Monday, March 02, 2020

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee told a story the other night about how the rapist producer was never interested in her because she was always slightly overweight. Despite how fat he is, if an actress was over a size two, he thought they were fat and wanted nothing to do with them.


  1. Whoever this is...she was angry because he didn't rape her?!!

    1. Uhhh. Nooo.. The story is about a sick, bloated, blackhead-covered, sans-balls, owner of an egg-shaped-penis, erectile-dysfunctional, smelly, sweaty, pock-marked, gargoyle, who was apparently in charge of rating women with a fine-tooth comb, who apparently had no mirror to remind himself of all of the above, married to a woman who surely knew what was going on but was more interested in selling dressed, and going for a world record for ruined lives.

      Most likely, the question was, "did Harvey go after you"? The actress would have laughed and said "that gross, fat fuck wasn't interested in ME! I was a fatso size 10, thank God. He probably knew a girl my size would have been just strong enough to get away. He didn't want a fight on his hands. He wanted to crush, overwhelm and hurt women without killing them so he could come back for more".

      Note: women NEVER "want" to be raped under any circumstances whatsoever. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. I know I should never say never but I'm saying NEVER.

      He's lucky some young actress didn't have the presence of mind to bite down on the egg-penis, severing it from that weed patch, therefore ending Harvey's reign of terror.

    2. RobertaJoan, you are a goddess.

      IndieRaga, you are seriously bucking for Biggest Asshole On This Site... But J, Count Jerkoff, and whatever other sexist pigs that inhbit thia site with their delusions of manhood have a bit of a head start on you. Sorry, you even lose at being a loser.

    3. Hahahaha
      well said RobertaJoan

    4. And once you hot "raped" you got work, awards and support from the biggest producer in Hollywood?

      And hundreds did it for years? Yeah,okay
      And I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Cheap.

    5. @RobertaJoan
      There's a question mark at the end of my statement as there's nothing mentioned about HOW she made that statement...... perhaps you failed to notice this "?"......
      I've never supported/instigated the criminal act of rape as it goes beyond physical torture right into emotional/spiritual realms.......which Iam mature enough to understand !
      Nor have I ever doubted any of Harvey's accusers/victims,even when everyone was shaming Rose McGowan.
      I've even taken Harvey's paid trolls head-on in previous blinds, perhaps you weren't around to see at that time!
      I have also NEVER fat-shamed anyone despite everyone calling MM 'Fat Markle' or Everyone making fun of Priyanka Chopra's breast or neck! As I know a person's weight says nothing about the qualities they posses!
      So stop misinterpreting me or accusing me of fat-shaming or rape supporting..... I have done nothing of that sort ! Ever n Never!
      Keep your hedious accusations to yourself & Save your seething anger for Harvey !
      P.S: I know No woman EVER wants to get raped...I've worked for kids of women who get raped for Little money every day. I don't need you telling me that !

    6. @Idiot....
      you are seriously bucking for Biggest Asshole On This that job is totally yours! You can happily keep it!!!

  2. Delusions of grandeur by fat shit Harvey...

  3. @Indieraga - the post never says the actress was angry about it. She was just commenting. Like "Oh, I never had to worry about him; I'm too heavy for him." That's not complaining. That's commenting.

  4. His shitty ass smelly no balls ass was lucky to pay for someone to sleep with him
    I would throw myself out of the window and die first. Fatass fucker and he didn’t care one bit..

  5. Unf this happens everywhere. Fat slobs who want thin women and don't understand those women steer clear like a nuclear accident. I always laugh when I see this

  6. +1 on Kate Winslet. She has always liked talking about everybody telling her she's fat.

    1. Because she's not fat and the absurdity of dickless wonders trying to rate a woman so beyond aything they could ever hope to appeal to is endlessly amusing...ironically speaking. The fact that this world has ostensibly been run by impotent eunuchs like Weinstein for so long and are now being torn down from their ivory dildo towers says everything about why morons bitch and whine about "white men's rights." The game is over. Get a conscience or learn to face yourselves in a less gentle way.

  7. She wouldn't pass a size 12 threshold.

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Looking at Weinstein's face and body there's no career worth having that would force me to touch that man's slimy body.

    1. So agree with you
      When this story first very slowly started hitting the fans I read a story ( might not be true)that his wife demanded another baby with him right then and there
      Pretty sure I almost vomited thinking she had that blop on top of her twice creating the two kids they have
      Just ewwwww not enough wine in the world to think someone procreated with blobby and wanted to do it again
      (((((((Shudders and sips wine to get the vile images out of my head)))))

  9. I would have done him for millions and an oscar. It'll be over in no time.

  10. I've seen Kate's "fat" Titanic costume. She is TINY. That was a very little dress.

    1. Yep. Normal/average-sized women are perfectly lovely. This is size 8-10. The problem is that some people who really hate women decided to mindfuck the world even further by instituting size 2 as "normal," which is absurd. Not to mention instituting a "size zero." It's all a monumental mindfuck that most people buy into because... Well, we're not all forrunate enough to have our heads on straight, what with some pregnant mothers not giving a shit about how their drugging and drinking habits affect their developing fetuses. That's the nice way to say it.

  11. So it will be an always slightly overweight foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee. Someone roundish perhaps.

  12. @Philly, She's not foreign born.

  13. I consider Kate very voluptuous. She’s in no way ‘fat’ but she’s curvy.

  14. I think Kate has the kind of figure that most of the women who were considered voluptuous in the Sixties had. Damned Twiggy ruined everything.

  15. I don't think Kate's fat either, I think she looks great. But she is a tad bigger than the average actress and she constantly points out how many men have told her she needs to lose weight.

  16. What the hell is wrong with these hollywood creeps that all want skinny girls with nothing but skin and bones? Pedo fantasies?

    1. You nailed it. Plus, they hate women, want to mindfuck them, make/keep them neurotic trying to please men who have not clue one of what a real woman is. Smart and experienced-at-idiot-slaying-assholes women know otherwise. And call the idiots out.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It's nice that people aren't considering that the reason Weinstein preferred smaller women was because they would be easier for him to pin down and rape. Instead people are offended by his taste in rape victims, like he wasn't an equal opportunity rapist.

    @Roberta, Epstein had the egg-penis, that's what traumatized underage girls, Weinstein had the weird ball sack.

  19. I also think this is Kate Winslett and she wasn't "complaining" just commenting.
    Thanking her stars that she was never faced with this pig.

  20. Roberta Joan you deserve an ovation!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  21. Right on sea hag. This isn’t someone complaining

  22. Annabelle was super tiny on the yeah. It's a power thing with him. Easy to pin down but some of us small girls can kick ass and scream very loudly.

    1. I'd buy tickets to that and post it on Instagram.

  23. Kate is gorgeous! Looks amazing naked. I have nothing against slight women and I wish I were thinner but simply because clothes look great on a trim body, more options, like coat hanger models. I happen to like how I look naked and many of the 'heavier' actresses in Hollywood are DROP DEAD when you see them in person. Film etc puts on weight. A skinny actress is scary skinny in real life often times. A peanut.

  24. Obviously, any woman who's had a meal in the past week, would be strong enough to kick Harvey in the front hole. BTW, what happened to Winestain's suspicious package?

  25. @brayson no one is offended by harvey's taste in rape victims, I just pointed out a tendency I've noticed with these creeps and what kind of women they seem to prefer.

  26. And everyone knew but Saint Meryl.....
    Now Chris Matthews “ retired”
    Speilberg daughter was abused and “ groomed” as a child
    The mental health and drug treatment centers are overwhelmed with the Nickelodeon survivors
    And yet Gayle was “ shocked” at Charlie Rose
    Just like Oprah at “ John man of God”
    And Katie Couric close buddies with Epstein
    The Hypocrites- it’s like the Berlin Wall - after all those years of silence and enabling, truth is leaking out

  27. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Wow. Chris Matthews was just #metoo'd out of MSNBC!

  28. Matthews has felt his last "thrill up his leg"

    No matter what side you're on, you better know this will be an election cycle like no other. The political blood is already flowing in the streets, and the deluge has just begun. Can't wait!!!

  29. And another OT: Timothy Hutton accused of raping a 14-yr old in 1983

    Linky may be stinky

  30. Kate Winslet once said in an interview that Leo DiCaprio told her that she should never succumb to the pressure of skinny Hollywood and always stay the size she is. Maybe it was his way of warning her.

  31. Maybe anything above a size 2 reminds him of Mommy so is a boner killer.

  32. When he's right, he's right. When choosing a pet, everyone wants a puppy over an old bitch.

  33. Oops.. Egg-shaped penis was "Uncle" Jeff. The pervs are blending together. Gargoyle Goals!

  34. Here’s what I don’t get, how could he perform sexually if he has no testicles? The whole point of castrating pediphiles is that without balls, they can’t fuck. More likely homeboy had gastric bypass and had to have his excess skin removed and when they do a tummy tuck on a male there’s FUPA and they would have pulled the skin from right above his dick like a tummy tuck. But that doesn’t explain a mangled dick, maybe his Mohel sucked? I just need a better explaination. I believe he can still be a predator with damaged junk but what the actual fuck has been described doesn’t make sense.

    1. Maybe this is why he has to inject his casting cock pre-fornication?
      His ability to make his own testosterone isn't there.
      Oh..that and the vagina.
      Also, if he has no balls, therefore no tadpoles, then where did his kids come from?

  35. Winslet obviously. Back in the day she was much more than a size or two away from Weinstein's interest. Let's be real, she was super heavy for a leading actress.

  36. Kate was born in England. She is very much foreign born.

  37. @brayson
    What is so weird about his ball sack

    1. It's a ball-less sack.
      In so much that it has no testicles.
      So he gooses with no gooseberries.

  38. roughlt a quarter of American women admit to having fantasy of being controlled - sexually assaulted. Marinade on that messed up statistic

  39. @Yaccub: Do you know why that is? It's because it's the only way they can feel free to enjoy sex, because they've been taught women should be ashamed of sex. If they pretend it's non-consensual they don't have to feel guilty. It's FANTASY. By definition, no woman actually wants to be raped.

  40. Regarding Harvey's mangled genitalia, I don't think it was something he was born with, but rather something that happened recently. Maybe a penis enlargement surgery gone wrong? a penile pump implant gone wrong? some kind of STD removal gone wrong? an unknown rape victim that was able to mangle him when fighting back? some kind of bizarre at-home accident?

    The reason I believe he wasn't born with it, is that jurors were visibly disturbed by the naked photos of Harvey, and Harvey's earlier victims didn't mention his genitalia looking strange or vagina-like.

    I just listened to the account of one of his victims whom he made stand next to him while he jerked off, staring at her in a full length mirror. So she saw his penis and never mentioned anything strange. That happened in 2006. The victim who described him as having a vagina was assaulted in 2013.

    I expected to come across an article with a doctor weighing in to give their best guess, but haven't found one so far. What do you guys think?

  41. Good on Winslet for never becoming one of those size 0 chicks.
