Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Blind Item #10

Speaking of killers, this killer who got away with murder is trying IVF. First of all, that is scary and second of all here is she getting that kind of money? She gets paid a lot for what she does, but the guy who sets it all up takes a huge cut.


  1. I dont know what IVF is but the slut in WPB

  2. I just want to know why she isn't banned from public swimming pools? 🤔

  3. Or is it Epstein's female prison guard? 🤔

  4. ivf = invitro fertilization.

  5. Any doctor administering ivf to a child murderer should lose his/her liscense.

  6. thanks Herbert, that makes it even worse than what I thought it might be--drug related.

  7. So she wants another child...???

  8. She is disgusting and should have been forced to have a hysterectomy

  9. Maybe demand is slacking off so she wants to raise and kill another one to increase her celeb status.

  10. I thought she was already pregnant?


    And I think this is her pimp:

    "has lived a low-key, uneventful life in the South Florida home of one of the private investigators who worked on her case. "

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I love her

  14. Obvi, it's a huge boner for killer-lovers to have a child with the baby-murderer. They're more than willing to foot the bill. Disgusting people.

  15. This is too sickening to contemplate.

  16. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Amen. And an ass kicking for good measure.
    For those, "just in case" moments.

  17. I seriously doubt Casey Anthony got away with murder.

    What happened was this - the baby drowned while Casey and her pals were partying. Casey Anthony though they were gonna put her away for life for negligence. She tried to make it look like murder ..... not by her , but by someone else. She probably even buried the poor child somewhere that she thought would look like a place where the "real murderer" would have buried the child.

    I do not think she is a good person, and I would be horrified if a friend of mine had a relationship with her.

    But she is not a murderer.

    Feel free to disagree. And if you do, you might want to ask all of your male friends who drove their girlfriends to the Planned Parenthood shack in the ghetto when they wanted the baby to never see the light of day - do they think they are murderers???

  18. “Planned Parenthood shack in the ghetto”?? FFS, I’ll bet you think PP uses wire hangers with their unwashed hands. Oh and by the way: there’s a big difference between an embryo or fetus and a three year old child.

  19. Hopefully CPS would remove the kid at birth and yes she murdered her kid. Only a dumb guy would buy her shitty excuses.

  20. OK, negligent homicide... There's all kinds of things wrong with this case and Casey. and yeah her dad is weird, too.
    I'm invested cause it's close to home and poor lil Calee resembles my oldest.
    Bitch was charged with murder. They couldn't prove it, if they charged her with anything less it would have stuck.

  21. Not a murderer...just a slap-duct-tape-over-my-dead-child's-mouth-and-dump-her-body-in-an-empty-lot-down-the-street-er. Very different.

  22. Mango, thanks for answering.

    you showed your true colors.

  23. She gave the kid drugs to make her go to sleep so she can go partying. Gave the little girl too much and she died. That's what happened. Negligent homicide.
