Friday, February 28, 2020

Your Turn

You get a recording of one event in your life. What would it be?


  1. My Will and Final Testiment....

  2. My children’s laughter . Every single time.

  3. My wedding, I don't have any footage of it.

  4. My childrens births. I had c-sections fyi.

  5. Watching the Dodgers with my grandma.

  6. plus 1 to both Superfly and MyDog (except my Nanny was the Yankees all the way!)

  7. The first time my husband and I hooked up, when we both thought it was a one night stand.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Any family dinner when both parents were alive and sisters home, everyone laughing and sharing stories

  10. A Christmas with all the relatives no longer with us.

  11. The time I was getting off a bus... I tripped, rolled and split the ass out of my jeans.

  12. Growing up again with all my family again RIP
    I’m the only woman everyone comes to.

  13. I was walking with a friend of mine to our local mall and there was snow on the ground. We were just walking along and all of a sudden, I was waist deep in a hole in the ground that the snow had covered up. My friend said that she turned to look at me after she heard me squeal and I had disappeared. I'd have loved to have seen video of that moment.

    After that, I'd like to see video of one family Christmas from when I was a kid.

  14. I have just discovered that I am not the least bit sentimental about my life.

  15. Something happened 3 days before I was born that caused me to arrive very prematurely. I have heard different stories from different people and would like to know what really happened.

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Time spent with my father while he was in Hospice.

  17. my daughter, when she was 7 years old, sang "maybe" from Annie at her summer camp talent show. she came out dressed as Annie, laid a blanket on the floor of the stage, and in character didnt miss a note. I was a puddle by the end. for some reason, none of us videoed it.

  18. When I first met Al Pacino

  19. My Father/Daughter dance at my wedding. I'm divorced now. During that dance, though, he told me that I would always be his little girl, and he would always love me and he wants me to be nothing but happy. Then he told me that if I EVER needed to, I could always come "home". Some 17 years later, those words rang in my ears as I filed from divorce from an increasingly abusive man. And I did.

  20. Anonymous1:14 AM

    The time a Buick hit me @50 mph while I was riding my bicycle.

  21. i was in maths class and the girl everyone had a crush on smiled at me

    i was so happy i closed my eyes and just soaked it up

    what a moment

  22. My three nieces buying a sponge Bob wallet with their allowance for Auntie. 😍

  23. My face and the expression on it the first time I laid eyes on my son after his birth.

  24. The summer of 1978 when I was 11 YRS old. It was the best time of my life.

  25. My young children playing
