Friday, January 17, 2020

Blind Item #9

This foreign born B+ list mostly television actress is most well known for that now defunct pay cable series. Recently she has been in this space because of some indiscretions with a married co-star from that same show. So, what does she do? For the first time ever she called a pap to take her photo with her partner. 


  1. Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington of course the H8 continues

  2. I'm always suspicious when the blinds sound like they could be about Emilia Clarke.

  3. Maybe not this time, she may not be dating anyone and giving up on Kit but she is my go to so there's that.

  4. Yawn, Ms Christie, yawn.

  5. Gwendoline Christie

  6. Gwendoline Christie and the married co star is the guy who plays Jaime Lannister?

  7. Yes that tall one and Jamie Lannister and some other guy twice her age and about half her size.

  8. G. Christie is not known for anything outside of GOT, whereas E. Clarke is famous for all the great films she has been so good in that had such massive box-office success...


  9. Gwendoline Christie, she went to that famous sushi place in LA where everyone who goes is papped.

  10. Think of all the GoT spinoffs they could have had if the writers hadn't insisted on killing almost everyone in the last season.🤔

  11. Is Emilia Clarke usually B+ here? I thought she was higher than that.

  12. When will Nikolaj get a divorce? I'm tired already. Drop the bomb, Enty!

  13. It’s awards season. Of course, Gwendoline is trying to look purer than the driven snow. Getting papped at that sushi joint wasn’t the best idea though. Nor was getting pics taken when you practically have to chase after your partner, and your friend is showing you more affection. Can’t really blame her for looking elsewhere when he barely ever walks beside her in public.

    Also, I think it’s safe to say that there’s more than just a few indiscretions going on here. This whole thing strayed from fling to full-blown affair a long time ago.

    1. @Anonny Where'd you get this info from? You are also the one that said they've been on-and-off since 2014.

    2. for the cast this was an open secret but since nikolaj has a wife everyone is discreet about it.

    3. @Gene I'm a newee GoT fan, and this is disappointing.

      Their chemistry is obvious, but I've read she has an open relationship with her partner. I've read little to nothing on him, and really believed he was faithful to his wife.

      Do you know what the "famous" Blind Gossip blind was about them that got deleted?

    4. Actually, I do not know. I didn't know about this page until someone posted it on twitter and you shouldn't be disappointed they are human just like us

    5. Google This is Not a Game Anarchy Gossip

    6. @Gene I know people are human, but it is still a little disappointing. I was under the impression NCW was faithful to his wife, which is a rarity in Hollywood, and they've been together for like 20 years. (Well, 15 from when the affair started.)

    7. @Annony Thank you. I've noticed a lot of GoT-related blinds have been deleted from BG.

    8. @AnotherAnon sometimes things happen without looking for them also you can see it in this way he has not yet divorced ... so it means that despite everything he still trying with his wife...

    9. @Gene Enh, I'm not that broken-up over it (despite how it may seem), just a bit disappointed. *shrug*

      I'm interested in seeing these pics though; a few searches have led to nothing.

    10. @AnotherAnon that's because who ever sent it in to Enty wishes for them to hook up. It never happened and the actor playing Jamie isn't going to the awards this weekend. He ain't even in the same state as her.

  14. "Never date an Actress!" - John Savka

  15. G Christie has been in 2 Star Wars movies, plus the Steve Carrell bomb Welcome to Marwen

  16. Good for Jamie Lannister and Gwendoline but I hope his wife is in on this (open arrangement) and she can live her life too....

  17. This is so obviously NCW And GC .

  18. @s.s. Gwendoline is also known for her small role in Star Wars.

    Emilia Clarke's only box office success was Last X-Mas. All of her other films have tanked with the critics and the audiences.

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  20. @Chernobyl right, because Enty would publish 3 blind itens concerning this situation just because random fans forced him to do it.

  21. The only thing we know for sure is that, a day after the blind came out, she called the paps and she never does that (at least when she's LA).

  22. Could it be that NCW and GC are just really good friends and have been for a long time. When he was in London recently he did go to dinner with her but his wife was with him and GC's partner has been with her the whole time in LA. I've heard that GC was a bit wild back in the day and in an open relationship with her partner but in recent years has calmed down and they are committed now.

    1. I do not buy that!.. I'm sorry ... that someone invented it ... if it were true about the only "friendship" gwen and nik's wife will get along well with so many years of friendship between nick and gwen and in Actually they do not even follow on instagram ..

    2. I remember when people were like that about Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt: “The Hammaconda would never cheat!”... Well, he did. Given the right circumstances - means, opportunity and attraction - I dare say most people would.

    3. @Anonny I was surprised when I found-out about Hammaconda, but he's a hot mess and has lots other issues. NCW doesn't seem to have any of that -- well, key word being "seems."

      I guess we'll see.

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  25. His wife looks like she doesn't take any shit. She will probably leave him or beat the shit out of him. Or Halle Barry him "hex" him

    She doesn't seem like the type of woman you worry about.

    Clarke on the other hand fragile AF
