Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Item #9

This former athlete turned movie guy was hooking up with someone this week while out of town who was most definitely not his wife. He said he has to keep his groupies happy.


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  2. Rock is still a newlywed so I'll go on to Bautista because he may have been around wrestling over the weekend.

  3. WWE guys are not athletes, are they? They are described as entertainers turned etc! And whats a movie guy, actor, producer, director? This is an open ended blind which can have multiple answers depending on Entys mood on reveal day!

  4. +1 yep, Enty never describes WWE guys as athletes.

  5. Like an example would be Mike Tyson who used to be an athlete but pops up in movies. Or OJ for that matter before his bust.

  6. Since neither rape nor dead bodies were involved we can rule out Kobe.

  7. What about Nnamdi Asomugha at Sundance

  8. Nnamdi Kerry’s “husband” at Sundance?

  9. Terry Crews used to play pro football

  10. The Rock played D1 college football at Miami... so yes, he’s an athlete

  11. I like the Terry Crews guess.

  12. If this is the Rock, he's a true humanitarian and also does anybody know where he is right now? Asking for a friend

  13. I got no ideas but a couple of thoughts...

    WWE wrestler could definitely be considered an athlete - especially since the Rock was a college football player first - and isn't he a cheater anyway?
    Terry Crews' wife is hard core - will literally eviscerate him. They have been together since high school.
    Dave Bautista is the weirdest looking dude. Just an observation.

  14. Plus...Terry Crews is more of a TV guy than a movie guy....

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  16. JFC with the Kobe shade. I dunno or care how you feel about him. There were families involved. MANY families and the loss of children just starting out their lives. Gotta be fairly depraved of humanity to even go there.
    Fucking sick

    1. +1
      I'd like to add to this the poster who was here yesterday and denies sandyhook, the Boston Marathon, and probably the Holocaust. Its despicable and more people should speak up and defend family and loved ones who have been directly affected and hurt.
      It was moderated thankfully, but still.
      Fuck you Alf Landon.

    2. It's not at all surprising on this site. The only place you can find more developmentally-retarded losers is at a white men's rights rally.

  17. Rosie.... Yes. Not sure if all the comments that happen,but if I see one (or 2on this thread if I’m honest) by “digital warriors” lacking any real courage, or empathy-I’m compelled to say something. Just made my blood run cold. I don’t get that level of-cruelty. Never will.

  18. Boz? Carl Weathers?

  19. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Terry Crews who made a big deal out of a drunk guy grabbing his junk? I doubt he would be so cavalier about "groupies".

  20. GTFO with your Kobe comment @hot. You're a real piece of work...POS

  21. Strange, I don't remember Epstein or his brother getting much sympathy after his death, then again he didn't win any championships after getting arrested, perhaps that's the missing ingredient.

    1. You petulant disguting pos pretty sure worse will be said abt you when perish. Have some respect for the families dealing with these terrible loss. Loser.

    2. Deargod you're an idiot brayson. It's about time others noticed. Wink wink

    3. Others noticed long ago.

    4. I don't like mean Brayson but your nice most of the time. When kids are involved, u need to take it down a notch. Count is so right about that accuser. Excellent rant about Alf @Rosie!

  22. It's not sympathy for Kobe, it's respect for those that are left behind...like the 17 yr old hs junior who lost her whole family.

  23. @Louise, I think you're out of line giving hothotheat grief, they were just guessing for the blind. Which isn't a bad guess given that he was a former athlete and was somewhat involved in movies:

    "In 2018, Bryant became the first African American to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and the first former professional athlete to be nominated and to win an Academy Award in any category for his film Dear Basketball.[8]"

    Indeed, I believe your Kobe beef is with me.

    1. You wish your beef were that high quality.

  24. See Neil, I wasn't lying. ;)

  25. 9 people died, includind 3 kids. Y'all are disguting.

  26. its actually a crap guess Brayson, considering he and 9 other people perished on Sunday, not this week. That said......my beef is with you. Troll.

    1. That would be me. @tricia Its a guess. I get that you worship him but this is a blind item and he fits the description.
      That said, I have always enjoyed your contribution to this site. I've even defended you against Derek and all his personalities. I am not a troll 'looking for internet fame' ( whatever the hell that means). I've been a contributor to this site for years. Maybe this is why you have haters.

  27. and if you compare EPSTEIN and is GLOBAL sex trafficking ring to KBs alleged (and yes I believe victims)1 off likely paid situation gone awry, you actually are the ignorant misogynistic that others have called you out for

  28. So kindly fuck off now into your delusions of internet fame(by virtue of being a troll/douche). How very admirable

  29. Wow, I never thought I'd actually see the pot meet the kettle, but there it is.

  30. Considering there are 18 "unknowns" with contractradictory opinions.,,,
    yeah mon, whatever .

  31. Keep being you(all)

  32. @Kimelem, I have not disrespected the families. I have been to family burials in the past, I have more respect than that.
    But don't expect me to mourn for one rapist.

    @Tricia, I did not address you during this blind. I have never disrespected you or called you names. I've enjoyed our conversations and jokes and always appreciated how kind you were to new commenters. I'm not going to get into it with you. Obviously I pressed a button, I get that. It's a downer, but I accept just ignoring each other from here on out.

    As for internet fame, I really doubt anyone reads this site except for the reveals. I just come to kill time and for the funny commenters.

    1. "Funny" is 180 degrees from the truth.

    2. Actually, a whole lot of your vomit-in-written-form IS dismissive of families and people who hve not done anything other than, oh gee, not be as decrepit as you.

  33. @Brayson87,it is ridiculous to compare a convicted sex offender to someone who was accused/ charged with rape. Epstein didn't have children. His brother didn't think much of him. I'm sure Kobe has numerous blinds here, but as far as I know,he has not had repeated accusers. Rapists really don't change. His public statement rings true,he doesn't believe he raped her,she believes she was raped. I hope he changed , he gave that appearance. I hope his alleged victim is doing well. But right now,several families are grieving, and not the time for this. Why didn't people call him out while alive? Don't you think people deserve a fair trial?

  34. @Rosie, Getting sh!t from you is like a badge of honor on CDAN, you've given it to everyone. ;)

    1. This my first time from Rosie. I'm usually on her side 😢.

    2. Awww really?H I'm not used to people agreeing w me. Anyway, that wasn't to you @hothot, IDC about a guess. It's the extra I didn't like.
      But I'm over it lol

  35. And by the way,I have zero interest in basketball,Championships or otherwise. If Kobe faked his good deeds,he should have won an Oscar for acting.

  36. Your post -now- means nothing . Read the blind and look at your answer. Then look at your follow up. Then your attempt to shovel your shit.
    It’s messy.
    Glib as you may be/ it’s messy and obnoxious AF.
    I’ll ignore you with no problem,whatsoever dude/

  37. @Guesser, I made one little comment, someone else just typed a name, and then the pitchforks came out. It's not like I dragged out a bunch of links or something like with Allen. Someone else accused but not convicted that certain other people wouldn't touch.
    You just said rapists really don't change. Then you said you hoped he changed. Is it uncertainty or mental gymnastics to come to a conclusion you feel comfortable with? I believe the laws should be followed, I don't believe in vigilante justice, it was a horrible tragedy and no one should have to suffer like that. But don't expect me to mourn that one guy when innocent people die horribly every day.

    1. It's cumulative, Boo. You've worked hard to earn your Major Asshole status.

  38. @Tricia, Fantastic, have a great day. 👍

  39. Where I live ,it’s night. Have a great life🤟If trolling this site is any indication,you are off to a productive 2020.
    Sure Enty will be pleased,when it comes “across his desk”

  40. I don’t worship anyone. I respect human life. There’s a difference.
    I appreciate your defense of me in the face of sociopaths that destroyed this site,but that’s hardly a Herculean effort.
    Maybe that’s why have you are barely noticed here.

    1. Right. I am barely noticed, thats the way I like it. We don't all need an adoring audience.

  41. And btw- it fits the description like
    Nadler fits into skinny jeans

    1. No idea what that means. Who is Nadler?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. @Brayson87,I put it out that I have reasonable doubt of Kobe's guilt. And I don't expect you or anyone else to grieve. Just to allow others to. And at least 8 innocent people did die in that accident. Regarding Allen,I have doubts about him as well,mostly because I question a lot about Mia Farrow. But his all around questionable behavior makes him less sympathetic. And for what it's worth,I was a fan. And he is still alive.

  43. We don’t ask for it either, but I guess it happens :)
    Nadler ... google it 🤟

  44. Lol, I meant with this post. I'll be back tomorrow to see who Ruffles your feathers.

  45. Well there sure are a lot of comments here! Let's see what's goi...


    *nopes back out of thread*

  46. You and what army?

  47. Read it again. I didn't say *I* would come back to ruffle your feathers. As sensitive as you are *someone* will piss you off. I'm here for it.

  48. I’m sensitive?
    How many people have doxxed ,harassed or stalked your life and your family here @hothotheat”
    Think I’ve been pretty measured over the last 7 years of it ,unless you can say otherwise?
    But why would you... you are “rarely here,
    “, right?

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  52. Finally Enthusiasm Quotes! It's been too long!

  53. Wow this thread is a dumpster fire and a half.

  54. Enthusiasm Quotes is the only way to calm this discussion. Much better than comment moderation.

  55. Guys quick come look! Morpheus and Neo are fighting.

  56. Tricia is 100% correct, winky is just an a-hole. So here is my question. Why are people still calling Kobe a rapist? From what I read the charges were dropped because another mans DNA was found in her underwear. You can't just assume someone is guilty because of an ACCUSATION. People are INNOCENT until proven GUILTY, not the other way around. Women can be liars too, which sucks for those who are telling the truth when a rape really happens and no one believes them. I don't know if he did or didn't do it, but that accusation sure stuck, didn't it?

    1. +100000 Lauren not just 1 but 5 different men's semen on her panties and is supposedly schizophrenic.

  57. Awwwww tricia, why'd you delete your trump loving posts? Don't worry, once Enty gets your tattletale email he can go in and censor this thread everyone will be none the wiser. Hope you are feeling good about the 13+ hours you spent commenting here again and that your hangover isn't too bad. xx

  58. @sdauntie, well there ya go.

  59. Kobe had a he-said/she-said with a mental health patient who had several different men contributing to semen samples taken from her underwear, none of which were Kobe's. He was not criminally prosecuted b/c she would not testify in the criminal case, so it was dropped. Then she sued him with a lessor proof, then it was settled for money.

    It's kind of like Renaldo's rape accusation. The victim consented to every thing right up until they didn't. For Renaldo's accuser, it was that she said "no anal" but he went there any way. For Kobe's accuser, it was that she said "don't cum on my face" but he went there any way.

    Kobe's lesson learned was switching to paid professionals, and "stop messing with groupies" specifically, which is likely why we didn't hear about any thing like this again, if you don't want believe he was necessarily "scared straight" so to speak.

    Me being conflicted about Kobe, doesn't change the tragedy for the other passengers and their families to a lessor one b/c one of the passengers may or may not have been an asshole.

  60. I went from learning about "milking" to.....this. I'll leave this to the adults in the thread.

    (Excluding all the Unknowns. Multiple Personality Disorder much?)

  61. @Brayson87 This is the first time I've been moved enough to post after years on this site. Kobe Bryant was a complete shite who doesn't deserve any hero worship. Hung out with him a few times in teen years outside Philly. I applaud your refusal to jump on the pathetic "poor Kobe" bandwagon.

  62. I just want to say that I like Brayson. I like that we can joke about this and the others in this place.
    There’s no silver lining.
    This site is a joke and we should all be able to share our thoughts and laugh about it.
    Brayson didn’t mention children nor the accident. Fck the regulars here who can’t handle this. Deal with it, bitch.

  63. @Rosie riveter Never forget the 6 gorillion, and all the other 6 gorillion reasons to give taxpayer money to special interest causes! And just in case you had reservations, we'll censor all information about it and call you a racist/anti-semite! How dare you question the official narrative you naughty goyim!
