Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Blind Item #9

The alliterate actress is ramping up the PR spend for 2020. The big online tabloid has been bought off.


  1. Enjoy prison Aunt Becky LOL

    1. I was trying to see if Felicity Huffman and Bill Macy were at golden globes. Does anyone know? Sorry maybe because theyre so much more likeable and she admitted responsibility I sympathize with Felicity but despise LL.

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Would this make an excellent grindhouse prison flick? 3rd rate actress on a 5th rate show learns Kung fu fighting for the big house visit

    1. I really feel like this could bring oitnb back! Aunt Becky would fit. Right. in. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. Lori L. and TMZ. But, be fair now, ENTY. You play favorites on your site for people you like as well. And, blast others you don't like. Your right as it is your site.

  4. Meghan Markle and the Daily Mail.

  5. Agree on Meg Markle as per Prince Phillip's alleged comment to Prince Harry, " one steps out with actresses, one doesn't marry them."


    I think this is MM. Just announced they're leaving the royal family and moving to north america. Let's see those reveals ENTY!

  7. Nutty owes me a fiver. Girl where YOU AT

  8. Enty first said Megan and Harry would move to LA, now they might move to Canada. I doubt they, or at least she, was ever in Canada. How do you get sandal tan lines in rainy Victoria in December? Maybe Harry was in rehab there.
    And the visit to the Canadian Embassy in London. What was that about? Why wouldn't you thank Canadians in actual Canada FFS? Maybe they're fishing for a job/royal duty in Canada. God help us.

    Or maybe it's Lori Loughlin, she's going to be in the sequel to "Get Hard" but not in the way I would have hoped 30 years ago!

    1. Meghan is my skin color and mixed genetics. I swim in the early morning with the sun just up over the horizon. I wear a swim shirt or neoprene sleeves to protect my arms and a hat. She and I can get a tan within an hour in the dead of winter. Her tan is irrelevant.

      You got what you wanted. Now, that "Smeghan, Meg-alot, Meg-the-yachter, Meg-the-Scrounger, Fat Meg" and Harry have gone to ground forever, you're worried about her tan?

      The only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner. You won. Be happy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. An early start on MM blinds.

  10. maybe harry was never in canada - or either one of them for that matter. doesn't she have rumored tax issues in US?

  11. Well they supposedly have stepped back from the royal family so I think they are headed to Canada.

  12. So she wants the celebrity, the lifestyle, and the chance to merch off the royal title, but not the responsibilities that come with it. This way Markle can cherry pick what she will and will not do. That’s a hell of a hustle. And the total knob just nods and goes along with it... It only took one year of isolation and manipulation.

  13. Buying her way out of her mess will work out about as well as trying to buy her daughters' way into college.

  14. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The Markle idiot.
    I have lost all respect for the UK.
    They pay taxes to support this woman's $100,000 Dior gowns, her security on lavish trips, her renovations to Frogmore where she never lived. Etc...

    You are Batsht insane, to support those two.

  15. You've got the 0bama "library" in Gotham to fund, so don't be too smug.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      I protested Obama, loud and clear... including on my dad's radio show . From 2013 on. When Obama quietly passed a bill that supports propaganda in the media .

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      I also put boots to ground at the march on DC, in Jan.2017. That is my point.Americans don't only gossip ...we also SHOW UP.

  16. It's MM. She had all photos, videos, articles etc about her, Harry, Archie, etc protected so that if anyone uses them without her permission they will have to stop and they will have to pay her. I wonder if this means that photos taken of her as a child also belong to her and not the photographer? If her sister's book hasn't already been published, it's down the drain now. And it will mean that everyone in her family who are talking are going to have to stop talking, and they won't be able to share lettes, etc. She is effectively shutting up everyone. Things are going to go her way, or not at all.

  17. 'Ya think MM can pull all that off? She seems to be a series of serious mistakes. But the bright side, GB needed to get rid of the free loaders for the 21st century.Royal Family Watch is one huge blunder after the other.

  18. @scarlet peaches, well said.

  19. Kansa, don't worry. Markle isn't that smart. She has a serious lack of something that leaves holes in whatever she does. She will be meeting her Waterloo, guaranteed.

  20. @Roberta, Gone to ground forever? This is just the beginning you silly goose. Now she is free to merch and to borrow and to shill clothes and to hang out with other celebs and be her best self. No wonder she was grinning manically yesterday and sweating like a whore in church. “Hit the ground running” indeed!

  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    My feeling is that Markle was terminated for political reasons.
    Call it what it is: Termination.
    Markle has made anti-Trump statements, in recent past.
    We are entering heated political times; defense codes are changing: President Trump is approaching the UN for support.
    Enty, put on your big boy pants. Publish the truth about real world events.

  22. Does anyone have a link to the article about the two hikers being a planat? That the girl works for MM's PR firm or something?
