Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blind Item #4

The alliterate actress wants to get this whole thing over with, but her significant other won't let her. That is going to add an extra year to what will be a a longer sentence than anyone else has received.



  2. She's gonna get so many beatdowns.

  3. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Ah, the brilliant defense is now “the government lied”. Yeah. That’s exactly how you win in federal court. Who the fuck are her lawyers, Dewey Cheatem and Howe?

    1. LOL,Dewey Cheatem and Howe
      Good one

  4. She is single-handedly boosting Felicity Huffman’s career.

  5. duh, the guy knows lori will take all the heat...& the jail time. he looks like a smug, happy MF Everytime they leave the courthouse whole she looks like death.

  6. The DumbAssess should have just plead guilty, taken the slap on the wrist and put this behind them.

  7. @David: The ‘hot pockets’ heiress got 5 months and she pled guilty. LL & hubby are also trying to get their trial pushed until 2021. (I mean, we’re only in February FFS!) The way they’re handling this they’ll end up with @ least 2 years each. Well deserved!

  8. If true, the new evidence the prosecutors were forced to turn over is at the very least reasonable doubt. Her case should now have a chance of being dismissed outright. Huffman is gonna be so pissed if that happens.

  9. The punishment should fit the crime and should not be at the discretion of the prosecutors and used to punish persons for defending themselves. Hot Pockets got 5 months for worse.

  10. I wish their sentence could reflect the extra money they are costing the justice system for their nonsense.

  11. The longer this goes on, the more firmly I'm convinced they're going to get off.

  12. It’s so crazy, all she had to do was make a deal and plead guilty. But instead Aunt Becky’s ego cried innocence & thought she could get out of it just like she thought she could get away with getting her dumb as fukc twat daughters into the University of Spoiled Children (USC has become even more of a joke - which is saying something since it already was)

    Enjoy the two digits behind bars. lmao what a dumb bitch I love it

  13. @jarwas97: Dewey Cheatem and Howe is from an old Three Stooges bit.
