Saturday, June 29, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 20, 2019

The reason this A list comic/actor wants to keep his social media information private is because he knows it will leak and everyone will find out just often he did/does cheat on his wife.

Kevin Hart

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 20, 2019

The late night host no one likes, especially his employees, is leaking stories that he may quit. Please, he just wants a raise. He could never make this kind of money doing anything else and he knows it.

James Corden

Blind Item #8

Just as I told you a few weeks ago and already revealed, this former A-/B+ list actor from an acting family where he never was the biggest doesn't have enough money to get divorced, let alone, get married. The girlfriend he was supposed to marry is starting to realize it too and their relationship is on the rocks.

Blind Item #7

Wait until the fans find out about the biggest foreign born group in the world right now and their involvement in the drugs and hookers scandal and how the group is not only involved, but also profiting from it.

Blind Item #6

The alliterate actress in legal trouble wants to change her plea. If she wants no jail time, that would mean throwing her spouse under the bus. Will she be able to go through it.

Blind Item #5

It wasn't a no show type of thing, it was a no invite type of thing from this B+ list actress who is nowhere close to being the highest on the list in the family towards the A list dual threat actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. No one wanted her there.

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 19, 2019

This celebrity offspring is probably A-/B+ list. Her reality star boyfriend all of you know got hammered drunk and cheated on her with a random woman he met at a bar.

Sofia Richie/Scott Disick

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 19, 2019

Turns out the "leak" about the result of this game show was actually done by the studio who distributes it because they wanted spectacular ratings. They got it. Biggest numbers in over a decade which wouldn't have happened without the leak.


Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2019

This former reality star/always letter closer was in the same town as her reality star rival this past weekend. The letter closer already hooked up with the rival's significant other and this weekend landed a wealthy man they were both after.

Sincerely Ward/Porsha Williams

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 19, 2019

He might be out now, but they are still using his script and this three named actress agreed to star in the movie knowing it was his script and knowing everything he was accused of.

Max Landis/Chloe Grace Moretz

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee pulled a knife out on a recent date and said she wanted to tie him up. 

Blind Item #3

This former Housewife who now has her own show has no money. She is rolling the dice trying to get a big raise. The thing is though, now the show is more likely to be canceled which will really put her in a bad financial position. My guess is she will then move across the country to her husband's home state and downsize and try and sell a reality show about that.

Blind Item #2

After trashing/ignoring/appropriating an entire culture and then forgetting about them when it wasn't convenient any longer, this former A+ list tweener actress says it was all a misunderstanding and is trying to win them back. 

Blind Item #1

Of course this permanent A list mostly movie actor sticks up for someone accused of sexual assault. It isn't the first time. I mean just look at the family member or even the mirror.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

You have just three more chances to have your photo included in Random Photos. If you want pretend you are in an episode of Heroes with Jimmy Jean Louis, then email your photo to
Adam Lambert on Good Morning America this morning.
Lady GaGa in NYC this morning.
Alicia Vikander and
Jennifer Connelly joined
Millie Bobby Brown at a Louis Vuitton event lat night in LA.
Miranda Lambert and her husband in a very rare pap photo.
Mark Wahlberg after working out yesterday.
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Reader Photo #7
Zac Efron's long time party buddy, Ryan Rottman at the premiere of his new movie.
The great thing about this photo of Ava Sambora is that Pimpa Joe didn't take it. He has in the past.
Tara Reid on her way to the open bar while
Wendy Williams looks like she already found it.

Blind Item #13

This former A/A- list teen actress who had her own show has nothing booked no matter how hard she tries. She spent a weekend with a producer who said he would cast her but then he didn't. She has tried red carpets and promo modeling, but nothing is working. Her only hope is something that has been in the can for a long time and is only now seeing the light of day. I feel like her former boss is somehow behind her shunning. Because she wouldn't play his game. 

Blind Item #12

This barely legal social media star who actually got nominated for an award from the slime channel was wasted out of her mind at an event this week. Apparently she was like a zombie.

Blind Item #11

The main sticking point for this permanent A list mostly movie actress signing on for a role in a Marvel movie is she wants to be paid more than anyone has for a marvel movie. Her only concession is that it can be the most per minute of screen time than anyone. She is pretty adamant about it which, considering what I think her financial situation is right now, is a pretty bold move.

Blind Item #10

Apparently Bani met with a man this week who recently had dinner with a very wealthy businessman who owns one of the world's landmark buildings as well as one of the world's landmark hotels. When the son of the businessman died, the father received all the possessions. Included in them are a series of 24 pictures with the negatives of this foreign born permanent A++ list celebrity nude and partially nude.

Blind Item #9

By my count, there are at least four A listers who contributed to the serial woman beating A lister's record. This is in addition to the two other A listers who made a music video with him.They say they care about women, but this doesn't really show it. They also know that the media is too scared to ever ask them about it because all those reporters just want backstage passes and to feel cool rather than holding their feet to the fire and making them justify their actions.

1. Foreign born former A+ list tweener
2. Foreign born former A list female rapper
3. Foreign born A+ list singer/rapper
4. Former A+ list rapper who makes a lot of kids and a lot of music.
5. A/A- list reality star from a reality family.
6. Foreign born A+ list singer.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 18, 2019

Think this celebrity CEO has thin skin? You would be right. If you own one of his products and complain, he can make your life miserable through all those little back doors. Speaking of back doors, apparently that is why he turns to the A- list actress. The one named singer doesn't enjoy that activity.

Elon Musk/Amber Heard/Grimes

Four For Friday - Bring Her In

Back in the 90's, this actress was probably A- list. A couple of nice television runs. Not as the star of the show, but as a good solid second billed person. On the show that brought her fame was also the show where she got the reputation as the barely legal (and lets be honest, she was doing it before she was legal too while on the show) actress who loved doing threesomes. She was publicly in the closet, but loved men and women and was up for anything.

It was that up for anything that kept her employed when the vast majority of tween/teen actors now going into their 20's struggled to find employment. In fact, the star of the show that made her famous suffered from that for a couple of decades. Right after her show ended, she had lots of offers. They all came with the wink wink knowledge that she was there to have fun with the star of the project during the shoot or the producer before she landed the job.

This went on for a good decade through another successful television run and then she was done. At that point, she wanted to get her life back and be who she wanted to be with rather than feel like she was having to be with someone for work. She has done a couple things in the decade since, but for the most part has just been living her life, including coming out.

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 18, 2019

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is probably known in every corner of the world promised a group that he was going to give them a $2M check at their huge event yesterday. Nope. It kind of goes with his normal charity giving. A lot of talk, but no actual check writing.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 18, 2019

This A- list mostly television actress who stars on a very hit long running network comedy has also been A- list in movies. Apparently she is hanging on by a thread these days with pressure and stress and all the calls for comment which is one of the reasons she pulled her podcast.

Anna Faris

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 18, 2019

The Groupons are out in force now for this A list everything in her mind concerts. People told her in advance it would be a tough sell, but she thought she could sell shows out. No one is all that excited to see her. Even at 75% off, tickets are a tough sell.

Jennifer Lopez

Blind Item #8

This A list reality star was nowhere near death, but that wouldn't make for good television. Go ask the doctor if she would have died and see what he says. A lot different answer. 

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actress in her own country is probably B+ list here. As part of her punishment, she was forced to drop a guy she was with for quite some time and is now the girlfriend of a high ranking government official. Apparently she is expected to also get pregnant.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 18, 2019

The disgraced producer is trying to make a tactical move to delay his trial longer. The idea is to keep delaying to see if it falls apart under its own weight or any settlements he can pay to make it go away.

Harvey Weinstein

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list mostly movie actor sent out a cease and desist to the foreign born former A+ list tweener to stop using the actor's name in the singer's PR stunt. Since then, the whole thing has gone away.

Blind Item #5

While he usually goes for older high school teens, this foreign born former superhero is the one who had final say on casting the way underage foreign born A-/B+ list actress because he wanted to get to know her. Uh huh.

Blind Item #4

This gun sounding reality star from that show I hate should probably know his new girlfriend is already in a long term relationship and is just using him to see if she can get on television too.

Blind Item #3

This A list singer/wannabe actress quietly put a duet back on some song services that she had publicly pulled while trying for positive PR.

Blind Item #2

That recent gift bought by the A list-ish rapper and her husband that supposedly cost six figures actually was fake and cost about 1% of what the PR people leaked.

Blind Item #1

This A list singer/sometime reality star is supposed to get married. I bet she doesn't know about the pregnancy scare her soon to be husband had with another woman.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Throw a wig on Celine Dion and you have
the lady from Something About Mary.
Chrissy Teigen landed another show for the summer.
David Guetta gets papped in London.
Joel McHale talking about Stuck last night in LA.
Audrina Patridge explains to Mischa Barton that reality shows aren't really real.
Russell Brand and his beard are back in Los Angeles.
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Reader Photo #7
Christian Slater out and about last night.
A very rare red carpet appearance for Sofia Vergara.
Marisa Tomei was at the Spider-Man premiere last night with
Jake Gyllenhaal and
Tom Holland and Zendaya.

Blind Item #13

This permanent A list actress who had an iconic role in television and movies is using a shell company to hide the fact she is paying slave wages to the people who make her fashion line.

Blind Item #12

The seemingly weak hearted producer was supposed to be traveling with his lender/rapper to promote the show they worked on together. He bailed, which didn't surprise very many people.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress is leaving the franchise that made her a star. The thing is, when she first started out in it, she was almost fired because of her excessive partying. She realized it was a once in a lifetime gig and pretty much has been sober since.

Blind Item #10

Not the greatest look for this trying to make a name for herself celebrity who has only really made headlines in the past couple months when you bail on a huge event for your brand new line of clothes.

Blind Item #9

The woman with the very tough title to pronounce is getting divorced. Apparently she is still seeing the royal. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 17, 2019

Whether or not she actually followed through with it is one thing, but she did say it. This former infamous A list celebrity told a friend she was going to have sex with her significant other while outside the country and he wanted him to call her by the name that made her infamous.

Amanda Knox

Today's Blind Items - Not Just One

Much like rock stars hooking up with way underage teens, we also seem to give a pass to celebrities we like. Lets not forget three big names that Wilmer Valderrama hooked up with were all underage (Mandy 16, Lindsay 17, Demi 17) when he did so. Oh, and that Joel Madden was closer to 30 than 20 when he took the virginity of a barely old enough to drive Hilary Duff. Oh, and don't forget the nearly 40 year old Jerry Seinfeld hooking up with the underage high school senior.

So, it shouldn't come as a shock that we have given a pass to this former A- list mostly movie actor who was in his mid 30's when he was dating someone barely old enough to drive. The thing is though, she wasn't the only one. As he was introduced to her friends, he would invite them to his home after school, usually paying for a driver to pick them up and drop them back off so no one would see him with them. These teens ranged in age from 13-17 and he always thought that losing their virginity to him was the best thing that could happen to them. That they needed a real man to show them the ropes. He must have committed several dozen statutory rapes, not including his permanent underage girlfriend. Even when this comes to light, and it will, no one will say anything. It will all just be chalked up to celebrities being celebrities and people will probably agree with his awful misguided theory. 

Your Turn

Choice for swimming:


Blind Items Revealed #4

June 17, 2019

He just couldn't help himself. Every chance he gets, this permanent A list musician from a permanent A list group takes a dig at his foreign born former actress wife. This is probably why his kids don't really like him.

Tommy Lee/Pamela Anderson

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 17, 2019

This foreign born singer who loves the end of the week was spotted hooking up with a local porn star when he visited a European country.

The Weeknd

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 16, 2019

A celebrity CEO with a huge social media following steals memes without crediting the artist. When the CEO was called out for doing this, he joked about his theft, and said that he purposely refuses to credit the artists.

Elon Musk

Blind Item #8

Apparently when investigators looked more closely at holes inside the former MTV star's house, they discovered some of them were from bullets. Most of the remaining holes were from what looks like a fist.

Blind Item #7

This alliterate reality star who doesn't have many original body parts remaining talks a lot about cheating but is hooking up with a married man who still lives with his wife.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 16, 2019

The alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity has taken to posting on social media in the third person. Apparently it has started to seep into her DM conversations to and she refers to herself in the third person and is becoming annoying because in private, she does it to make herself seem more important.

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #6

This former A list mostly movie actor has multiple Oscar wins/nominations. He also has been one of the most difficult to work with actors of all time which is why he has trouble getting work. It is rich that he called out an actor/former co-star for being difficult to work with. It is true, but still, he should look in the mirror first.

Blind Item #5

This Housewife is about to learn a hard lesson that what you can say about someone on a reality show where everyone signs up to be dragged and shamed is not the same as the real world. Calling out a celebrity for being on drugs when the Housewife had no clue at all, is going to end up as a lawsuit.

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A- list-ish actress who has a big new project coming out gave a woe is me interview about how she feels taken advantage of in her career. Ummm, you are the one, along with the married men you were involved with that broke up multiple marriages and came thisclose to breaking up another. You flaunted that one everywhere throughout the world for people to see. Oh, and you also spent a lot of time with the disgraced producer who got you a bunch of roles. So, where is the taking advantage of you?

Blind Item #3

As much as the alliterate talk show host wants a fresh start, if she moves out to LA, most of her staff and crew would be out of a job and she doesn't want that to happen.

Blind Item #2

With the delay of the release of the next installment of the female fronted superhero movie, the bearding arrangement of one of its A- list stars is continuing until its release. They are both so ready to move on. 

Blind Item #1

Apparently while she has been free on bail, this former A-/B+ list actress has been engaging in behavior which is going to end up in more charges for her. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Want to hang out with Celine Dion's son in Paris? Well, you can, at least in this space. You have five more days of Reader Photos before it goes away until December. Email your photo to
Ellie Goulding and
AKA Sticks at a party in London last night.
Cuba Gooding Jr. arriving in court today.
Chris Hemsworth in the standard I'm selling a watch photo shoot.
Lauren from Utah wants another Range Rover.
Lucy Hale making a fonut run which are to donuts what turkey bacon is to proper bacon.
Nicky Hilton and
Mary J Blige at The Love Ball.
Another day another night where Priyanka Chopra and her mom shared one room and Nick Jonas had one to himself.
Rachel Brosnahan filming The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in Miami.
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Reader Photo #7
Evan Ross and Ashlee Simpson hanging out at Universal Studios.