Friday, January 24, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 15, 2020

Don't believe the hype. This A list everything in her mind wants no part of living anywhere where she can't be photographed in public and seen in hot spots. Her thirst level remains high even three decades into her career.

Jennifer Lopez moving out of the country


  1. youre 50 grow up already.

  2. Oh no, she got me! I totally bought into all that HYPE.

  3. Great, maybe she can let refugees live in one of her houses since she won't be around.

  4. Where else would she find paparazzi just waiting around outside a gym to take pictures of her ? Funny you would have thought she would have her own gym at home.

  5. Okay we all know she's an attention whorer

  6. Say what you want about J-Lo. She's a ho, but she still looks really good.

    1. Why is she a ho? Because she's a woman in touch with her sexuality? Would a man like th hat be a ho?

  7. Since we get MM and Prince H in North America, perhaps we can ship Jello off to the UK, since she thinks she is royalty.

  8. @Holden, No can do, the US and UK already signed an agreement that they're Canada's problem now.

  9. She should move to Puerto Rico.

  10. sorry. I like her. I've always liked her. it's good to know who you like & not be swayed by others. I've enjoyed her in most everything she’s been in, she's a great talk show guest, she was great on SNL-better than most, and I love/view "high brow" great acting,
    she's just delightful.

  11. Anonymous9:23 AM


    I have a bf, GM at a major Disney resort, who would strongly disagree with 'delightful' when describing Lopez.
    Worst guest ever.

  12. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I live in los angeles and everyone I know who has encountered her and a rod say they are the rudest celebs they've ever met.

  13. You gotta love these wannabe ex-pats...most of them can't get publicity HERE let alone moving to some alternative, socialist country. Jlo being over the hill AND a bitch won't take her very far when the lines on her face match the ones on her hands and feet.
