Saturday, January 04, 2020

Blind Item #1

Considering how many drugs she takes, and how much she drinks, being pregnant would be the worst thing ever for this former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress. Two of her friends says she is and is trying to decide whether to keep the baby or not.


  1. @Gia I thought she was doing well/sober of late?🤷‍♀️

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Based off these blinds, you'd think she was still deciding whether or not she wanted to keep the new kidney.

  4. Prescription drugs or street drugs? Either way, she should consult with her Dt.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Who is the father?

  6. Every picture I see of her she looks great and healthy. Of course pictures can be deceiving.

    1. I agree with this. Her friends look to square and boring to be doing drugs with her, and she seems to be with them 24/7 idk if she is at least she’s keeping her life private and not falling out of clubs!

  7. Has Demi ever acted? I mean, besides acting sober? Cuz this sounds like her.

    1. Camp Rick and Sonny with a chance disney

  8. You’d think she’d be dead now or a mother of three or doing so many drugs and alcohol she’d be wasting away from all the blinds about her posted. Come on this is absolute bs they to post some bs to fill the pages. Not that they are always wrong about stuff but most of the time it seems like throw something at the wall and see what sticks.

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    @Hotmess I have been rooting for this young lady for awhile. While she appears much healthier than when she came back onto the scene last fall after disappearing for awhile (mental health breakdown/drugs?), she definitely seems off, especially in the eyes.
    She seems heavily sedated and sad, IMHO. Would love to know who the possible dad is. And babies never solve problems.

    1. I feel we should cut her a break! It’s obvious she’s been sad. The poor girl gets judged and slammed deformed everything. She stays out of the public for the most part. She never said one shady thing to Justin or Hailey when they humiliated her publicly! Idk she seems like a genuine person

  10. Anyone at hillsong could be the father!

  11. I have a friend who had a terrible coke addiction. Nice girl, rich family that was in the dark about it. Her friends were all worried. Anyway, she got pregnant (I have no idea who the dad is, maybe she doesn't either). And she cleaned up her act. Best thing to happen to her. Most women have one child, statistically speaking. I think it's a reason that many women leave their partying days behind them.

    1. I agree. I was going to say “back in my day..” pregnancy WAS a good thing as most women I know either straightened up somewhat permanently or got rid of it.

  12. Fake blind. Enty hates SG. When Selena doesn't look pregnant in a couple of months, Enty will insinuate that she decided to end the pregnancy, or that her drink and drug use made her lose it (and then the blinds about her depression spiral from grief or guilt will commence).

    1. Thank you someone else agrees with me.

  13. HushHush, it's the reason why SOME women clean up their act, not most. Geez, it is a stupid statement to begin with then you exaggerate to make your point seem more relevant.

  14. According to Enty, Selena has been pregnant at least a half dozen times. He’s like tabloids and Jen Aniston being pregnant at this point.

  15. And Biebs knocked the bitch up every, single time Enterns said she was knocked up.

  16. Fucking puff face selena is so gross and plain, with her face and body being the way they are, she'd have to be pretty far along to tell if she is preggo or not. Pretty soon her fat cheeks will squish out any room her beady little eyes have now.

    1. Wow!! Lol you must be a belieber!🙄

  17. @Dumblesnore: Who hurt you?

    1. Yeah everybody even Hailey Baldwin is not that hateful. Crazy tween dumblesnore .

    2. Fucking stay puft faces like Selena's hurt my delicate tween hater sensibilities lol

  18. Even 'backer in my day', abortions were not offered in my state. If one had to travel hundred's of miles, it made one think. and back then, to be 'an unwed mother', still meant something.

  19. ... and who would be the dad??
