Saturday, February 22, 2020

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who sometime directs makes it seem as if he had a choice when it came to leaving his franchise. He didn't quit. He was asked to leave.


  1. there's only so much bloating you can jam into a bat suit

  2. Or Ego lol. But I think he’s coming around. Recent interviews have been candid and endearing(especially regarding the former women in his life (Jen and Jlo)

  3. Affleck and likely because of his drinking.

  4. Well you can't blame him for not saying he got fired. But the rumours say the drinking is only part of the problem, coke is the bigger part.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's a shame, I really liked him as Batman. Terrible material to work with, but he was in a horrible place at the time. I remembered him.coming on The Graham Norton show to plug that The Accountant film he was in, he was bloated, disconnected, bored and looked fairly drunk. It was painful. I wish him well.

  7. Affleck. He lies constantly and about everything. Admitting that he got fired from the franchise due to his drug and alcohol problems would have given him a good platform to talk about the fact that there are consequences for bad behavior. But he's such a narcissist that he can't stand anyone knowing that his bloated drunk ass got the ax.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Affleck still has addiction issues to overcome. His gambling may be more socially acceptable (than his drinking) but it's still destructive. I hope the guy finally gets his act together for his children's sake.

  9. Have never seen a clooney or affleck batman, and hopefully never will.

  10. I never saw such an insincere interview in my life! "Divorce is hard . . . blah, blah, blah." His eyes are dead.

  11. It was probably a deal they agreed to. Acting in Hollywood isn't just on a film.

  12. The one role where I found him convincing was O'Bannion in Dazed and Confused.

  13. He is addicted to everything,and the constant cheating was more likely the last straw. Jen put up with too much too long,and it came to a point where it was destructive to the children. He never did go to a long term rehab, and just repeats the same thing over and over. Even the nanny and the drunk girlfriend got fed up.

  14. @Ann, I know more people who have damaged the lives of their families with gambling than drugs. They don't get physically ill,so the damage is done before anyone thinks there's a problem. Ben has both,or all three,if he's a "sex addict". Or he uses his drinking to excuse bad behavior.

  15. Awkward Turtle-- "Acting in Hollywood isn't just on a film"...LOL! I think you've summed up 85% of all blind items!😂

  16. Could also be Depp and the pirate franchise

  17. Affleck, out on his apology tour

    1. Afflict should become a makeup youtuber and just fake an apology video imo lol

  18. Ben is getting to be like Oprah, with her by now multi- generational "love me fat, love me pretending to be thinner and wth, love me morbidly obese" grand tours. Old dawg, no new tricks.

  19. SandyC- agreed. He’s such a slimy toad. What a prick. Haaaaaaaaaaaate him so much. A good WV girl like Garner deserves better.

  20. LMAO at "Backtat Ben"
