Saturday, January 18, 2020

Blind Item #5

This music manager is trying to rehab his own image through a documentary about a client that the manager had final cut on. It makes the manager appear to be some type of angel, when that is clearly not the case.


  1. statement from her majesty the queen, harry and meagain are no longer part of the royal family.

  2. Moped....err Scooter!
    Worse than Blue Ivy & Audioscience !

  3. Holy crap, @Herbert!

    1. Next up (or down), a "leaked" sex tape of Megan and Harry...

  4. Time to end the Royal Reign ! People like to talk about how barbaric we as Americans are with the Native Indians.........most of the people who killed them were fresh from Great the Irish potato famine. Millions starved while the Brits took their food.Just as horrendous as our Native genocide. Brits are afraid to speak out about it ...unmarked mass graves all over Ireland.Time to end the insanity. Those people even kill family members who do not toe the line.

  5. But Fat Markle's HRH stands for heavy, really heavy.

  6. But if you go to their Sussex Royal site announcing this they repeatedly refer to themselves as Their Royal Highnesses, so they seem not to give AF

    Also still getting that 95% from the Duchy of Cornwall, so they won

    1. It just happened so it will begin. No more money and paying back the renovations. Teen terrorist is next

  7. @gauloise, they cannot legally continue to use those titles and they will have to remove it from their website and any other business ventures.

  8. @John Doe

    Yes, but this is from their official statement on their site, updated just now announcing the just released terms, so they are still using it.

    "Update: 18th of January 2020

    In line with the statement by Her Majesty The Queen , information on the roles and work of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be updated on this website in due course. We appreciate your patience and invite you to explore the site to see the current works of Their Royal Highnesses."

    The statement referred to and linked is the one that says they are losing their HRH titles. This is them fucking about, there is no way that was a typo.

  9. She's losing all those big, fat titles except "big" and "fat."

  10. God save the Queen. And we are really, really sorry Canada!

  11. I predict a divorce in two years, when the money doesn't come flowing in. WHO would give 1 cent to them?

  12. 'Diana killing' lol. Diana was a whore. Yeah that doesn't justify the in-theory "murder" of course but she was about as much of a Saint as Angelina is now.
    Anyways, screw them, screw Meghan, who cares. It's boring now.

  13. Don't worry, the xenophobic Brits won't be asking "Prince" Perv to give back his titles and money. They won't be hounding him, because he's one of them. And oh, when will "he" be interviewed by the FBI regarding Jeffrey Epstein?

  14. Have you seen about Megan's charity work - sit in the office and take a few pictures, only with staff, and get given a gold and diamond necklace. Is it just me, or is there something wrong there ?

    1. If you’re talking about the photos in the domestic violence shelter, the women staying there don’t want to be photographed. If their photos are published, their abusive partners would know where to find them.

  15. They are not losing their HRH titles, they just can't be styled as HRH. Me thinks the Queen is hedging her bets if they divorce down the road. She can reinstate Harry as HRH. He is still the Prince of Wales also.

    Now lets see if Megan can parlay this into a global brand for 100's of millions.

  16. Hmmm....the Queen has official custody of any children born to either William or Harry. If there's a divorce, I wonder if she will wield her power and demand that Archie returns to be brought up in the UK and Harry will return.

    1. This isn't 1680. The crown does not have legal rights to children.

  17. Is she returning the jewellery? Who is paying for their security? How can they still be Sussex "royal", if they can use their titles? Who gets to live in Frogmore cottage now? I feel it's a win for H&M if they get rid of all the duties, but get to keep all the perks and recreations.

  18. If half-prince Harry had any balls (lol) and wanted to really make a point, he'd get a fucking job. As in, get to work on time and do what someone else tells you to do.

    Of course, in Harry's case, those instructions would have to be very, very simple, and delivered very, very slowly and patiently.

  19. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I guess his title can always be restored when he comes crawling back. What a waste of a once hot man. I was rooting for Harry to be the Rogue Bi IDGAF Royal.

  20. Thanks to his fat wife, he's well on his way to IGDAF, as in I Don't Got Any Friends.

  21. Going back to the the necklace the charity Justice for Girls gave Megan, I wonder why they chose a whales tail ??? Lol

  22. Not that whales aren't aren't very amazing animals.

  23. norster said...
    God save the Queen. And we are really, really sorry Canada!

    You damn well should be. :D

  24. @herbert arnold, hahahaha, omg, what is it you monarchists are missing? Harry quit, kicked the firm to the curb. The palace is trying to save face and put their own spin on it. Good for Harry, I wish him the best. I call this action from Harry; Diana's Revenge. Harry knows how his mother was treated, so long, island nation.

  25. Harry has never lived outside the toyal firm. He doesn't know how to work. This won't work unless Meghan can make mega millions, and that won't happen. Who would donate to her besides Oprah, her enabler?

    When Fergie got divorced from Perv Andrew, she got a multi million dollar, multi year Weight Watchers spokeswoman gig, a tell all book, and that's it. Her fame rapidly faded without being royalty.

    1. Harry was in the military. He probably knows how to work.

  26. Why did Meghan marry Harry in the first place? It seems she was scheming to kick William and Kate out of the line of succession, and when that didn't work, through leaks about them, she could not stand her place so far down in line and quit to make money.

    This sorry excuse for a family is all about the line of succession, and everyone else can either fall in line or go rot.

    1. What a bizarre thought. What is your thinking? That one by one, William, George, Charlotte, and Louis would mysteriously come up missing or be found dead in a basement? You'd also have to knock off Andrew. It turns into a bloody mess in a New York minute.

      So, no!

  27. Focus. This is Scooter Bitch. His clients end up nuts or strung out or both.

  28. I haven't seen Enty's take on all this, He hates the Markle. Anyway, these changes will take effect in April so they are still HRH until then if I understand this correctly. That also means they get to curtsy to everyone who is HRH including Louie.

    What do they keep. The Duke/Duchess titles, Earl, he's still a Prince of the UK, no more tax support but the Duchy (dad's) will pay them per annum. No more duties on behalf of the queen (considering they are no longer HRH) but they keep the organizations they represent. He's still doing the Invictus Games. They cannot market under HRH which is representative of the Queen, but RoyalSussex still has viability. Sussex without the HRH is only them.

    Harry has offered to pay back 2.5 millions for work done at Frogmore. That work should have stopped when they decided to walk out on this royal gig which apparently has been in the works for months and they all knew it including the Queen who was preempted in the announcement. That's all I got.

    Also, Scooter B..
