Monday, March 09, 2020

Blind Item #12

The foreign born alliterate A- list singer was hooking up with a record producer while out of the country. Once again, it seems she is cheating on her singer "boyfriend."


  1. At this point, the PR people are going to be the last to know

  2. It's a record producer....she'd cheat her REAL Boyfriend for that !

  3. OT-- Did anyone sign up for either showing of CF's documentary? If so, Sharing is Caring, and opinions will be much appreciated!

  4. Obviously CC...and, haha on! Married celebrities in real relationships/married would/have repeatedly done that for a role/opportunity for more fame.

  5. She's a beard, I guarantee you that Mendes is getting more d!ck than her. Plus like many singers, apparently she needs to f*ck for hit tracks.

  6. A girl has got to eat.

  7. At least Tay Tay moved a little further out of the closet:

  8. This idiot needs to learn the key to securing and keeping bearding contracts is to stop banging every other guy you meet.

  9. I’m not sure if this is Camila and Shawn. Camila, Shawn and her mom are renting a house way out of central London. Shawn actually left on Friday to NY. Her mom Sinu is always with her. I’ve never seen Camila without her. Camila can’t even drive. Her dad was with them the first 3 weeks in London too.

  10. I thought Cabello was doing the yacht thing with Saudis now?

  11. Screwing for tracks and good coke!

  12. My hairline is receding so badly in my latest photo that I now have more hair on my pussy than I do on my head!

  13. My pussy is all dried out from menopause!

  14. Is harassing someone like this not a Federal offence?
    Anyone else screenshotting the craziness?

  15. Come on, she has to line up her next bunch of songs. What is she supposed to do, write them herself? Geesh. And call me a romantic, but I think those two are going to get married someday :-)
