Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Blind Item #2

Apparently the foreign born permanent A list female author has a thing for racist, serial cheating, serial sexual assaulters who also like to share visions about how they would murder their exes. She probably just likes his music which is why she sent him a gift.


  1. Absolutely JK Rowling. Who is the dude?

  2. Yep, MyDog. And this is odd.


  3. @Thia Very strange...

  4. JK Rowling and Gene Simmons?

  5. When's the next Mixed Up Beasts movie coming out? I mean it's been a month or so since J.K. was caught up in a Twitter row.

  6. Jk turned out to be a complete mess of a person

  7. Manson??? Are u serious..that man is homely. Just date Jimmy Page, at least he has talent and not a racist. I think

    1. JK's to old for JP!

    2. @alleykat. Jp will try anything once. Its time to experience Grandma love👵

  8. Good guess My Dog, I immediately thought of Manson but was like no way.

    Then again this is the same woman who was obsessed with Johnny Depp.

    Manson is also an actor, she'll probably make a role for him.

  9. People should watch interviews with Marilyn Manson, dude is smart and calculating.

  10. I'm still laughing that she thinks lifetime fuckup Johnny Depp is dreamy.

  11. Marilyn was on The New Pope last night. Had a meeting with the Pope in full MM regalia, and thought he was the old new Pope.

  12. @ sd auntie yeah talent is great but doesn't excuse the fact jimmy page is a nonce and led zeppelin were a bunch of satanic nonces kidnapping child groupies and doing literally whatever they wanted to 'em

    1. Ikr @the girl but at least his music is more listenable. Thunder cat moaning Manson makes me sick. Dont worry, JP gonna pay for it. .and hope Randy California estate succeeds withh the appeal. He is the real writer of stairway to heaven. BTW.

  13. @ZZZ, I've never heard anything about him being racist or being involved in that kind of stuff. All I've heard is that he's really not a great guy to date, a bad boyfriend. Which only draws more women to him.

    I used to say that Marilyn Manson's role in life was to teach young women the difference between a bad boy and a bad man.

  14. Rowling....?
    But I do share the love for killing some ex's!

  15. UGH GROSS! He is revolting! Those who shave their eyebrows on purpose should never be trusted.
    It makes sense, because they are part of the same 'club'

  16. Was it a gift that keeps on giving?

  17. I once read Jimmy Page was laughing about much money he was making ripping off old black blue's guys to an appaled Marc Bolan. Other than that, haven't heard anything about Page being a racist. Manson on the other hand.....

  18. Strange combo.
    I recently read that some spells in the HP books are actual spells- perhaps they met through the church of Satan?? wtf

  19. @Ziggy, Dungeon Masters could come up with better spells than the HP soft magic system. The only thing you'll get from HP spells is acne lol.

  20. fair enough @sd auntie i agree they're shameless plagiarists

  21. How is JK Rowling’s not permanent A+++. The woman has sold more books than God. She is literally the best selling author of all time, and that doesn’t even include the best sellers she’s written under pen-name Robert Galbraith.

  22. You're thinking Henry Rollins.

  23. Coming to a bookstore near you: The Marilyn Manson and J.K. Rowling Book of Spells. Can you imagine, the thing would sell like hot cakes!

  24. This is so odd to me. I see Neil and their dog daily at our local beach. They are so normal 😂
