to sell the wedding reception video that is being fought about behind the scenes.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 17, 2019

This disgraced, now former reality star from a show that is still airing, has given up drugs because of testing, but is drinking more than ever. He is also flying in new women each week, but apparently not paying them. They just want to come and hook up with him.

Thomas Ravenal/Southern Charm

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 17, 2019

Bad news for the cast and crew who were counting down the days until the end of this season and the departure of the namesake of the show. Apparently she was just cruelly teasing them and now plans on staying which will be a soul crusher for everyone who works there.

Ellen Pompeo/Grey's Anatomy

Blind Item #8 - Reddit Blind

The link

I don't associate with him anymore, but I was involved with a musician who basically groomed me from the time I was 18. He was verbally, emotionally, and sexually abusive. Almost everyone he knew, he had something bad to say about them, and he would play at friendship to reap the rewards of whatever they could offer. He's purposefully pick fights with lesser talent just to watch the drama unfold, and would demonize people who disagreed with him or dared to call him less than perfect. His best friend was beaten down as much as I was, and he used said best friend for free everything. I remember once trying to stick up for him and that didn't end pretty.

However, his public persona is charming as fuck. He's outgoing, he's fun, he knows how to build people up, he's high energy. He's built up this reputation as being this hyper-inclusive voice of the underdog and I've read people's testimony crediting him with their own self improvement. I sometimes wish I could tell his fans that he literally does not give an iota of a shit about them. All he cares about is their money and loyalty because he needs the ego boost, and if a single one of them stepped out of line he'd drop them like a sack of shit.

Sometimes, I'll get one of his songs on a playlist or a remix or something and I seriously feel nauseous. I can't believe he's got away with everything he's done.

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list mostly movie actor/possible conspiracy to commit murder suspect knows he could never get away with his legal maneuvering here in the US and it is a long shot even overseas. Even if he does win, it is not going to change the fact that everyone knows what he did and how he tried to blame the victim for it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 17, 2019

This flowering financial institution knows where all the bodies are buried when it comes to the drug use of the celebrity CEO. Her deposition should be fascinating and something the CEO probably never saw coming.

Azealia Banks/Elon Musk

Blind Item #6

This foreign born former A list singer in her own country who loves last names as much as she loves last names, drugs and flop records is back in the news again because she continues to hang on to her endorsement contract, despite her being charged for a hate crime against a black woman while any minority who has the same endorsement contract is dropped in a second if they step out of line.

Blind Item #5

Despite the drug cocktail she takes every day, this HIV+ former A list singer from a permanent A list group that has not had a hit in a long time, is having a tough time physically right now.

Blind Item #4

The individual claims are really small, but a group of people scammed by this former A- list really bad actress turned A- list really bad reality star turned celebrity are banding together to try and get a class action suit together to get their money back and to hold the former actress accountable.

Blind Item #3

This permanent A list producer/writer who is probably about A-/B+ list as a singer right now had a line of shoes that sold out. He loves to brag about it but the company had to cut the price by 50-60% to accomplish it. They won't be back.

Blind Item #2

This film festival founder and dual-threat producer is very vocal about #TimesUp on her social media.  She also hired the disgraced A-list director for his most recent big film, and hasn’t said a word about it.  Total hypocrite. 

Blind Item #1

This very wealthy foreign born star f**ker thinks everything is love, but her barely there celebrity that all of you know took the opportunity to cheat on her with his ex during a child visit.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blind Item #14

This A+/A list actor/director is back on the booze again.

Blind Item #13

A gun belonging to this A+ list singer/rapper was used in a botched armed robbery. Apparently our rapper/singer leaves his massive arsenal unlocked at his home.

Blind Item #12

Apparently the lawyer for this deceased man has documents that are going to blow a case wide open regarding the death of this former A- list mostly movie actress. 

Blind Item #11

The wife of the disgraced producer has been spending some nights with him. 

Blind Item #10

Apparently there was an A+ list mostly movie actor who was backing multiple entrants in a recent online betting tournament. That A+ lister cut deals with employees of that company for special perks and trips and even money to make sure the actor's backed entrants got special treatment.

Blind Item #9

This former naked celebrity turned multiple reality star wants another show and figures the best way is to grab an already established reality star to generate some buzz. Is he up for it? We will find out.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 17, 2019

This record label wants you to look at one of their hands while they mute the child molester and want you to ignore the other hand that just gave a ton of money to the serial woman beater who never stops doing it.

RCA/R. Kelly/Chris Brown

Today's Blind Items - Grooming

This foreign born B list mostly movie actor has long been one of the "finds," of this disgraced A- list director. The find was actually first set in motion by this disgraced Oscar winning actor who first ran into him when the actor was just this side of legal. The actor has used his youthful looks to pick up boys who are not legal and during filming of this award winning film that is having a big year was instrumental in bringing those eager underage boys to the accommodations used by the director during filming. There, the boys would be shown films the director made and told they too could have a future in films if they would hit the casting couch with the director. Now, with the director running from everything, the actor is reaching out to those boys to make sure they stay silent. 

Your Turn

What is the biggest wedding you have been to number of guests wise. I was thinking about this one and I'm not sure. As a guest, you really only can guess. Way back in the day, I think I was at one that seemed to be about 300-400 people which cost about 1/30th or less of one I went to once that had about 50 people attend. The 300-400 people one was basically BYO everything. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 17, 2019

This former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer could not stop talking about happy he is to be taking some time off from his brand new wife. He aid it is exhausting being married to her.

Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 16, 2019

The federal government is financially backing an entire project for this streaming service just to get people to come around to this new branch of the government. Yes, it is a sitcom, but the government is the one who made sure the series got a greenlight.

Space Force/Netflix

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 16, 2019

The half dollar rapper has been warned here before. Now, it may be over. The alliterate talk show host started leaking what she has on the rapper and it will be the end of his career. He just wouldn't stop piling on and now it is going to cost him.

50 Cent/Wendy Williams

Blind Item #8

PDA is super rare with this dual threat A- list actor who is having a very good award season. What better way to distract from the lies he told yesterday and will continue to tell for the next month every time he is asked about the disgraced director.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born permanent A list singer who has also done the reality thing didn't let on to this permanent A list celebrity all of you know that he supports his fellow country person rather than the celebrity in a very controversial position.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 16, 2019

For the past year I have been telling you this celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ list singer needed rehab. She finally went. Apparently a family member walked in on a suicide attempt which was the final straw.

Paris Jackson

Blind Item #6

This former back in the day A- list mostly television actress who is arguably more famous now, despite not really acting at all any longer is begging for a defamation suit being filed against her which would bankrupt her just in legal fees. She always blames someone else other than herself. If what she says is true, then go to court and change things. She won't because she knows everything she did.

Blind Item #5

As I have previously mentioned multiple times, this A list couple thought of their children as little more than props that didn't get them the attention they thought they would and basically ignored them. Apparently though, since their decision to split, there has been a huge war between the pair over custody and who loves the children more. The half dozen nannies are being cajoled to support one side or the other and are being offered huge monetary inducements to do so. I say the actor gives up first because he just wants his freedom anyway. 

Blind Item #4

The female married celebrity offspring of a celebrity who really has to use that last name more and more to get any kind of job got trapped in a corner. A reporter asked our offspring her thoughts on Chris Brown's history of violence towards women. The offspring expressed her condemnation. Then the reporter told her all of the times her husband publicly supported Chris Brown and the offspring said there were lots of positives about Chris Brown too. 

Blind Item #3

Everyone outside the industry was expecting this French sounding actor to get n Oscar nomination. What they didn't know was our actor's underground reputation for not being such a nice guy and the inability of his PR team to overcome that reputation.

Blind Item #2

There is one studio which hired the disgraced A-list Director back in October. The film has not begun shooting yet. Before yesterday’s big expose, my source said that the aging studio head and a VP were pushing for the disgraced A-list Director. The son of the studio head was still fighting to ditch the director. Apparently the son still has morals.

After the expose, the source said about the disgraced A list director’s involvement: “Huge chance it doesn’t happen.”

Blind Item #1

This B+ list late night comic actor told some really disgusting jokes the other night about raping babies but when someone called him out on it, the actor said the person calling him out was to blame because they were not being respectful of the actor's mental health. So, you get to say what you want and blame it on that and no one can say anything or they are the bad guy?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Blind Item #14

Even though everyone knows this foreign born B+ list dual threat actress who has starred on multiple shows from the same streaming service is gay, she is not allowed to come out. Her fans in her home country where she is A++ list like to pretend she isn't gay and would turn against her if she went public with her sexuality. 

Blind Item #13

In order to keep his deal hosting that end of the year special, this frequent host/mogul had to agree to a commitment of several million dollars of fake calls that he uses for various segments that the parent company of the show he hosts at the end of the year, owns. Those fake calls are generally the ones where there are jilted lovers or fake adultery or anything else that is well outside the norm of what you expect from morning shows.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born permanent A list model offered herself up to the yachting Gods with her recent cover shoot. She is looking for her next husband. Watch for her next boyfriend to be Middle Eastern. The bidding war will be intense.

Blind Item #11

This permanent A list mostly movie actor/lover of Russian hookers was such a pain filming a television show that no one wanted to do another season even if it had been a monster hit. 

Blind Item #10

This former reality star turned B+ list singer has big substance abuse issues, so he is probably not the best choice as a partner for this B+ list reality star from a below the Mason Dixie line reality show.

Blind Item #9

Apparently there is a script/playbook this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress all of you know, is following. For the next month there will be dutiful wife pictures and full on make everyone love me pictures to try to get people to see her new movie so she can get a higher billing next time. Then, after her movie premieres, she plans on leaving the country for awhile and ignoring her marital duties until such time as they are required again to land another gig.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 16, 2019

There may have been a seismic shift in the Earth because this tabloid went against a planted PR story from the momager who always gets what she wants from the site. Apparently there was so much blowback though they had to actually write the truth. It was only because there was blowback though or else the unchallenged not true story would have been left to stand.

Kris Jenner/TMZ/Travis Scott asking permission from Colin Kaepernick to perform at Super Bowl

Today's Blind Items - The Spy

This actor is probably A- list. He can play serious or comic. When acting in comedies, he often plays second fiddle to someone higher on the list, but not nearly as good of an actor. Our actor owns a string of vacation rentals focused primarily in resort locations around the country. Warm weather spots. Tropical destinations. Honeymoon destinations. According to an assistant who left the actor's employ about six weeks ago after almost a decade working for him, the actor has a huge secret. Each of the actor's properties has a security system installed. Not just on the outside. The thing is, he makes sure to let everyone know who is potentially going to rent from him, but her buries it deep in the descriptions of the condos. The former assistant sent one to me and it reads, "Surveillance or recording devices on property - The property is equipped with a camera doorbell. There are also seven additional cameras; one in backyard and two inside to monitor the front porch. In addition, there are cameras monitoring each room for your safety."

You really have to look to find this disclosure in his properties. The thing is, none of the guests have access to any of this video. It is not for their protection, because they can't see it. Instead, it is for the actor who always looks at the photos of every potential guest and their profile and makes it a priority to let honeymooners rent. Our actor has thousands of hours of footage of guests having sex and has kept tabs on guests he found interesting. He has hooked up with several of them, but even they have no idea about the recordings he saw.

Your Turn

Are Reese's Pieces as good as Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 16, 2019

Speaking of bad producers, this way under age actress who stars in a movie franchise and a cartoon show that is the Russian version of the annoying Caillou is fighting off producers at every award show stop honoring her brilliant movie performance. There are so many guys always hitting on her who love she can't even drive.

Elsie Fisher

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 16, 2019

This B+ list mostly television actress is on two shows airing on this streaming service. She also kicked a producer in the balls who tried to cop a feel of her breasts this past weekend at an award show.

Julia Garner

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 16, 2019

This obviously wasted A- list mostly movie actress all of you know, cried and begged her way out of jury service yesterday.

Amber Heard

Blind Item #8

There is going to be a quick check cut in this lawsuit recently filed because this foreign born A+ list rapper wants to keep secret what he was doing with the closeted A list athlete that night that will see both of them go down in flames.

Blind Item #7 - Kindness

The tipster said it best, so I will leave it as is. Unfortunately they didn't provide any type of description for the kindhearted person, so I shall tell you the person was a foreign born permanent A list singer who was a multiple Grammy winner and has an iconic song all of you know.

When I was younger than I am now... There was a festival. I guess you would call it a foreign festival. But it was THE festival. My Dad and I went. The weather was great. We were camping. There were loads of activities, drumming, crafts etc it was crowded. I was old enough to wander off on my own but clearly not old enough to find my way back.

So I lost my Dad. We had arranged a meeting place if we got separated. Problem was I couldn't find the place. Because I was a chronic daydreamer. So there I was, in the biggest crowd I'd ever seen, surrounded by hippies. No dad in sight. I wandered around for what felt like hours but was probably minutes before bursting into tears.

Someone tapped my shoulder. Asked if I was ok. It was a nice old man. I'm snot crying and can barely speak at this point. I said I'm lost, can't find dad. He said 'It's ok we'll find him together.'  We looked for our meeting spot which I barely remember.

While we were walking he told me about the time he lost his mom at the park and how scary it was. Trying to help me feel less embarrassed. "We've all been there. Everyone's had this experience at least once. We all found our parents again." Etc. It was a while before we found it. He probably had better things to do than babysitting me.

Anyway Dad was waiting for me. I hugged him and started crying again. Meanwhile he shook the man's hand and thanked him etc. He seemed unusually taken with the guy. I thanked him. He said I was most welcome. Tipped his hat at me and away he went.

Dad. Starstruck says " DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS?"

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 15, 2019

This network was looking for any excuse to push this anchor for several of their shows out the door. They are convinced she was one of the main leakers of stories about the disgraced morning guy she used to share a bed with together while both were married to other people.

NBC/Natalie Morales/Matt Lauer

Blind Item #6

Left out of the conversation with this A list singer/A- list actress about her reaction to some recent big news is that she was passed out on pills and booze.

Blind Item #5

This celebrity none of you have ever heard of even though she is married to a permanent A list musician from a permanent A- list band that doesn't play any longer got a present from her still skeptical baby daddy. She wants fame in the biggest way since Kate Gosselin. So, our musician paid for some paps to take her photo. Our barely there celebrity spent three hours deciding what to wear and in hair and makeup for the 30 minute shoot which was predictably painful to watch as she tried to look as if it was all random.

Blind Item #4

This MTV reality star who has been on since the beginning of the franchise realized she had no way to earn income other than working for a living and immediately signed on again for another season. Almost every last one of them is screwed when the series does finally end. 

Blind Item #3

This A- lust dual threat actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee ticked off the studio of her new movie because now every question asked of her will be about her support of the child molesting singer and people will associate her support of him with the movie. 

Blind Item #2

The long awaited expose about the disgraced A-list Director has finally arrived.  If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend going through every single line.  This should completely end the director’s career. It is much worse than what was written to end other big Hollywood careers. The people who have worked at this for years said they had the goods on this guy, and they delivered more than any of us could have expected.  They just had to fight for a long time against very powerful and evil people to get the story out there.

Blind Item #1

This A- list dual threat actor who is getting a lot of award season love for a movie is playing dumb in his latest round of trying to dodge questions about the director of his movie that is garnering the awards. If anyone would ever ask a followup, his story would fall apart.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blind Item #14

Just remember that when everything comes to light about the alliterate singer married to the pro athlete and their wild nights together and solo with him and the adult actresses, where you heard it first. Oh, and no matter what anyone says, the timeline does fit. He might not be the father, but the timeline does fit.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born mostly movie actress is probably B+ list. She would be higher but spent the last year trying to recover from the relationship she had with this A/A- list mostly movie actor who terrorized her life for years. Our actress is still in therapy multiple times per week, but had been doing multiple sessions per day.

Blind Item #12

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress all of you know who has one of the best relationships with an ex you will ever see is hooking up with a Japanese businessman who is married but makes sure she lives a comfortable lifestyle. 

Blind Item #11

It is racing up the charts because it sticks inside your head like no other song in awhile. The singer made sure she got the song and will tell anyone she slept with multiple people to make sure she was the one chosen.

Blind Item #10

Don't believe her hype. This former A list athlete has had sex.

Blind Item #9

A producer on the play turned announced movie had nothing to do with the play, but has everything to do with the married A- list actress who is the star and his former co-star. More time together.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 15, 2019

This B list celebrity offspring is soon to be married. She had a book a few years ago and was going to do a whole book signing tour but cut it short because the only people who showed up were people from her parents generation who were hoping to spot her parents.

Katherine Scwarzenegger

Today's Blind Items - In The Shadows

Despite its proximity, this person has never wanted the glow of fame. At one point in time, she was the most famous name in the world. It was brief, but she was there for all the world to see. Since then, she has been in the shadows. Her last name is A+ list. It is recognized by generations of people. In today's society, people still recognize it, but not to the extent it was once held. Across Europe and the rest of the world outside North America, people still know it. She is at a level of riches that most people can't comprehend and has been that way her whole life. People assume she has nothing to do with the sprawling empire of her money, but they would be wrong. She recognizes how her family made their fortune and follows that same philosophy today. Because she moves in such rarefied circles, no one would dare question her about the activities of her companies and how they traffic people from one continent to Europe through the same routes used by her ancestors. That is how they made their money. No one would question she was in charge of a huge drug smuggling route between South America and Europe, again using many of the same trade routes her family has used for generations. In the last couple of years there was a hiccup in her shadow plan. She was forced to briefly emerge from the shadows. She will never forgive a certain person for doing that and he will end up dead. No mystery about it. He will be murdered. No trying to make it look like something else. When the time is right, his throat will be slashed or he will be gunned down. No one crosses her.

Your Turn

Favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 15, 2019

This in the news married mistress is hooking up with one of her bodyguards.

Lauren Sanchez

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 15, 2019

There is a convicted murderer publicly hanging out with a way underage C list social media celebrity.  The killer previously admitted to having sex with a 14 year old boy, in a book about 2 decades ago.  Of course, it’s really rape, since 14 year olds can’t consent.

Michael Alig/Desmond The Amazing

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 15, 2019

This alliterate former almost A- list mostly movie actress has been making the rounds doing press and has been pressuring her team to get her new projects which she assumes must be in the works because of her recent presence. Nope. No one wants her for anything other than slapstick kind of things ala Sharknado and the ilk.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Item #8

There is not a huge age disparity, but it is still definitely illegal and making producers of this new network hit nervous that this A- list actor who has a main role on the show is hooking up with this way underage actor who has a recurring role on the show. If you know why the A- lister gets fired at the end of the season, you know the reason why, no matter what is said in the press.

Blind Item #7

Most of the time, concert venue staff/promoters don't do anything when a performer brings someone underage backstage or even cares what happens to them. Most of the time. Even this foreign born A+ list rapper couldn't do so at a recent event because it happened at a casino. He was told in no certain terms the minor had to leave the area immediately. No one is willing to risk a casino license. The thing is, now the casino is 50/50 whether the rapper will ever be invited back to perform.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 14, 2019

Will not be a shocker if this actress/talk show host ends up divorced. She and her significant other could barely contain their dislike for each other at an event this weekend.

Sara Gilbert/Linda Perry

Blind Item #6

Speaking of closeted, I don't know if this part-time reality star full time suckup to this reality family is still pretending to date that woman he has been hanging out with forever, but for the past few weeks she has been sucking face in public with a guy who I'm guessing she is doing a lot more with when not in public.

Blind Item #5

There are new movies to promote and an award season to get through which is why this A/A- list mostly movie actor from multiple franchises is hanging on to his beard awhile longer. The interesting part is his PR people called in a favor to make sure the tabloids all wrote an article about how great his relationship is with her. It always looks odd when all the tabloids run the same type of puff piece.

Blind Item #4

This host of multiple shows and formats/mogul is doing everything in his power to get people to settle a lawsuit because he is afraid if he is deposed that very personal questions about himself may be asked which he doesn't ever want to answer.

Blind Item #3

This B-list producer of children's movies, including a live action reboot of a classic, found himself in some hot water, due to something he said on social media regarding violence towards children.

Blind Item #2

At Saturday’s PGA breakfast for that film about the dead A+ list singer, the producer with a royal-sounding last name completely avoided mention of the disgraced A- list director in his prepared remarks. 

The new association president deserves recognition for bringing up the subject.  The producer responded with the same old fake story about the director supposedly needing to take care of a sick mother. Of course, all the usual kneepad-type Hollywood reporters simply parroted this fake story.

The real story is that the director was fired,  He was freaking out and not showing up to work, because he was worried about a then-forthcoming article, exposing some of his misdeeds.  One of those anecdotes described an underage-looking boy procured off the streets for a group sex session.  .   

Blind Item #1

This record label executive says that no matter what the result overseas in that rape investigation that this A/A- list singer/woman beater will still be on the label.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Mr. X

January 14, 2019

Which alliterate talk show host is not only in rehab right now but has also hired an attorney to look into her personal finances, because she knows her husband has taken money out of their charity and her personal bank account to pay for gifts for his mistress? If your also wondering if they're splitting up for good, well yes. They've  been living separately for about a year. Whether she will drop him as manager as well remains to be seen.

Wendy Williams

Blind Items Revealed #6

January 14, 2019

This former A list tween/teen mostly movie actor is off spending more of your hard earned money on another one of his long vacations. This vacation is known for having a lot of couple swapping which seems right up his alley.

Corey Feldman

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 14, 2019

On the way to an award show last night, this former singer turned television actress was rude to her driver and refused to call him by his name. She just kept saying driver.

Mandy Moore

Blind Item #8

This one named singer/part-time yachter got dropped from her record label because the man she was sleeping with at the label, left. 

Blind Item #7

The call and the tip to the tabloid all came from the same phone number. A phone number which was never even present at the location where cops were sent. It was all just based on a hunch. The person behind the phone number will do it again and again if needed.

Blind Item #6

This former back in the day A list singer/rapper/duet partner who spent some time in jail for some serious offenses has teamed up with some of his former fellow inmates on a ponzi scheme.

Blind Item #5

Without that strict oversight she is used to having, the times this permanent A list "singer" has been drunk has increased ten fold over the past month. Someone needs to step in now before it gets out of hand.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 13, 2019

This foreign born A- list mostly television actor got dumped because he couldn't stop hooking up with every fan who showed any kind of interest in him.

Richard Madden/Ellie Bamber

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 13, 2019

It is not so much what she wore, rather that the very underage actress all of you know wore it specifically for her much older boyfriend.

Millie Bobby Brown

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 13, 2019

She may in fact be pregnant, but this foreign born A list rapper hasn't stopped using, so she might not be pregnant for long.

Nicki Minaj

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 13, 2019

The foreign born reality star is trying to raise cash which is all good. She says she isn't making any money from her show which is not true. Within one week of getting married, she had work authorization and a social security number. No one goes on the show for free.

Larissa Dos Santos Lima (90 Day Fiance)

Blind Item #4

One of the reasons that this former A list athlete took his own life was he feared his biggest secret being revealed. It remains to be seen if that will occur now because there really is no need to bring it to the light of day.

Blind Item #3

What no one seems to be discussing is how wasted on drugs this three named former model/actress/host was when she got into the incident with another person the other day. That is the reason the three named one delayed reporting it.

Blind Item #2

In a couple of weeks on national television, when she is in the crowd, everyone will be introduced to the yachter who has hit it big with the A list NFL player who has no idea how she has previously earned her living.

Blind Item #1

Very interesting that the first music released by this former tweener turned A- list adult singer/bad actress is on her ghost singer's record.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #7

January 13, 2019

This A/A- list reality star from a reality family is going to freeze her embryos, not just eggs. Even if she is not going to be together with the foreign born serial cheater, she only wants one father of any future children. He agreed because he thought it would mean she wouldn't leave him.

Khloe Kardashian/Tristan Thompson

Blind Items Revealed #6

January 12, 2019

This former Disney actress turned B list adult actress who I am refraining from calling future porn star for now has been out there taking names. At an event she attended last weekend, she was pointing out casting agents and producers who tried to get her to sleep with them for parts. She made sure the up and coming actresses knew exactly who to stay away from.

Bella Thorne

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 12, 2019

Not only is she going to get dumped by this B+ list serial cheating rapper who was last seen with a B+ list singer from a singing family, but he is still using as much as before and told her if she loved him, she would also get a face tattoo. She did.

Annie Smith/Lil Xan/Noah Cyrus

Blind Item #8

This barely A- list reality star from a reality family is upset about leaked text messages because it shows how he likes to make each fling think they are the only one so he can have an entire string of women.

Blind Item #7

Apparently this is more than just a rehab thing for this alliterate talk show host. It is also a could die kind of thing.

Blind Item #6

This former stripper turned model turned celebrity turned reality star turned whatever she does now likes to tell a story that makes it seem like she never sold drugs. She sold lots. 

Blind Item #5

This former reality star turned reality movie star has moved on to some very hard drugs. An overdose is now within the realm of probability, rather than possibility. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 12, 2019

If you can't start a fashion company to launder money, then another great way is to start a movie production company that spends a lot exploring deals but never actually produces anything. That is what this former almost A- list actress turned escort is doing.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 12, 2019

This serial killer, because lets face it, that is what he is now despite always being referred to as a campaign donor should be asked about the two deaths about six or seven years ago in Charlotte under the same circumstances. The only difference was they occurred a few days apart and in hotel rooms.

Ed Buck

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 12, 2019

This CEO’s company just had a big round of layoffs. The CEO left the office by 11am that day, and took his private jet for the 25 miles to get home.  Every employee was told about whether they still had a job or not by email later that day.

Elon Musk

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 12, 2019

The girlfriend of this incarcerated rapper/convicted child molester is cheating on him while still asking the rapper for money for bills and other gifts.


Blind Item #4

This alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity invited dozens upon dozens of A+/A list celebrities to her baby shower. The vast majority said no, so now, our former actress is telling everyone she is not allowed a shower. The same rule was in place prior to the invitations, but she was going to ignore the rule. Now, suddenly she is going to follow it. Uh huh.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born multiple reality show participant/mogul is used to picking his fellow participants based on how likely they are to sleep with him and would like the same thing with his big show here in the US. So, look for some new female talent to be brought in.

Blind Item #2

In a sighting about as rare as sighting a Stresemann's Bristlefront, this closeted A+ list mostly movie actor was out in the wild alone with his long time boyfriend.

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. This A+ list mostly movie actor is not dating or hooking up with this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. He is into very young blonde reality stars right now.