Monday, January 20, 2020

Blind Item #12

Getting wasted so you can't stand while out of the country is probably not where this former A- list singer/kidnapping co-conspirator really needs to be right now.


  1. dunno she is normally described as a murder suspect here not a kidnapper

  2. Janet Jackson.

  3. Courtney was in Paris for Dior show the other day.

  4. Yep, Courtney sounds right for this one. Frances Bean's ex accused Courtney and her manager, Sam Lufti, of conspiring to kidnap and kill him. Not sure if that case is still open or if they settled...

    1. Omg, Id completely forgotten that ever happened, Erin.
      Damn. Good memory. Sam Lufti, that dude was always a mess.

  5. R. Kelly was accused of kidnapping, but wasn't there a female singer accused of trying to traffic children in Haiti about five years ago?

  6. it is not Courtney love she is not an A++ list singer she's not even a B list singer!

  7. I saw a picture of Courtney. She looked bad. I am shocked she is still alive.

  8. HouellebecqGurl: Haha, thanks! Scientology and Courtney are basically my personal gossip beats. Even better when they intersect. ;)

    Marie: I am kinda shocked, too, and also kinda not. I'm pretty sure that when the apocalypse comes and the White Walkers face off against the zombie horde after the fatal meteor strike melts all the reactors and sparks a nuclear winter, Courtney will be the last human standing. Well...the last human-like creature standing.
