Thursday, January 23, 2020

Blind Item #3

Not only did the A- list singer/crap actor make sure the paps were front and center for some staged photos with his wife, he also used it as a marketing opportunity by telling the pap the names of the companies that made certain items of the clothing being worn. 


  1. doesn't his wife have herpes

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      The Derek Jeter herpes tree branches are long and wide. Half the actresses in Hollywood are on it.

  2. Ha i left the Timberfake to you my Dog:)

  3. You probably have herpes also. Surprise!

  4. Serious question... What did Timberlake do to make CDAN readers hate him so much? I don't follow him nor pay attention... just curious as to why the intense dislike not judging one way or the other. Thanks!

  5. @cc423, it mostly comes from the Britney,Janet issues,he has a pattern of throwing everyone under the bus to make himself look better. It's not just here,either.

  6. @cc, Maybe more of the regulars can chime in, I think supposedly there was some dark stuff before I started reading CDAN. All I remember is the cheating, which seems questionable because it's obviously some kind of open marriage.

    I mean come on, he brought sexy back!

  7. 1. Because of being douchey, e.g., what this blind describes; 2. Because he is in a fake marriage so his life is a lie; 3. The previous means he'll do anything to make money; 4. He treats fans and others like crap, and 5. His hair and his punchable, smug face.

  8. Because he is and thinks he is better than bandmates who were a great team. He must be an only child ..

  9. Thanks for the clarity! I have just never paid attention to him...

  10. @Mydog, you beat me to the punch on that one! Fake AF, I hate that guy. Lest we forget his disgusting all denim matching outfit with Brit brit. Never forget it!

  11. My friend used to work at a hotel. Timberfake stayed there for a weekend. He did the "Do you know who I am" routine the whole time he was there, to everybody he encountered, from staff to other guests trying to enjoy breakfast. He literally approached people who were not paying him any attention to ask if they knew who he was! This was maybe 4-5 years ago.
    He's a tool.

  12. Low Key-- that's amazing! Argh!

  13. I don't know, is it just poor people skills and a questionable marriage? Wasn't the rumor that it was lavender anyway because Biel swung the other way? He brought sexy back! ;)

    If you really don't like Timberlake you should check out the Punk'd episode:
