Friday, February 14, 2020

Your Turn

With 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest, how much do you like Valentine's Day?


  1. 5, I can take it or leave it ...

  2. Usually works out well for guys, single or in relationships.

  3. Wasn't yesterday Desperation Day?

  4. 10 because I dont have to deal with my married friends on this day.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 10. It changes with kiddos,but when you have your person,you have your person.Still get a card every year from my parents who are still together after 60 years❤️

  7. I think it's a dumb Hallmark day and I've always thought that, regardless of relationship status. Interestingly, I went to the market about an hour ago and it was filled with men buying last minute flowers and chocolate. I had a good chuckle.

  8. 1
    Hallmark Holiday
    I tell and show my wife every day how much I love her. Why do I have to buy something extra today?

  9. 5
    I like it ok, but I don't like the inherent stress.

    I prefer St. Patrick's Day. Good food, good beer, good music, no expectations.

  10. @JDog, So she doesn't murder you in your sleep one day when she's finally sick of your sh!t that you think is charming. 😅

  11. @Zebra, Yeah you can get a similar amount of a$$ on both days, but Valentine's Day is sweeter 💖

  12.'s another Hallmark holiday

  13. 1 cause I’m a single loser

  14. 9. I’m in a good place in my life so I can take it or leave it. My husband is starting to get back into the holiday swing as well although he says everyday with me is Valentine’s Day!! I was in the store today and saw all the dudes buying flowers , candy and the guy in front of me I’m check out had the whole nine yards . I think he’s getting laid tonight !!😂👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  15. 1. I hate holidays in general but especially manufactured ones.

  16. 1 because it’s just one day, another gimmick to make money.
    It’s how you’re going to be everyday, not one damn day.
    I don’t eat chocolate at all.

  17. I DJ'd local events for a number of years - biggest crowd we ever had was at a Friends of Bill W's "Love Stinks" themed Valentine's Day dance. 350+

  18. aka Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer I think? lol. I love that scene

  19. @Moose, How would you describe the crowd?

  20. they must have been sober (if friend of Bill Ws or maybe a different reference)

  21. 5. We call it a "Friends Day" in Finland, so nobody really celebrates it. Nobody cares if you are single or not. But it's a good excuse to buy chocolate for myself

  22. I enjoyed last 2 Valentine's Day single! And saved alot of money too!
    So I'll go with 2!

  23. @Brayson - it was a blast - the room was decorated with fractured hearts, everyone played up the theme, one of the best times I ever had DJ'ing. Dance floor was packed the entire night. And as Tricia correctly referenced, not a single drop of alcohol flowed in the place. Everyone was straight-edge, just enjoying a good night of socializing, good food and music.

  24. @Moose, That's great they had a good time! I meant the demographics of the crowd, the ages, the styles, singles vs couples, etc.

  25. 2 - made up stupid holiday.

  26. @Brayson - crowd went from late teens to 70s, def more singles than couples.

    And it doesn't matter the age, you put on the right Motown music, and you can pack a dance floor.

  27. 10 because it's the anniversary of the night my husband and I met - 40 years ago today!!

    1. Awww... congratulations!
      Forget whatever I said!

  28. @Moose, Oh that's cool, young people in recovery can be pretty fun and wild, older people can be preachy but they have great stories. If you can't drink or drug then you might as well try and get some a$$.

  29. 1. I don’t like Hallmark holidays. Too commercial.

    One of my exes hated V’day. But most years he’d buy me a random gift on another day. One year I got a beautiful suede dress for Presidents’ Day! That, for me, is so much better than getting roses and going out to an over-crowded restaurant where you know the food is gonna suck.

    I do feel sorry for the guys. To me, it’s not at all meaningful when you feel ‘forced’ to do something just because of a date on the calendar.

    Congratulations, @AbbyRock 🥂! Sort of funny that you met a single guy on Valentine’s Day😊 but glad that you’re still together and happy.

  30. @Brayson: if you need a ‘special day’ to get laid, you’re doing something wrong. 😉

  31. @Aqua, Now you know special occasion sex is often special. Single guys also are always closing so any advantage is always appreciated. Think of it like a successful retail store, but here comes Black Friday.
    TBH though nowadays with dating apps it basically delivers itself to your door, but perhaps that's like Cyber Monday.
    As for couples, why not have a special day to celebrate your love for each other? Now obviously within agreed limits, but who doesn't appreciate getting a card, some candy, maybe a little something special and/or a nice meal? It might not be a holiday you care about, but if it makes your SO happier, don't you want to try? Isn't that what love is about? Doesn't it also feel good to express your love, even if it's corny or embarrassing?

  32. 10 definitely. I worked in retail management for almost 30 years, so Christmas is ruined for me. Valentine's Day is less commercial than Christmas and much more likeable for most folks. And no (or not much) decorating of my house either. Retail ruined my back (surgery looming in my near future).

  33. Who doesn't love half price candy and chocolate on February 15th?!? ;) Gives me plenty of time to binge and lose the weight before summer. LOL

  34. 10 when my daughters were younger. 1 every year spent
    with my ex-wife.

  35. -1000.

    Hallmark can kiss my hairy white arse.... because my wife isn't gonna.

  36. @Brayson: I’ve never had a SO who cared about V.Day, so clearly we were well-matched! 😘 I love doing all of the things that you mentioned, just not on a prescribed day when a million other people are doing it too, just because it’s expected. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy your evening!

  37. 10, cause its my son's Bday.

  38. @Flashy, So what you're really looking for is a diamond and whatever-gemstone-she-likes tennis bracelet along with a tastefully handwritten letter on elegant vintage stationery with a heartfelt yet whimsical message, something like, "To my beautiful lass, it's my dearest wish that you eat my ass." She'll laugh and call you a dumb bastard, you'll laugh with her, you'll hug, the day will proceed normally. But later that evening just as you're drifting off to sleep...

  39. @Aqua, It's also a matter of convenience too, what other time of year are you going to find a bunch of heart shaped balloons, chocolates and pre-written love cards available at every corner? ;)
    Thanks, hope you have a good one too! I'm mired with last minute gift wrapping but then I'm off to see the SO lol.

  40. Meh. It's a 5 for me. It's nice, but whatever. We haven't really celebrated for about 20 years now though, ever since the kids came along.

  41. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The older I get the less I care about Valentine's Day. So my answer is "1". I made hubby his favorite chocolate muffins this afternoon. So that's all I plan to do.

  42. A 2, only because we got free candy and cupcakes at work.

  43. 1. It's really anti-romance. A special moment creates romance, not a contrived moment.

  44. minus 1 as i am a bakery manager
