Thursday, February 20, 2020

Blind Item #1

The foreign born former A+ list boy bander had a very nice tribute to his very first beard. Things have come a long way since then.


  1. Something seems off with her death...

  2. Read the whole backstory MyDog... she was tormented by being labeled a domestic abuser. She actually harmed herself(he had a minor laceration)... years of anxiety and they were gonna bring her into court and shred her. She couldn’t handle that for her or family it seems

    1. Tricia13....not quite so. She was arrested for domestic abuse. The evidence gathered by the police meant the crown prosecution service made the decision to prosecute. She was innocent until proven guilty in court.

      You don't get a pass for being famous or having fragile mental health. They would not "shred her" any more or less than any other defendent. I doubt we'd be having this discussion if she were a man.

      She made the decision as an adult to kill herself rather than face any potential consequences brought on by her own alleged behaviour.

      Medics attended her I think the day before and she was not sectioned for her mental health issues...Maybe she should have been, who knows? Speaking from experience if you are determined it is easy to hide how you really feel and wait for the opportunity (when her friend went to the shops).

      Any death by suicide is tragic for family and friends. Imagine how her poor friend feels.

  3. She was really loved by many... very very sad. The whole damn thing

  4. Sorry no conspiracy theory here. Just good ol UK press bullying and then tributes when they off themselves or are killed by hitman in mysterious auto accidents. Not worth it to be famous sometimes

  5. Poor girl. She was so loved, this is sad

  6. But she did hit him, and she was a celebrity ( in Britain), and they wanted to take it to trial, even though her boyfriend, "victim", refused to press charges. They put a restraining order on her, again against her boyfriend's, "victim's "wishes. She waited till the friend watching her, because they were worried about her state of mind, went out, and then killed herself- on Valentine's Day. Many think it was decided to make a "show trial" - we are being tough on domestic violence, including women who abuse.

  7. @Ad Auntie You said there is no conspiracy theory here, but it was really strange how those pictures of her bedroom, which would be a crime scene, were leaked. Oh it was later admitted the blood you see in them is hers not his.

    1. Really try not to look at death pictures but when a relative passed. the blood was pouring out and we had to leave. And given how vicious the British press is, of course they took pictures. She was mortified about DV and hung herself. It happens

  8. @norster her blood was sold to a magazine/publication for money 💰:(

  9. Her ex Andrew Brady published a long blog post where he made some interesting points. Caroline had been unstable for a long time, ricocheting from one tempestuous relationship to the next and her management never sought proper help for her but kept her working. Brady himself is not blameless in her death, but he's saying that she had been in a bad place for years and it was no surprise getting arrested tipped her over the edge.

    As a trash TV fan I've been watching love island for years and feel awful about how it all ended for her. Maybe as a community literally based on speculation and gossip, CDaN can learn something from her death.

  10. She was a young women with mental health problems, badly in need of being taken into a clinic to help her learn to deal with them properly.

    The day before she ended her life emergency services were called out to her as she was suicidal and the people with her were terrified for her safety.

    On attendance Caroline managed to convince them that she was feeling much better and was ok, and they left her there after a friend promised to stay the night with her.

    As soon as she was alone the next day she hanged herself. The girl had told the police the day she was arrested that she couldn't cope, that she would kill herself.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but if this had been Britney or Amanda or someone else in USA entertainment industry would she not have been placed under a hold for her own protection?

    Terrible shame, no conspiracy theory though. Mental illness + lack of specialist care + money grabbing neighbours/ emergency services + fear + loneliness + humiliation in front of the press = tipped over the edge.

  11. More top notch NHS healthcare.

  12. @Droopy Orchard - "if this had been Britney or Amanda or someone else in USA entertainment industry would she not have been placed under a hold for her own protection?"

    That only happens when an outsider calls for some sort of help or protection. It doesn't happen if nobody does anything.

    1. Astonishing that her friends did call and summon that help and the police and paramedics didn't feel it necessary!

    2. Not every 5150 is held. Most are released unfortunately. Only the worst are held for more ..Amanda

  13. She was a 40 year old woman who never dated anyone who wasn't very much younger than her. That suggests an element of arrested emotional development. Add to that she forged a career based on looks and nothing substantial where life is valued by how many likes you get on insta combined with with how ageing women are viewed then multiply by low self esteem seasoned with mental health issues = it was never going to end well.
    Police had body cam footage of the aftermath which friends have said she was terrified of a jury seeing...why?
    Also, flip the switch...if she had been a man would everyone be saying that the case should've been closed because the victim refused to support the prosecution? A sad case but if you chase the cameras you should expect them to chase you back.

  14. Get stuffed, Brayson, this has zip to do with the NHS. This was the world of high-rolling celebrity private health care, private rehab, and bad management decisions by her people, putting money, image and career over seeking proper help for Caroline.

    However, she was no saint imo. All this beatification sits uncomfortably alongside 1. Her boyfriend's injury, whatever its size 2. His phone call to the police stating 'She's trying to kill me.'T

    The trial would have at least allowed her to tell her side, as she said she wanted to. But in the event she didn't, for her own reasons.

  15. @Brayson87 Also leave our NHS alone ! Yes it's flawed, but at least we don't leave people to die because they are too poor to pay for health care.

  16. @Gon, Is that all, don't you have any more victim blaming to add?

  17. @norster, Neither do we, we give them medical care combined with soul crushing debt and/or drug addictions so they wish they had died instead of being treated, or medicaid or the hospital picks up the tab. And that's if medical incompetence doesn't kill them first. In US hospitals they give out MRSA infections like lollipops, is it the same in the UK?

  18. Where was the tribute?

  19. @Norster, @Chippy: In DV cases, it’s very common for prosecutors to bring a case to trial, even if the victim changes their mind. There are many reasons why a victim changes their mind, ranging from fear to wanting to get back with the person who assaulted them. Apparently the body cam footage showed her in a state of distress and undress, and they were both very drunk and covered in blood.

    Andrew Brady also insinuated that she assaulted him. He said that if he didn’t leave her, he’d be dead. Sad that this woman didn’t receive the mental health care that she desperately needed.

  20. @ThisandThat: The BRIT awards.

  21. @Brayson87 As i said, our system is flawed. But most of the people who work for the NHS do so as a vocation, they certainly don't get paid enough for what they do. I have a cronic illness, and I certainly wouldn't be able to pay for the treatment, and medication I receive.

  22. First of all, the support for NHS is complete crap! I was telling my husband last night during the debate that socialized medicine kills people! I read all the U.K. papers and everyday there is a small child who dies bc the doctors send the home, they’re not that sick! So while “private” healthcare is apparently available, that doesn’t excuse the failures of the national system. Also, the blame goes to her management, who KNEW she had issues!

  23. @Brayson87 However Mental Health Care in this country totally sucks !!!

  24. Anonymous11:18 AM


  25. She killed herself the day after THE SCUM posted a vicious Valentine about her on the cover. That's NO accident.

    She also heard that her domestic violence incident would result in a trial. OF course it would. If she had done what she did to that man in the US, she would have been charged with attempted MURDER.

  26. I wonder if all the people here defending domestic abuse would do the same for a man?

    Silly question, of course you wouldn't. He'd be guilty and demonised without any actual evidence required.

    Her death is sad, but she was no saint. Stop making excuses.

  27. In case anyone's interested Dr Max published a very balanced opinion piece today.

  28. Mental health on the NHS is atrocious but she didn't have mental health care on the NHS. It was all private so that point isn't relevant to her death. She did have anxiety issues and a strange obsession with young men but she also had severe anger issues which many of her exs talked about. She glassed a guy when he was asleep. Of course she shouldn't have been driven to suicide without a proper trial but we're not talking about an innocent little girl here. RIP regardless, still a terrible way to go.
