Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Item #4

Unlike some cases where celebrities really are not invited to award shows, this A-/B+ list singer/celebrity offspring has a standing invitation to attend the Grammy Awards, but chose not to go because she had nothing to plug. She told her "boyfriend" she wasn't invited so she wouldn't have to play make believe for an entire night in front of the cameras.


  1. lol at ''boyfriend''

  2. You would think she would have wanted to see her Dad perform, apparently my joke about her being Jelly may not be a joke after all!

  3. its a scary day when Noah Cyrus is more memorable than Miley lol!! (she was there I think) because I see her pix everywhere lately

  4. Oh Noah was there and ALL over MGK.

  5. yes that was it. ICK

  6. Pretending to be in love with Cody Simpson would be a stretch for any actress, let alone Miley. Lol

  7. On the other hand, Miley wanted someone who wouldn't care about her sexual proclivities. Cody definitely couldn't care less as long as he's not involved, so win-win? 🤔

  8. Maybe we're finally starting to reach the beginning of the end of award show relevance.

  9. Ahh, interesting, Guesser!

  10. @Amartel, Actually that was day one 😅
    We already know who the real winners are from ticket sales and downloads.

  11. why is Miley still "dating" Cody ? If it's fake then end it no one cares anymore and no one is paying attention to who she's dating, it's doing nothing for both or them so i don't get while they are still pretending. You think she still doesn't sleep with him?

  12. @Regina, It's about her audience and fan base. Some were less than impressed when she manically ditched her Hollywood hunk husband to immediately jump into a lesbian relationship with a random. Miley doesn't sell songs, she sells herself to the audience. So she tried to protect her image with this faux relationship.
    And oh yeah, Cody's barn door supposedly swings the other way.

    1. She's a desperate attention whore.

  13. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Miley was supporting her family, at 13 or 14 years of age.
    She was sold as "Hannah Montana".
    She needs your Love and Light..... Not your gossip.

  14. Noah is awesome!! She is the more talented singer!
