Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 29, 2020

Once again, the alliterate ex of this A++ list celebrity has been asked to join a reality franchise. One of the stars of it hung around her this past week several times in an attempt to convince her to join.

Marla Maples/Donald Trump/Real Housewives/Ramona Singer


  1. Pls Jesus, I wish this was possible. I am sure she is dying to say yes. Like hash attorneys combing through line by line of all those agreements she has to see if she can pls pls even do a small friend role...wont happen...but I, like Ramona, WISH!

  2. I don't know, could they film a new The Apprentice season in the WH?

    1. Sure. But why?

      That said, I'd be shocked if Trump hasn't been getting his own WH experience on film this whole time. Books. A documentary. The whole family.

  3. maybe if they get rid of ramona first i'll watch. she's such an entitled cunt, that crazy eyed bitch. turtle dance your ass off the show please.

  4. Compared to Melania, Marla is Albert Einstein...

  5. Trump will just get some cronies to threaten Andy to not hire her.

  6. Now that I might watch, for a least 1 show.

  7. Yeah, trump has cronies that run around threatening every no-talent fag in Hollywood.
    And compared to studio 54, Melania is Mme. Curie

  8. Comrade Trump's SOTU trainwreck was down 21 percent in the ratings:

    1. 30,000+ people show up to every single Trump rally.
      Democrats can't even manage 300, and most of can't even get more than 30 people to show up. Oh, apart from Bernie - he can actually get a few thousand commies, but the DNC will end him.
      Anyways - stay deluded - you'll be good for a laugh now and then :D

  9. The only reason the most corrupt President in US History isn't being booted from office, is because the right wing is refusing to call WITNESSES in their rigged sham.

    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) will vote to convict President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial on the charge of abuse of power, becoming the only Republican to break with the president and his party.
    "The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a "high crime and misdemeanor."
    "Yes, he did," Romney said.
    The move denies Trump the unanimous Republican support he had sought and is sure to invite an avalanche of attacks from the president and his allies.

    1. Rom raped and beat to death a young female immigrant. He was on drugs. He gets that way. He really should should drugs. And videotapes.
      He's compromised, blackmailed.
      And you're a media mind control victim.

      PS: the House impeachment articles will be taken into the Supreme Court and erased like they never existed. Enjoy the Show

  10. Are we ever going to find out the Iowa caucus results? Last I checked they only had 75% in so far.

  11. Run, Marla. Don't fall into the househo cesspit. It never ends well.
    BTW, Melania speaks 5 languages. She's no dummy.

    1. She's a moron and a racist.

    2. Dear Edward, learn history.
      The party that voted to keep slavery, and deny women and blacks the vote was the Democrat party. The KKK was entirely Democrat.
      I'm guessing your one of them, a Democrat?
      Which means you belong to a party that voted to continue enslaving blacks. The party which has seen to it that black babies are quite likely to be killed before birth. Which even had as its presidential candidate a woman mentored by a KKK "Exalted Cyclops" and KKK recruiter - that was Hillary.

      So you see my friend, all of this makes you the actual racist.

    3. Americans sure are a special breed of stupid. Thanks for being a perfect example.

  12. Corrupt Comrade Trump is as guilty as sin. He can't allow witnesses in his sham charade, because they prove his GUILT. He and the GOP funneled all kinds of $$$$ to the GOP senators to keep them in line, and rubber stamping this farce.

    Blind stupid MAGA, keep your earplugs in and blinders on for Bolton's soon to be subpoenaed testimony before the house, the latest in a LONG LINE of insiders spilling the beans on his corruption and mental instability.

    The multiple bankruptcies p-grabber is a disgrace to the office.

    1. PLEASE, do us all a favor: Put down the soy latte and turn off your TV.

  13. Anonymous12:01 PM

    If Maples could talk about Trump she would have by now. She signed an airtight NDA for a few million. Plus there is a young adult offspring who would be hurt by it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. MAGA Trump 2020 WWG1WGA

  16. @Studio for all your bombast you obviously watched none of the proceedings. The House Managers repeatedly stated they had proved incontrovertibly that Trump was guilty of the articles. If they proved it in the House, why were witnesses needed in the Senate?

    Clear your head if you can of your TDS; it will help you to enjoy life more and not sound so dumb

  17. Word is they timed things to keep the senators busy and out of Iowa to help Biden win, which didn't really pan out the way they thought.

    1. Yep - what a sh*tshow.
      Soros and Buttplug (who is CIA) both made large donations to Shadow. Buttplug went to Harvard with and is a pal of DARPA pet, Zuckerberg. Soros is funding Buttplug. And the entire Democrat establishment is aiming to make Bernie disappear...
      Hopefully this is helping some of them wake up, but... They're pretty brainwashed, so probably not.

  18. The worse thing about TDS is that it isn't fatal. Romney is as dirty as Biden,Pelosi, and Kerry and their sons , I can not wait til they all get whats coming to them ! President Trump is the best President America has ever had in my 60 years .Haters should all choke on their venomous bile. Democrats are all dirty anti American POS.

  19. I thought Marla lived in LA.

  20. Moneyweather, you need to get a job, a hobby or a girlfriend. I figure the odds for any one are very low so I gave you three to shoot for. Best of luck, give yourself a good long time. Drink lots of water.

  21. Monkeyweather said...
    Dear Edward, learn history.
    The party that voted to keep slavery, and deny women and blacks the vote was the Democrat party.

    Ha! That was 150 years ago. Learn Modern History. The party that gave blacks civil rights in the 1960's were Democrats. The one's who opposed it were Republicans, and racist DixieCrats Dems who then became Republicans because of the civil rights movement.
    That was the end of the GOP being the party of Lincoln. For 50 years they oppose anything that helps minorites and women...which is obvious to anyone but you

  22. Hahahahaha! I love how right wing hacks say Bidens kid is dirty while Ivanka got dozens of new Chinese patents while working in her dad's White House while he negotiated a trade deal with the Chinese. Talk about DIRTY. But you keep on supporting this con artists... Just proves what fools you are. Oh... and don't forget the charity scam the Trump kids ran that was proven to have ripped off veterans... so classy.

  23. the only thing deader than Hollywood is the democratic party

    useless bunch of morons who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery

    thanks for guaranteeing Trump2020 losers

  24. hey studio, you might want to wipe your computer screen from all that spit...

  25. @Studio 54: When did Clinton or Grant get back in the Oval Office?
