Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Blind Item #2

The regular media is finally reporting what I, and everyone else who works in LA has said for years. The one named talk show host is not a nice person.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just saw Ellen over at the DM.
    Someone needs to tell her to change the styleup now that she's older. Ears keep growing, Ellen. Change the hair first xo

  3. I felt it during her acceptance speech on Sunday. Like she was doing people a favor by being there. 🙄

  4. Her and Oprah are insufferable. Two lesbians single handily brainwashed an entire generation into thinking they are the gold standard of being "good" when in reality they are the opposite. Well done mockingbird media.

  5. Where is this article calling Ellen a crap person? Anyone have a link?

  6. @rosie so true. She needs more hair around those elf ears!

  7. Ellen's bio is BS. Her brother was already a small celeb when she was PICKED as the winner of that Showtime special that launched her. Then the coming out thing and the first lesbian sitcom? PUH LEEZE CIA So obvious. It's weird though, like she and OHpra have women under a spell. A very smart friend of mine kept her GIANT TV on the OWN network all day and that was some rank stuff. Oh here's the bad guy, he's a white man! What a shock.

    I have had a strong distaste for mass media since the late 70s and these two rank way up there as most annoying crap shoved down throat. ahem

    1. @momo

      1) I’m female & I shave never liked Ellen or Oprah

      2) I honestly believe Ellen is a man

      3) I honestly believe Oprah protects chicken hawks because she is one of them

      4) I have not and will not do the Momo Challenge; )

  8. Some people are only able to perceive a friendly face and a nice tone of voice. It's like how you can insult pets but as long as you're acting happy and using a nice tone they think you're complimenting them.

  9. Ellen. She's a horrible person. I worked at the ad agency that did the Amex ad with all the animals. She was a nightmare.

  10. She may not be nice... but the same can be said for A LOT of men in Hollywood. And if you read her bio and compare it to her brothers bio, you van see that what @momo says is 100% untrue.

    1. Seriously? You HAD to throw in your man hating into a comment section discussing a lesbian white woman?
      No wonder people hate all of us.

  11. I love how the comments on this blog are now filled with fent-popping conspiracy grandmas. Is this what America is like? What happened?

  12. @Unknown The masks are off. Welcome to the real world :)

  13. Anybody who get to that level (Ellen, Oprah) did not get there because they were nice people.

  14. Just because there is one blind that states that one woman is not nice, doesn't mean we need to be reminded there are unkind men out there. Jerky people come in all packages.

  15. Most humans are a$$holes, maybe Ellen is just better at it.

  16. @MyDog hear, hear. Well said!

  17. Will not watch anything she is in or on.
    The "game show" she hosts - cringe worthy - she is a bully.

  18. She must be nice.

    Her good friend killed half-a-million innocent people.

  19. family member was on one of her production shows. interesting comments about her backstage. i was miked up so kept my mouth shut.

  20. Portia now looks like Ellen's twin.

  21. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Ellen. I will never understand how people fall for these phonies. Ellen, Oprah and the rest of them.

  22. Ellen is terrible to work with. She came into our offices for a project and she is a nasty piece of work.

  23. If you watch the clip of Ellen's first appearance on Johnny Carson, from decades ago, she is either a really really good comedian or she was really well coached that day.

    If she is underneath it all a really good comedian, well life is super tense for funny people and you can't expect the sober ones to be nice to more than a few of the people who are closest to them.

    If she was coached, well that means she is just a cog in the machine and is probably not happy with life and does not have the energy to be nice to more than a few of the people who are closest to her.

    1. I saw her standup in the late 80s, she was the opening act. She wasn’t funny. I think I may have snickered once during the whole set. And it was a weak snicker.

      When she started her talk show, she was funnier and I knew then it was that she could afford better writers. She’s terrible at comedy.

  24. Cant stand oprah. She has one topic- herself! What i saw, what i bought, what i ate, what i reccommend, my new house, my 9th new house, my garden, what i planted,- ugh, stfu

  25. She got sued for galimony back ib the day and has been a bitch ever since.

  26. OMG could she have had her huge ego stroked anymore than it was Sunday night? Did anybody else also think it was bizarre how Charlize acted while giving Tom his honor? I thought Julia Roberts would have been a much better choice! PS I love them both, but the look on Henry Winkler's face when Tom was getting his award was great!

  27. @auntliddy - haha, so true! She talks over the top of her interview subjects too - actually, Ellen does that as well.

    I have a gift of being able to tell what sort of person someone is by looking at them and can tell you Ellen has a very dark energy. She is NOT a good person. She might be nice to animals, but that's about it. And as someone suggested above, she and Oprah didn't rise to the top by being nice people. Ellen makes me laugh by ending her show telling everyone to be kind to one another ... if only she'd practice what she preaches. The fact that she doesn't dance anymore suggests to me that she's sick and tired doing the show ... sore joints, yeah whatever ... she's just there to collect her $$$ for another few years, that's it. She even sounds bored while she's hosting.

  28. I agree...with ears like that don't put a neon sign on them. No mention of Portia?

  29. Portia is Better Off Ted.

  30. TW ha too much time on hands. Get out of house.

  31. Nobody has great success by emotionally hugging every employee over a 30 year ground breaking career.

  32. One of my fave blind reveals was Vaginefeld arguing with a hooker in the hallway of a hotel because the hooker wasnt hot enough and Ellen too cheap to pay the kill fee.

  33. I remember when Ellen gave a big fat check to some school in Michigan. The guy she gave it to was indicted, found guilty and went to prison.

  34. I worked with a gal who was a former production assistant on Ellen’s show. She left & took a major pay cut to work on the show where I met her. She is the nicest, calmest, most easygoing person, so I was surprised when she unleashed the truth about her former boss. I never gave Ellen much thought, beyond the fact she seemed like an affable animal advocate. I had no idea what a massive bitch she could be. From what I gather, the vibe behind the scenes was very tense & toxic.
