Friday, February 21, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 12, 2020

Despite reports to the contrary, this reality star turned crack addict/gambler is going to get paid a little something for her new reality show.

Mama June


  1. Pedo enablers being rewarded with reality shows...

  2. It seems that at some point the network will become culpable

  3. they're probably gonna document how she gains all the weight back

  4. Please note: Studies have now shown when one has bariatric surgery it affects your mental health. Daughter had it done and it kicked into high gear. I lost it through diet/exercise and have suffered from it too; mostly depression, anxiety.

  5. Do they know why that happens, Hope? You’d think it would make people happy, to not be fat and in pain and with health ailments. I can see problems with malabsorption causing issues but if it goes well, seems like it would only improve your life. And if you lose it by diet and exercise, I definitely wouldn’t expect depression or other mental problems from that, since they always say you’ll be happier and better off. Weird.

    As for Mama June, isn’t it illegal to not pay someone for work? Whatever it may be, she’s clearly “working” by appearing on tv. So they probably have to. I am glad her kid is with the sister though, spare her from this trainwreck.

  6. Bravo or TLC wants to be around when she dies. They are now enabling her behavior, so they are guilty for whatever happens to her. Better off she hits rock bottom and gets put away for any reason than getting paid to fuck up and possibly kill yourself/get killed.

  7. It probably has to do with the fact that in a lot of cases, excess weight is a defense mechanism and an excuse for not getting more involved with people. You may feel physically better, but it does not solve psychiatric problems, especially if food has been your crutch for most of your life.

  8. Food is also very social, and how some people relate to other people. If they suddenly can't use that anymore, they find themselves in a quandary.

  9. Who would do a show for free?

    1. You’d be surprised. There are lots of desperate people who will do anything for a chance to be on TV. I worked on a reality show where the only form of reimbursement was a trip to the Bahamas, but only if you won. We had bitches lining up for the chance. Not like they had jobs to be at anyways. Never underestimate how many stupid famewhores there are in this world.

  10. She's not actually taping the show. The show is focusing on Alana, Pumpkin and her husband and baby, and I guess June's sister, and how they are faring. They will use clips from the past when they need to include June.

  11. Weight loss/fat levels are linked to estrogen levels. Additionally, many women with weight issues have undiagnosed thyroid conditions. Thyroid levels control metabolism and levels of other hormones. Surgery doesn't address hormonal imbalances. It can cause malnutrition which makes hormonal imbalances worse.

  12. Sad all the way around

  13. Makes sense, never considered that. Thanks.

  14. Low metabolism just means that you can eat less, and if you decide to lose weight it takes longer. Do you know who usually have higher metabolisms, it's obese people. So tired of people blaming their metabolism for the fact that they can't close the refrigerator door.

    "Counterintuitively, heavier people generally have higher metabolic rates than skinny folks to meet the fuel demands of their larger bodies."

  15. What's a case of moonbars going for these days??

  16. Why wouldn't obese people have higher metabolisms? Their blood pressure is much higher.

  17. A lot of reality TV seems like the electronic equvalent of 1800s circus freak shows. And that doesn't seem to be a good thing.

  18. I think Amish Mafia was the height of reality tv.

  19. I just looked up a description of Amish Mafia - what in the actual f@#k?! How does a group that says they are distrustful of outsiders allow a reality TV crew to follow them around? I have to admit, this pings the Weird-o-meter pretty hard.

  20. @Holden, Because like the rest of reality tv it's all fake and scripted. The pimped out carriage race was pretty epic though lol.

  21. I liked the reality show with the Romani gypsy people. They had these hideous dresses and gold furniture in their houses. There was a fight at every occasion. Sounds a lot like my East coast Italian fambly.🥴

    1. They also marry their teenage daughters off to some really sketchy creepy unemployed men. That show makes me wanna hurl

  22. The producers plan to sprinkle her with crack.
