Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blind Item #4

If you are going to stay up all night partying and doing drugs, then you are going to look like crap and give a crap interview during a morning talk show. This A- list singer/bad actress discovered that this week.


  1. anyone know where she gave it?

    1. She looked like she was still high on kelly and Ryan

  2. A- singer? How do he give these barely can sing singers get high marks, color me purple
    That kidney is not going to do her much good at all, she's trying to kill herself..

  3. Here's an article about her morning interview.


  4. thank u mydogsmiles!

  5. You're welcome @nms2080 :)

  6. I saw it on Kelly and Ryan. It was very awkward and I got the impression that Ryan and Kelly could tell she was on something and was thoroughly caught off guard and all three gave an awkward interview.

  7. TBF these Disney products have the modicum of talent required to sing, dance and act otherwise the Mouse wouldn't hire them.

  8. Selena is a horrible singer, not sure how she is famous honestly

  9. i just watched a video of the interview. She looks super tired and really puffy and talks very slow an doesn't make a lot of eye contact.

  10. Are you f*cking kidding me? That was the best I've ever seen Selena, she seemed like a real human being. Plus she was tired from getting into town at 3am because her flight got delayed, WTF do you expect? She got their jokes, made some of her own, was able to relate stories and memories. Loved when she called Seacrest out for being dark when he jokingly said that stuff doesn't work for him unless it's painful.

    It's like stars can't win. If they're too chipper or high energy then they've obviously coked up. If they act like normal human beings or are heaven forbid, tired, then they must either be on something or hungover. They can't win.
    If I would have been that tired I would have started with congratulating Seacrest on his transformation from rentboy to mogul and asking Ripa what she was famous for. I mean honestly I just had to google her, some soap opera stuff and marrying Mark Consuelos the mafia DILF from Riverdale?

    1. Wow. Someone has a hard on for Selena. LOL

    2. Count if the one. Brayson is just being Brayson! He's a peach!

  11. The interview is also great because you can tell that she's a 27 year old woman stuck with the face of a child, like that mug hasn't changed much from her Disney days.

  12. @Diana, Actually that person would be Count. If you think it's me then you must not come here often. ;)

  13. All Disney chattel are promoted because they are from the top families. The lip-syncing and fast edits because they can't dance hide the absence of talent.
    That overbite and the chipmunk cheeks that are required to support that inbred dentition actually works for this royal IVF bastard. Beaner/Christkiller is a pretty hot genetic scramble in her case. She got the hot half of south of the border.
    Hands to Myself, her paean to ringing her own doorbell while dreaming of breaking into a gay hunk's mansion is her best effort. At least I could "sing" along with her on that one.

  14. Mk ultra or demonically possessed empty soul vessel paraded around for money and the enjoyment of others. That's all

  15. Shes self medicating from getting passed around to everyone at hillsong for dope with biebers blessing

  16. Flying drys out the skin and at least she gets to fly first class.

  17. She dont blast a line in the green room?
