Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #28 - Kindness

October 12, 2019

I will just leave it in the tipster's own words.

My grandmother died in 2011. We planned her small ceremony at a Crematorium. My mum was in pieces and my sister too sad so the eulogy was left for me to write and perform. Terrifying. After the ceremony we went to the pub for her wake. One of the guests said to me “my daughter thought your eulogy was lovely and would like to talk to you.” I agreed of course. I recognised the woman as she approached me, she has been part of my extended family for many many years. She also happens to be a fairly big Hollywood star. Our Hollywood star began talking to me. She thanked me for such an incredible tribute I made to my grandmother. She was always fonder of my side of the family than her own. She always considered my grandmother to also be hers. It was an out of body experience. She took my number and found more details from other family members. A few days later she sent me a HUGE bouquet of flowers to my address. In the card she said how moving and touching my eulogy to “her adoptive grandmother” was. It was incredibly thoughtful. This lovely woman didn’t give her superstar name, she didn’t need to. She never spoke about being famous. Just was simply being a wonderful and sympathetic caring person with fame nowhere in her thoughts.

Kate Winslet


  1. While this is nice, the “tipster” has now essentially outed themselves to Kate as being someone who will run to an anonymous gossip blogger with information on her.

    1. True. I liked this story better when we didn’t think we would ever know the identity of the actress.

  2. Aww, wonder if she sends flowers to her paedophile friends Polanski and Allen.
    Isn't she lovely?

  3. One extra reason to love the eternally cool Ms. Winslet.

  4. Kate is smart, grounded and savvy.

  5. lol was this a long time ago? Kate is selectively nice...I’m not surprised she was nice to this person - she was w/her mum, it was a service & this lady is ‘extended family’

    How about showing some kindness to a random nobody? THEN I’d be impressed.
