Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 7, 2020

This A list singer might have been public with a guy this week, but it doesn't men she isn't hooking up with the former A+ list mostly movie comic actor who used to be the highest paid actor in the world.

Ariana Grande/Jim Carrey


  1. She would lick donuts meant for strangers, did he really think she wasn't going to suck a few d!cks on the side?

    1. We know that guy... That owns that little shop. Wolfie. We observed that for a while he owned the most famous donut store in the world, but he won't forgive Ariana XD
      She caused his very clean store to get a temporary drop in grade from the health department and Wolfie is forever ticked!
      Excellent donuts, btw ;)

  2. SEriously, if this is true, Ariana, ewwwwwwwww

  3. Damn, Ariana is like flies to sh!t.

  4. Dan Schneider trainer her well.

  5. This makes no sense. No matter how many angles I look at this at, I just don't see it. If she was into older actor/comedians she can do way better than Jim Carrey. Either that or he has something in common with Pete.

    1. 1. They're both Cabal minions
      2. They both like drugs
      3. She likes angsty moody "inner pain" idiots, and he IS one of those.

  6. I don't buy it for one second

  7. Normally I'm not a fan of people who cheat, but...


  8. Carrey gets good drugs obvy...

  9. Carrey has the face of someone who stared into the abyss too long. Someday he’ll be hanging from a doorknob with a red scarf tied around his neck.

  10. Any time Jim Carrey is mentioned now, all I can think of are the numerous STDs he was revealed to have when his girlfriend killed herself with his pills. I still like “Dumb & Dumber” though.

  11. Ewwww Jim has all types of sexual diseases and he’s crazy.
    She’s a sick ass young lady

  12. Spade had Carrey on as a guest on Lights Out.
    1st episode I ever skipped
    Hard Pass

  13. If true this is grim ....

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    @tookiesmum ... AGREE.
    And it couldn't happen to a more decent human.

    Nasty f'er.

  15. He prob has a giant weiner and for sure he's crazy, which means good sex. So there ya have it.
    #SolvedIt again

  16. Considering he's got multiple STD's, she better demand condoms.

  17. Carey has a really dark vibe, plus from the testimony he gave re: the ex gf, he's pretty effed up. He's way too old for Grande.

  18. I'm not a fan of Ariana but I know she's publicly talked about him being her childhood crush so I'm not that shocked tbh.

  19. She likes young pale skinny guys with tons of tattoos who are into weird youth rap music. She's not going to be into Ace Ventura. This must be fake.

  20. Rosie - I admit, I do get a big dick and good in bed vibe.

  21. Ariana said multiple times that she always admire Jim so much and blabla. I dont see the problem if you have the opportunity of fuck one of your crushes. Yes, he is older and fucked up. So what. She is a grown up woman. As long as he doesn abuse her and neither she, who cares
