Friday, February 14, 2020

Blind Item #7

Apparently the actress is playing out the string because of any potential VP nominations. 


  1. Booker isn't getting a nomination

  2. Give it a rest Spartacus,Rosaria has a better shot than you.

  3. Spartacus doesn't have a chance...

  4. VP's are supposed to bring votes to the campaign, not lose them. Although it would be fun to see him run with Butti ;)

  5. @Brayson The sexual tension between those two would be priceless :)

  6. It would be akin to watching Troy Aikman and Joe Buck calling football games...

  7. She also has a show on USA to promote so she is doing publicity for that too I'm sure

  8. Ashley Judd. Liz Warren

  9. Corey Booker is long forgotten

  10. Cory Booker brings absolutely zero to the progressive table.
    He is barely, barely black, a male who is publicly heterosexual, cis-gendered...and unremarkable politically as he is not a known communist or very good bootlicker.
    Nothing of value for wokeness here.

    1. Who are you you decide who is black enough?? Egads.

  11. Spartacus is not going to be anyone's VP. Now Kamala Harris I can see as a VP.

  12. @MyDog, Long nights in the oral office pounding out foreign policy...

  13. oh dear. is she under the illusion that booker would get a vp nom??? he is a loser at the national level. damaged goods. no way he gets on the dnc ticket. my prediction is bloomberg/kloubechar

  14. I want to see the election we were supposed to have in 2016, Bernie vs Trump.

  15. Spudacus as VP? Okay

  16. Damn, the combined age of Bernie and Trump will be 152 years by November this year!

  17. Brayson ... why? Are you a big fan of Trump for 4 more? I hoped that Uncle Joe would come out swinging and sounding more like he remembered his vitamins and not so much like he just took a big pull on a giant bong on some Freedom Ride circa 1967. I don't know if Bernie can pull it off. Maybe a Bernie/Buttie ticket....I'm not feeling any of the gals all the way to the wire....Kamala pulled up stakes so fast it was over before it started for her. No one likes a quitter, Kamala....

  18. @Indigo, Because I feel that HRC and the complicit DNC stole the nomination from Bernie in 2016. And I want to see Bernie and Trump go head to head and see who comes out the victor.

    Funny thing about the two party system in the US, in most states it becomes a one party system or machine if you will.

  19. Booker doesn't deserve any nomination

  20. For all you Buttigieg supporters. You hate this country.

    BERNIE 2020!

  21. Saw Rosario was engaged to Jason from SATC..did not know that

  22. aren't lying. This whole system is screwed up. I understand the ideology behind whittling it down to two "representative" candidates...only the founding fathers and framers didn't quite anticipate all the foolery that goes on today. Advances in technology haven not kept up with the deteriorating moral fiber of the country and world today. Depressing as fuck.

  23. Booker is not getting any nominations. Nice guy though. Really nice.

  24. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Bloomberg is going to buy the Presidency for Hillary.
