Saturday, February 08, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 1, 2020

This oft troubled Oscar winner didn't seem to be bothered by anything this week at a party where he was drunk and still hitting on women who wished he wouldn't.

Cuba Gooding Jr.


  1. Your honor, my client was drunk and not in his senses....plead not guilty!

  2. Show him the rehab!

  3. He needs help ASAP he’s out of control

  4. He normally does this when he’s shitfaced and sometimes he gets tossed out or the cops are called.

  5. Does Cuba not have any real friends who can pull a fella aside and and give him a good "talking to" about his behavior? Every pic I have seen of him for at least a year makes him look like he'd blend right in with the folks that live in a "tent city" behind a McDonald's just off the highway somewhere.

  6. Meth heads have no boundaries.

  7. He’s so revolting.

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Time’s out for milking that Oscar his low class self stole

  9. Maybe he can use the Trump method of doing terrible shit, going to court over it and then not showing up to his own trial while having his defense block the women from testifying, while the jury is full of his buddies.

    Y'know, to make it a fair trial.

  10. He’s been a drunken POS for years. I worked on a terrible little movie he was in called “End Game.” He was flirty, handsy & out of control on a nightly basis. I was shocked when another pretty lady came to visit him on set one day & I found out it was his wife! This was a long time ago, so I hope she’s since gotten wise & dumped his ass.

  11. You know it's addiction when no amount of arrests and public exposure change the behavior. Bars should have him flagged as a menace at this point!

    +1 on friends or even lawyer getting him to rehab, STAT!

  12. He acted like this before he was famous, had money or a golden dildo.
