Monday, February 03, 2020

Blind Item #10 - Kindness

This A list mostly movie actress is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee. She gave up her first class seat on the train this morning and made her team give up their seats too so a woman with two kids and an infant could use them instead.


  1. Replies
    1. No way. She wouldn't do this without cameras around. She has a mean heart which she unleashes on anyone she sees as 'less than' her.

    2. That's absolutely not true. She reached out to Kathy Griffin after the whole thing with the president.

  2. London to Paris?(Chunnel).
    Love her

  3. Sally Field? She would definitely do this.

  4. So a train was running?

  5. McDormand and Jodie Foster would also do this... I doubt Jane Fonda and Meryl are riding trains.

  6. People who are wealthy and famous have to be more careful of getting the big head.Plus having people bow and scrape on top of it...

  7. Why did I think of Meryl and Dame Judi? They would definitely do this. I agree about Renee. She comes off as a really kind and sensitive person.

  8. She hasnt won, but perhaps Glenn Close?
    I do see Renee having the presence of mind to do this.
    It may seem like basic decency, but how many people just dont have gumption to follow through and do it, let alone ask their companions to do it, as well? Especially for a mom and kids (thankfully, more are apt when for elderly or disabled, I think). If this act kept one of those kiddos (or mom!) going ten minutes longer, or prevented even one meltdown, it was a glorious act of kindness, indeed!😄

  9. I'm sure there are a lot of actors who would do this. But who is using Amtrak or is over in Europe where there are higher classes of cars?

  10. Greta is not an actress, although some would beg to differ.

  11. @DoTell: Anyone who was at the Bafta’s last nite.

  12. And obviously nobody took a foto or livestreamed this on the gram, coz? Internet was down, no one had phones, everyone respected their privacy?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Renée- since she and Enty made up he’s really coming out with the kindness blinds

  15. saoirse ronan??

  16. This is Renée Zellweger, who behind the scenes is a damn kind person, guys.

    She under the radar for YEARS, without the slightest announcement, every WEEK charters private jets to pick up animals that have been abused/need specialized medical health but can’t afford, healthy animals that need homes but are
    EUTHANIZED BC THEY ARE TOO CROWDED! In kill shelters kill shelters - she picks up tons of these animals constantly, flying them to places where they won’t be euthanized , fostered, get the rare care some need - and they all when ok can be adopted. She doesn’t broadcast her good deeds to the world, which is the best part about it because that makes it more genuine to me in my eyes

    She is very often at my nearby airport undercover doing this, it’s a major hub in California… oh, and not only does she do this Dmac to sleep in the United States… But she flies these dogs in on private jets from all over the world… Like at meat Markets in fukked up places like China, SKorea, & all the other asian countries where these dogs tv are TORTURED BEFORE SLAUGHTERED, then COOKED & EATEN. Places like South Korea & China are playing coy when it comes to animal abuse & torturing/slaughtering/eating dogs. China sometimes gets called out for it but it doesn’t get the headlines it deserves plus China doesn’t GAF about Anything. A literal holocaust is taking place right now wthe the in China… They’re removing organs from LIVE people, as young as TODDLERS - these are prisoners bc of their religion… But the world is so reliant on Chinese products & cash that they are turning their heads & pretending not to notice. South Korea is flat out in denial about it.

    Until then, they’re just evil savages in modern clothing. I hope someday ppl can put them in cages & chop them up, have them for dinner. By the way, the coronavirus originated in a live animal meat market in Wuhan...I hope kills the whole metropolitan mainlanders, esp the CCP members. China is evil (not counting Hong Kong) GASP, RANT OVER. Sorry.


  18. So it’s better for you to promote genocide to kill Chinese people versus them eating dog, which they’ve done for millennia. You can’t change the frequency while you’re wearing you little tinfoil hat, can you?

  19. Anonymous4:46 PM


    Glad to hear about Renee. I always sensed high vibration from her.

    Totally agree about China, on all points.
    I do not attempt to be "PC", where they are concerned. We've done that long enough.They are ferocious to animals, and to their own people.
    "Social credit"....Grading people, every second of the day, it's disgusting.
    Millions of adults have been disappearing in China, for some time now. Empty apartments, abandoned jobs...simply GONE. Where did they go?

  20. Reservations are needed to guarantee a seat on a train, especially one going to Paris. It's different in the Netherlands.

  21. I worked on Chicago and Renee threw a party for everybody. She was moving furniture aside so ppl could dance. I helped her move a couch. Very nice lady.

  22. Whoopi Goldberg. She doesn't fly.

  23. If this was Renée Zellweger then why was she not so kind and instead slapped away the hand that the attendant offered her at the foot of the stairs at the Golden Globes?
    A simple smile and "thanks but I'll be fine" would have sufficed. I don't know much about her, but seeing the poor young man treated like that in front of a roomful of her peers did not speak to me of the milk of human kindness. Nor did the following acceptance speech.

  24. When I book first class six months in advanced I always hope to be surrounded by someone else's children and babies.

  25. Meanwhile, the other first class passengers are probably thrilled to now be surrounding by 2 screaming kids and a diaper-filling infant. hahahahaha
