Sunday, January 12, 2020

Blind Item #3

I'm shocked this foreign born former A list boy bander is alive. His drug use should have already killed him ten times over. Apparently his celebrity friend is back around not just for drugs but also because she wants to marry him so she can inherit everything when he does die.


  1. Zayn. It's his 27th birthday today.

  2. Just like Entern to piss over people trying to celebrate birthdays...

  3. lol bold of gigi to assume his team/lawyers wouldn’t lock in terms where she can’t black widow his ass. How old is Gigi again? Over 25? Girl, model as much as you can bc 30 yrs old is often geriatric on the yachting circuit.

  4. Tattoos.

    I never understood the attraction to them.

    Especially all over your body.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The only thing they’re addicted to, more than each other, is drugs. Junkie love rarely has a happy ending.

  7. How about being happy this guy isn't dead, Enty?
    Maybe he's cleaned up?
    Sounds like you're jealous about their reunion or you want him dead.

    Get a grip.

  8. This has to be Hadid/Malik... Read something about them getting back together. Junky madness.

    Tattoos can be nice, but agree with the whole body, its a little much. I only have a couple myself..

  9. Tattoos, people trade one addiction for another, or pile the addictions on top of each other.

  10. Zayn is so talented, this is sad. I hope he gets it together. Gigi is a no talent user.

  11. This is so gross. Even moreso at their age.

  12. Zayn actually looks much healthier to me.
    Really wish he’d get it together.

  13. Zayn was the only talented 1d'er. Good for Gigi to get that junkie money.

  14. Gigi made 10 mil on her own last year I think she's fine

  15. This is a very nasty accusation frankly and I do not think Gigi wants to marry him or she would have said yes the 3 or for times he has asked before. Also she is rich and an heir to even more money. She does not need his

  16. What is Zayn supposedly on? Obviously if Enty is alluding to the fact that he will die, it is more than pot. Is it rumored that he is on heroin?
