Sunday, January 26, 2020

Blind Item #5

Considering he slept with someone other than his wife at the party last year, and that the foreign born permanent A list singer was also in attendance, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the one named permanent A list singer just did a quick meet and greet and was gone from her husband's annual shindig. 


  1. Also great thinking by her leaving Jay on his own to screw anything that moves.

  2. I'm not a Stan for anyone, but her ratings should be A+ not A
    He's going to screw who ever he wants

  3. Hovas been boning riri since the 40 40 club vip days! I dont think bey even cares anymore

  4. Keep making that lemonade Bey

  5. I don't know if it was always the case,but it's a business arrangement now. Hey could have done better. And Riri could and should. She is one of the wealthiest woman in music,but doesn't put any out or tour anymore. Others should take note.

  6. I was surprised they invited Rihanna considering. But oh well.

  7. Riri has had the shit beat out of her by her b/f in the past, so she may know better and can do better but she doesn’t try very hard to do so.

  8. Celine Dion and... soneob?

  9. It's an open marriage, my question is, where is she getting hers?

  10. I will never get why women will sleep with butt-ugly men. Butt-ugly killers and rapists. I don't care how powerful they are, having sex with a complete pig for a job is SICK. If a Weinstein POS came after me in a hotel room, I'd circumcise him with my house keys.

  11. If Beyoncé left Jay-Z, which one would be better off financially? I guess what I'm asking is, who needs who more?

  12. @Brayson87 Ashley Everett
