Thursday, January 30, 2020

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A+ list athlete in his sport which no one really watches except for rich people says the royal has attempted suicide more than once.


  1. fiquero ?
    Nacho Fiquero/Plol

  2. Suicide weekend for Andrew...

  3. im thinking its Prince Harry(they are friends)

  4. Prince Harry and Nacho F?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow they're really pushing up the timetable on that riding accident. No I don't think this is Harry.

  7. I was hoping this was about pos Andrew and that he succeeds.

  8. It doesnt say if the suicide attempts were recent, or over the course of a life.

    If the latter, I would say Harry because he has been open about his depression and it would explain why he is so co-dependent in his marriage.

  9. Sympathy ploy.

    People should leave the Hewitts alone so they can save the planet through their radical private-jetting scheme.

    It's so crazy it just might work!

  10. Agree on Nacho and Harry. I hope he's just exaggerating about moments of despair. However, this may be why the family has cut him a wider swath than others.

    1. I agree that is a logical deduction. Worth noting all the haters, such as those here, are seemingly very clueless about the damage done. They think H&M escaped because they're spoiled brats, rather than due to the absurd and baseless accusations and insults thw jealous so thoughtlessly hurl at them.

  11. Probably Harry and his Polo star friend. If Andrew, they may be setting us up for an unfortunate accident. I mean "accident". Prince Harry has all the warning signs for suicide ideation, former soldier,isolated from friends and family,etc. Interesting what @Mischi said.

    1. And what causes suicidal ideation? Antidepressants. You're welcome, haters.

  12. Could also be MM, herself considered a royal. Would also explain why Harry is so accommodating to her demands and wanting to quit so easily.

  13. Andrew maybe 'suicided' but is way too old school and arrogant to do it, Mummy will always take care of him. Harry on the other hand...

    1. Agreed, Andrew has a startling sense of entitlement, and would never off himself.

  14. This is obviously Harry, MM loves herself too much to be suicidal.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. If this is Andrew, then many at CDan wish him a merry Webley weekend��

  17. It is ridiculous that the only player in this vast pedo web that has been openly named and shamed is Androuchecanew. He's the fall guy designated by the rest of them. Why are we going along with that?

  18. @Amartel, Go ahead and name the other players.

  19. agree andrew is the dupe, the one who takes the heat. does anyone think he was anything but? team Maxwell-Epstein were using him, not the other way around. He was their in to the BRF and probably supplied him so he'd drop insider tidbits or worse. ok, I must be extra crabby today for defending his royal idiocy but: he's not a pedophile. A pedo likes children, not sexually mature, if young, girls. it is not abnormal for a grown man to be attracted to a sexually mature young woman, as the history of the world will attest. It is civilization that over-rules such desires. what man hasn't thought of some young thing, damn that's hot and then told himself not to go there, because he would rather not exploit and damage a young person for a lifetime in exchange for a moments pleasure? but andrew probably thought, hey I deserve this, I'm a big deal and also --- the girls were probably coached to pretend they actually liked his big sweaty body. Should he have known they were trafficked? that I do not know. but I do think the M-E team (was, is, Maxwell the actual boss?) was using him, not the other way around.

  20. I thought MM simply because she is a manipulator who more than likely would have "attempted" something that looked like suicide to get Harry to move quicker, keep him from leaving, what ever the reason.

  21. Instead of behaving like decent, likable people, Fat Markle and the Dunce of Cambridge will trot out ploys like this to get the press to lay off.

    Suicidal? Check in to a hospital. An expensive one... not like you have to work to pay the bill.

    1. Showing your insignificant dick again.

  22. Cricket/Andrew the Pedo.

  23. If it's true he's off his meds, it's only a matter of time before MM becomes a rich widow (if he's done his will). I can't believe he would go off his meds just because she said so.

  24. What am I missing here about "Fat Markle" - she seems pretty skinny to me except right after the "birth" of "Archie"

    1. And even that went away quickly.

      You're witnessing a horde of flies regularly feasting on shit -- the commenters typically making such a sexist/misogynist AND flat-out wrong acusation are pathetic fools angry that their fetishes for their own sow mothers remain unsatisfied.



  26. @ATime, You'd have to consult J for the Farkle Timeline.

  27. She's probably not the first mom to have a bigger belly after delivery than before.

  28. No sign of those symptoms. Just as everything else you haters hurl: Baseless.

  29. Here is that Nacho guy with Leo's girl Camila Morrone. Enty you could have spiced this BI up by throwing her name in a claimed she was so horny she threw herself at Nacho.

  30. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I don't believe the blind.....but, if you must, it's not a male.
    A male who wants to exit, exits.
    He does not play around.
    Statistically, men have more successful suicide attempts; and men choose more violent methods to exit.
    Suicide is waayy more common than the gen.population realizes, as I learned from a good friend, a police captain in a major metro .

  31. Charlene of Monaco to be different. She looks so desperately unhappy.

  32. If Harry, then @Daryl makes a good point. Perhaps then Nacho is relaying that Harry has multiple episodes of discussing suicide, and in this game of telephone it became "attempts."

    If this blind is accurate in terms of that suicide was discussed by Harry, then that is a credible reason for the BRF's latitude with him and his antics with his ladylove.

    These past two years, instead of his life coming together, it has fallen apart. No friends, no family, no job, and now, no home.

    He says that camera clicks trigger his PTSD, and his wife likes calling paps. Not a winning combination overall for him.

  33. It is true that men will succeed in ending it more than women, however, Harry is not your typical male. He is a supersensitive beta male who 'worries about the world so much sometimes he cannot leave his bed.' That is not a typical problem solving gun totin' dude.

  34. I've never seen any of that behavior in Harry or Meghan but I can tell with certainty that I saw it with Kate. There was a clip of her at a huge dinner gathering snd she was wearing a powder blue dress. She was sitting at a table and I kid you not, her eyes were darting around so much it looked like she was having a breakdown right there and then. Wouldn't surprise me if several members of the RF took a bump every now.and again.

  35. This is a diversion tactic and the British media is in on it. A nice sympathy piece to take attention away from the mess Andrew has created. Remember the BRF created modern counter intelligence

  36. Nacho Figueras - Polo

  37. She has been know to have migraines from those Tiaras,
    Could be she just was trying to
    Get Out!!
