Thursday, February 20, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 11, 2020

"He is essentially a star f**er. That's what happened. There was a woman he met who he could look at on television and he has a thing for meeting famous people too. It happens all the time, it just doesn't usually happen to a foreign born A+ lister, although in a different list kind of way."

A former A+ list athlete turned stripper loving celebrity who will probably get married because of performance issues from all the years doing HGH.

Prince Harry/Meghan Markle/Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez/Jennifer Lopez


  1. Yep, Megan and Harry are moving in the cream of society now! 🤣

  2. I think when you are a Royal, people would jump at the chance to meeting you, you don't get that chance very often.

  3. Damn, even A-Rod looks down on the BRF.

  4. So is this blind saying that ARod called Harry a starf$%cker and that is why he is with Megan?

    I dont really understand the writing

    1. Me neither. Had to read it a few times

  5. Lol @ Markle being a "star."

    As Wilde said, regarding the Half-Prince, we're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the shit we're wallowing in.

    Hope JP Morgan's guests are flattered by the brilliance chosen to present to them.

  6. Star-f**ker, kiddie f**ker, racists, bribery, corruption, that's some real top notch nobility they've got on that island.

  7. Waiting for Canseco to call them thirsty trash.

  8. i don't understand the correlation in this blind at all
    who fcked who? is a-rod marrying jlo bec of erectile dysfunction... whut?! is jlo a lesbian then? im so confused...

  9. Did AROD and HARRY sleep together? That makes as much sense as this blind!

  10. Daryl Strawberry and Tanya Harding won't return Fat Markle's calls.

    1. Well how is Meghan going to finalize the deets on the Tanya-Meghan Jell-O Deathmatch if Tanya can't be bothered answer her dang phone?!

  11. +1 J on the Canseco comment 😂🤣

  12. @J, Bob's Big Boy won't return her calls either.

  13. @gauloise: Yes. The quote is from ARod, claiming that Harry is a star f**ker, with Meghan being the star. The item is also saying, at the bottom, that ARod has "performance" issues from doing steroids for years.

  14. On the contrary, Brayson, she's keeping Bob's in business.

  15. Sy Sperling is dead. Not just the Hair Club For Men President, but also a client.

    All you baldy royals, pour out one for your homie.

  16. So A-Rod speaks Entish?
    "Foreign born A+ lister"?

  17. If Arod's quote is accurate then what happened?? If Harry just a starfucker why did he settle for a b list cable actress?? I'm sure he could have scored a much higher rated star.

  18. The implication is Harry's too stupid to know that, and he thinks Blimp Markle IS a big star.

    Big, yes, but...

  19. Thanks for the translation @Bubbles!

    You think as a British prince he would have had chances to meet more popular actresses.

  20. The Royals should have gotten rid of Harry the second he started prancing around in that Nazi uniform.

  21. @texasrose, She probably used all her yachter tricks to make in him fall for her, like eating his a$$ and threesomes.

  22. It's like a fairy tale... handsome halfprince of dubious paternity falls in love with America's biggest star, suitcase bimbo #26 from deal or no deal season 4.

  23. I’m glad I’m not the only confused one here.

  24. I think this is 2 blinds that were put together. I remember reading the A-Rod/J-Lo one, but not the Harry/Markle one.

  25. So Markle will be boxing Paula Jones in a couple years then?

  26. @Brayson87 - True Dat!!

  27. Christ on a cracker; read through this 3 freeking times and still don't what this is about.

  28. I still contend that MM was hired to deflect attention from Andy, then she went rogue.

  29. Harry is a star f*cker only he didn’t even have the brains to find a star. Just a D list cable show actress about to be a nobody.

  30. HGH doesn't cause sterility or ED.

    Synthetic Steroids would.

    Try to get your science straight Enty.

  31. They should put his wig on top of his coffin.

  32. I'm sorry, I am supposed to believe that the words "it just doesn't usually happen to a foreign born A+ lister, although in a different list kind of way" literally came out of A Rod's mouth? He actually speaks in blind items?
