Monday, March 16, 2020

Blind Item #11

The wife of this foreign born permanent A list singer has him stay with a nurse all day while she is hooking up with an actor she has always liked. At this point, it is unknown who the actor is.


  1. Neil Yojng/Daryl Hannah?

  2. Phil Collins is sorta incapacitated?

  3. Could be Ozzy. But who wants to hook up with her?

  4. Julio Iglesias? His wife is 20+ years younger

    1. I like this guess but she is worn out with 5 or 6 kids who are all extremely cute. Saw them in Paris Match. Maybe with Penny's hubby.

  5. I'm with @Tricia's guess on this--didnt NY have some illness a few years ago that kept him from the RRHoF shindig?

    And the way Hannah maneuvered this I would bet serious $ this is her

  6. Hailey / Bieber and his Lyme disease.

  7. Sharon is way too old to be hooking up.

  8. Sd Auntie: I lost you. Who has five kids? Thanx.

    1. Miranda Rijinsberger. Julio's babies mother. I dont recall if they got married but they had 4 or five kids. He is in his late 70s I think.

  9. Julio. He did a big tour not that many years ago but as many of us with older parents can attest, one can go into decline quite quickly after an illness, fall or surgery etc. That kinda sucks though. I guess they mind less aobut these things in Europe and Hollywood apparently. Usually they're far more ok with the husband having the affair than the wife...some things never change.

  10. He should pull a Stephen Hawking on her two-timing a$$ and ditch her for the nurse.

  11. Hawking later ditched the nurse because she was supposedly physically abusing him.

  12. not neil young, he literally just performed as part of a digital rally for bernie

  13. Darryl Hannah has aged horribly & nothing like when neil met and fell for her. Ofc he getting a younger hotter side piece.

  14. Mariel Hemingway. Her and Drew have alluded to inappropriate behavior they were subjected to. I believe there is still some self guilt. I hope Mariel and Drew Barrymore can get this monkey off their backs- put it where it belongs- the abusive open secret “ family guys” directors. It wasn’t their fault. Together, they have the gravitas to Expose this and become heroes. Save the Children

  15. @Melvin...if by Lyme Disease you mean meth addiction, I'm not sure Justin would still still enough with a nurse to not leave anyway.

  16. Mariel Hemingway complained about creep Woody Allen, not the "family director" this $$$$ right wing hit factory is smearing:

  17. Maybe the singer is banging the nurse? Win/Win.

  18. Also, if this IS Sharon Osbourne, then this is a kindness blind. *shudder*

  19. Rod Stewart and Penny Lancashire? Does he have a nurse though?
    Penny is a lovely woman and still infatuated with Rod, but, it's possible...

  20. Amy: There is a photo of Rod and Penny on a European sidewalk looking all happy and well in a British tabloid today. Not him.

  21. There's an old saying...if you marry someone twenty years younger then you, karma might bite your ass and you are left at home while she/he plays. Just saying for those old farts that leave the older, for something sweet and young.
