Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 20, 2020

SAG Awards

This foreign born former A- list singer who is probably B/B- list right now, certainly was enjoying the booze and other party favors like it was a decade ago and she was famous.

Lily Allen


  1. Lily Allen likes to get f*cked up, not a mystery.

  2. @Brayson87 I thought you were a fan ? 🤔

  3. Maybe because she's not famous here she can do all that shit, unlike in London where she's followed all the time because she is still a celebrity there.

    1. Actually she isn’t! Most people here think she is a smug, sanctimonious, hypocritical twat. Always voicing her opinion on whatever the leftie liberal bullshit of the day is. More to the point no one gives a crap what her opinion is anyway.

    2. No one gives a shit about her here

    3. May a leftie liberal be the only one available to save your sorry, undeserving ass when you're in whatever mortal danger your clueless wonderment eventually provides.

  4. @norster, Since when was partying at a party a crime against humanity?

  5. @Brayson87 I'm the last person to object to someone partying! As long as someone is looking after your kids. It's that she doesn't see anti-Semitism as racism that irrates me. And no, I'm not Jewish.

  6. @Night_burger Hello, can we be friends? Lol 🤣

  7. @norster, Do you have any links or receipts to back up your statement about her and antisemitism? I looked around, only saw that she supported a mainstream political party that had been accused of antisemitism in the past.
    It is funny how Europe is held up as some great example of morality when actually there is rampant antisemitism there.

  8. @Brayson87 Labour's support of anti-Semitism is not in the past, and it was a contributing factor to them losing the election. And yes, anti-Semitism still raises it's horrible head here. There was a video of taken on the London Underground (our version of a Subway), where a black Christian was verbally abusing a Jewish man and his young son, a Muslim lady intervened. Integrity is personal, and nothing to do with colour or religion.

    1. Neither Labour nor Jeremy Corbyn are anti-Semitic but sure, conflate the calling out of a few in power grossly abusing human rights and who happen to represent Israel with the insulting of an entire people.

  9. She's a pain in the arse but who doesn't love a free bar?

  10. @Brayson87 Labour's support of anti-Semitism is not in the past, and it was a contributing factor to them losing the election. And yes, anti-Semitism still raises it's horrible head here. There was a video of taken on the London Underground (our version of a Subway), where a black Christian was verbally abusing a Jewish man and his young son, a Muslim lady intervened. Integrity is personal, and nothing to do with colour or religion.

  11. sandy brook, nobody gives 2 shits about Lilly Allen in London, that's why she can't she the fuck up, she's desperate for attention.

    also, what noster & night burger said !

    She's a fucking ignorant hypocritical twat and a laughing stock.

  12. @norster, Eh political parties are scumbags by nature, that's why I avoid them. However it is easy to paint different pictures:



  13. @Brayson87 You are right there ! Sometimes the only thing you can do with politics is chose the lesser evil.

  14. Labour is finished, thank heavens!

    1. They broke up? Please say its true.

  15. @norster, I think a lot of people who don't vote are consciously choosing not to vote for any evil.

  16. "Labour is finished" - stupid comment
    "No one gives a shit about her here" - another stupid comment, she has plenty of fans in Britain, moron.

  17. Hey Outraged, ""Labour is finished" - stupid comment", why don't you prove me wrong lol

    Jeremy Corbyn is a piece of human waste, excrement, belonging to the cloaca of humanity. He's a fucking disgrace, got exactly what he deserved, and anyone who supports him and his views also gets exactly what they deserve.

  18. Jeremy Corbyn has never met a murderous terrorist he did not love and call 'his friend'....
