Sunday, February 02, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 25, 2020

This former A- list mostly television actor from a long running, now defunct network drama, spent a small fortune to take a private jet to meet his former co-star for the night when she was out of town.

Tony Goldwyn/Kerry Washington


  1. Meh I wish we could go back to the daily blinds about these two instead of the daily Marklle and Randy Andy blinds.

  2. I don't understand the drama, but they've got the money, and this complicated rendezvous-ing seems to work for them. I can't imagine the spouses are being duped at this point (or ever).

  3. Both of their spouses are in the closet themselves, cheating gives off so many activities in the brains
    that they can't stop.

  4. We are undercover passion on the run... chasing love under the sun.....
    Love that song!

  5. Obviously they enjoy cheating. They are both married with gay spouse. Unless this is to cover them being gay as well.

  6. So do I, @Indie, and now it's my earworm for the rest of the day!

  7. The weird thing about Scandal - has anyone done anything since it ended? Some shows, people move on to have a career. This seemed to just end people's careers.

  8. I used to watch Scandal but the last season totally sucked.

  9. it's not really a secret anymore, is it.

  10. IndieRaga-- Yep...that's going to be running through my head the rest of the day!😂

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Scandal became unwatchable when they started calling Kerry Washington's character Helen of Troy as if she was the most beautiful alluring woman who had ever lived. Oh and when the character of her father started spitting his lines...literally...which I guess passes for acting in Shondaland. Ugh.

  12. Scandal was good when they still had clients! It just got too far from reality as it went on. Tony and Kerry always looked like they legit couldn't keep their hands off of each other, and I guess they could not.

  13. I think the blinds on this “couple” are fake, fake, FAKE.

  14. Nobody cares about these two! Why keep trying to make them happen?

  15. Anonymous4:23 AM

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