Monday, February 10, 2020

Blind Item #2 - Oscars

This A/A- list actor/host who all of you know was at a party and was confronted by a woman who lit into the actor for what he did to her last summer, and how she didn't know he was married. It was really uncomfortable, especially for the actor's wife.


  1. Well the only hosts/not hosts last night were Steve Martin and Chris Rock?

  2. james cordon is into women?

  3. Corden fits, but a woman?

  4. Mario Lopez, just because we've done nothing to deserve two James Corden blinds in one morning

  5. UK pop singer Lily Allen has accused Corden of being 'over friendly' in the past... Mind you she is seen as one of the biggest nutjobs / bullshitters in the UK.

  6. I don't think even Lily Allen would sleep with James Corden.

  7. Is it possible for someone to not know if a late night talk show host is married or not? Do people still not know how to do a simple Google search? I am genuinely asking!

  8. Guy lies to get laid. Stop the presses.

  9. @AlleyKat James Corden or Lilly Allen ? Lol 🤣

  10. Was it Jennifer Love Hewitt viral marketing of the next installment of her franchise?

  11. Haha, they're never pissed that he was married, they're pissed because he didn't stay/kicked them out or didn't text later.

    Isn't it amazing how most single women never seem to sleep with a married man yet for some it's this crazy coincidence that keeps happening?

  12. I like the Mario Lopez guess! Although it doesn't seem likely that someone wouldn't know he was married.
