Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Blind Item #6

Apparently this alliterate A list reality star is no longer pursuing, or at least is taking a very long unplanned break from the pursuit of higher education we had to endlessly hear about last year.


  1. And her legal stardom lol

  2. Who really thought that she was going to become an attorney? Bitch please.

  3. Learning to be an attorney is hard.
    There's a lot of studying you have to do.
    It, also, takes away from the time it takes you to get pretty to pose for sexy selfies.


  4. Thought she was about to set up her own law firm- guess she's now found out you actually have to pass something called exams. Lol

  5. Meanwhile, Caitlin is saying KK's going to open her own law firm! Wonder if this will include a giant billboard of her photoshopped self somewhere in L.A....

  6. I suppose it's still possible that she could OPEN a law firm. She just couldn't practice law there.

    She could be the receptionist or something.

  7. wow lol i'd forgotten all about this. wonder what her next "plans" will be

  8. Thank you for following up on that. Yes, Kim K, because she is too stupid.

  9. Well it's America's loss,it missed out on a FINEEEE Attorney !

  10. good. this pissed me off as an actual attorney to no end.

  11. I just read last week that she finished her first year....self-taught.
    Geezus - in many states - you can't even do online education through an accredited university. You have to slog to school and actually sit in class but supposedly California lets you self-teach...?

    1. The two hardest bar exams are in CA and NY.
      She wouldn't be able to pass the exam.

  12. The public defenders will never be able to make up for this loss.

  13. I think she wants to be a politician next, she's fucking dumb enough to do that job.

  14. Lawyers are suppose to be assholes, not take it in there.

  15. I guess with Lori Laughlin scandal, she realises she can't buy her way in and actually will have to sit for LSATs.

    That said her father was an attorney, so maybe she does have some intelligence in her. I feel if her dad had lived, her life would have gone in an extremely different direction

  16. Her genius dad thought PMK would be a good mother, and worked to keep OJ on the streets.

    No surprise his family is gutter trash.

    1. OJ fucked PMK in the hot tub so hard he sent her to the hospital with a broken pussy. The apple doesnt fall far from the trees..

    2. Ummmm... drew? That really sounds familiar...

  17. I can't believe how many people actually BELIEVED she would become a lawyer.

    The stupidity of people just amazes me.

  18. So much snark about a woman who passed high school so she should be perfectly capable of getting a degree.

    Her husband is away in Manialand right now so I would imagine that she has to give up something if he's going to continue to be a massive burden in their home.

  19. You cannot self-study to become a lawyer. Eight states allow the candidate to apprentice under a seasoned lawyer but the hours are long, weekly exams must be passed, and proof of performance has to be reported. Let's just say Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Clare nice Darrow etc were self-taught which was how lawyers were developed for the first hundred years of the republic.no

    Kim appears to be a pleasant enough person but she isn't a Thomas Jefferson.

  20. Kimmy. Ding, Ding, Ding - we have a winner for the least surprising news of the current millennium. The only thing dumber than her are the fans who actually believed her story.

  21. who didn't see that coming?! It's not like she actually was in law school or could even get into law school. Think you need to graduate high school and go to college first Kim

  22. Here is a great video from an actual lawyer explaining what it would take for Kim K to become a lawyer: https://youtu.be/mtvASE3jjxI

  23. KK finally realized that studying law is a lot more difficult than just dressing up like you're a lawyer on tv.

  24. FFS, she's just laying the foundation for a reality show in the future, it's really not that opaque.

  25. Has she even read a book?
