Sunday, February 16, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 3, 2020

This A-/B+ list actress who is seemingly on the television every ten minutes, just had a breast enlargement/lift to land a new role.

Jennifer Garner


  1. Her flyover state stans must be so disappointed.

  2. I don't hold this against her at all. You have kids, you reach a certain age, things start to not hold up so well. If a lift helps her feel better it's not all that different than coloring the gray out of your hair IMO. It's when you can't move your face because of all the fillers & botox, and you're trying to look 25 at the age of 60, that you've run reality off the rails.

  3. This bitch needs lipo on her poochy gut more than she needs new tits. That perpetually-pregnant look isn't going to work when you're trying to land a rich, important man. She apparently lost her Burger King to a much younger woman.

  4. She needs to stay home and take care of her brats because she doesn’t do a very good job hiring nannies. Her days of being the All-American girl every guy wants are over.

  5. Too old to be any use in Hollywood.

  6. In Hollywood, they like bigger tits on older women than younger women.

  7. Hope she got Saline and not silicon. That shit is poison

  8. I had a friend at our neighborhood bar. 50 something, he and I. His wife was a beautiful doctor and they owned half the property in the vicinity. One night he was totally wasted and he was looking at my boobs. They are nothing special. I had two kids, breastfed, all that. He looked me straight in the face and said "those are real, aren't they?" Then he told me his wife had fake everything and her tits didn't feel good. He wanted something real. It was kind of sad, in a way. He was really cute but I couldn't go there. It did cross my mind, though. Some men like real women, I guess.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It’s sad that women in Hollywood have to change their bodies to get roles, but it happens all the time, no matter what their age. Give her a break, she is just trying to earn a living as well as bringing up three kids mostly on her own given her child man ex. She’s not perfect, but who of us is?

  11. I hope this time it's as big as her forehead to balance it out. Maybe she should also get a Brazilian buttlift to not topple forward over.

  12. Not uncommon to do this after 3 kids, I think you’re jumping to conclusions.

  13. LMAO, as much money as this bitch got from Affleck and continues to get from him in child support, she does NOT need to ~earn a living.~ The delusion is strong with her stans. They really think she's just like them, working to feed her kids and keep the lights on.

  14. Da Fuq?! What the hell is a "stan"?

  15. Substance D - "Stan" refers to a fan of a famous person. But not just any old fan. More along the lines of creepy, stalking, obsessive ones who may or may not think they have a "special" relationship to said famous person because they stared back at them out of the talking picture box in the living room. Comes from that Eminem song where "Stan" is writing Em fan letters that grow increasingly angry when Em doesn't seem to reciprocate the infatuation.

    1. Huh. Weird description then, when it comes to Garner. She's just so MEH. Why would anyone be obsessed?

  16. I like her dedication to her craft.

  17. She did look rather flat chested in the Shower scene in HBOs Camping. Unless it was a body double.

  18. Some of the most petty people in the world, when it comes to physical appearance, are in Hollywood.
    So yeah, it always surprises me when women DON'T have work done. Lots of pressure to maintain impossible standards.

  19. Once you start there...look to Madonna and jlo for further self degrading ways to stay relevant.

  20. Originally you said she got them for her new bf. Some of these "blinds" are just getting irritating.

  21. don't think it will help her. she should stick to commercials where i am sure she is knocking down some decent coin.

  22. This SUCH BALONEY. Enity claimed a few month ago she got the breast enlargement for her new boyfriend NOW its for a movie roll? What bull

  23. Wow, some of you really suck as humans. She's 47 and has 3 kids, pretty normal to not have a washboard stomach. But also, if you're calling her fat, you obviously have a serious case of body dysmorphic disorder and I feel sad for you. Get mental help.

  24. It's been proven that strippers make more money with enlargements, maybe the same holds true for actresses, then it's just a business decision.

  25. She did one thing right back in the day. She fixed her wonky teeth and got quite a bit of lip filler. Turned her into quite the beauty.

    Some girls really look good with lip fillers, and her smile looks natural.

  26. She did one thing right back in the day. She fixed her wonky teeth and got quite a bit of lip filler. Turned her into quite the beauty.

    Some girls really look good with lip fillers, and her smile looks natural.

  27. Before and After photos please.

  28. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Good for her, after 3 kids nothing bad with It

  29. Damn she was hot when she stared in Alias. One of my girl friends used to surprise wearing some of those outfits... Good Times....
