Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #48

December 16, 2019

This former actress turned singer is probably B list overall, but in Europe she is pretty close to A list. She can tour the world nonstop and sell places out. She is someone, along with the band that you want to see live. They don't sell a lot of records, but you want to see them. This past week she went all in on choosing sides in an argument between a permanent A list band and the current nemesis of the band. She chose the band. She made it perfectly clear on social media who she was choosing. She is going to be involved in the litigation because she had all those conversations with the deceased singer and he always referred to the music he was recording as the band's new album, or the band's new music. It was never a solo thing and she is willing to go to court to tell that to the world.

Taylor Momsen/Pretty Reckless/Soundgarden/Vicky Karayiannis/Chris Cornell


  1. I hope this reveal is real. I miss Chris Cornell and his music.

  2. Whatever helps ease what shred of conscience she may possess and assures her of continued A-List opener slots for her band to be Seen.

    As one who cut my teeth on Janis and Phoebe Snow and came up listening to Joan Jett, Patti Smith, Chrissy Hynde et al ... I'm especially weak on girlie girl bands better "seen" than heard, especially when they try so very hard to be the sugar what helps the same old tired ass special K schtick go down.

    Nice nudie pentagram pics, kiddo. Not only empowering, occultnik stripper style, but I bet she could factor Cornell's hotel room number at least as well as some witchy Howard Levy (aka Anton LeVey) devotee like Lana.

    Do whatcha gotta do, I guess. I've witnessed worse ... I just never thought I'd have to live through the Chuck E. Cheese version, losing respect right and left for the acolytes of entropy oohing and aahing over what tracks the Naked Emperor sees fit to trod about these days to those who've no choice but to be Enthusiastic about sonic shit on a shingle with all the poetic depth of a gas station bathroom stall.

  3. I live in Europe, literally no one knows her over here except maybe as Little Jenny

  4. Skullchimpy, you either need a long nap or a lost weekend. You're pretty tightly wound mate.

  5. @gauloise 'Little Jenny' haha

  6. I still don’t trust Taylor, but I guess this is good. 🤔

    1. That's because she's a Satanist sellout. No one who stands by that choice is gonna even be around a few years from now.

  7. I highly doubt you know everyone in Europe and you are NOT the target audience. RME LOL

  8. European as well. I know who she is, but I'd put her to c-list, maybe even lower. She gets a c for not being a reality star. No papers/magazines/sites write about her or her band. I've never heard any of their songs. And I do read various media in several languages pretty much daily. Nothing against her, just that the rating is very off.

  9. I saw the Pretty Reckless about 4 years ago and they were horrible live.

  10. I've seen The Pretty Reckless 4 times live and they killed it each time. Their last album was amazing. Good for Taylor. I can't wait for their new music.

  11. B list? No one knows who she is unless they watched Gossip Girl or like grungy chick lead singer bands.

  12. European here - nobody knows nor cares about Pretty reckless.

  13. I'm not buying this one. She just said on instagram she always liked that photo (a photo of matt cameron and chris cornell) that doesn't mean shit. She follows the widow and always reply to her on sociam media so..i'm not trusting her at all
