Saturday, March 21, 2020

Blind Item #2

If you think an apology is coming from the former A+ list rapper or the A list reality star to the A+ list singer, I wouldn't be holding your breath. They don't ever apologize for anything.


  1. TayTay, Kanye, and Kim K. Leaked full phone call.

  2. Tayla Swiff is self isolating and can't even gloat.

    Who leaked it?

    1. Taylor of course. How big a goddamn narcissist is she that she demands the world pay attention now and what, acknowledge her vindication? She's a bigger media monstrosity than Kanye or Kim.

  3. Taylor mustve read the brie-kloss item, now she's looking for another drama diversion... OR the self-isolation and lack of wordly stimulation is making her more cuckoo than usual

    1. Bingo karlie getting that hungry pussy eaten out by captain marvel and kimmy k must pay

  4. She is always struggling to stay relevant. She tries too damn hard and it's not appealing. At all.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. People and dying left and right and she's thinks her 100year old beef is more relevant?

  7. Taylor she tries to change the narrative of everything for sympathy, I have none for her at all.

  8. Did anyone ever think for a minute that Kanye and Kim wouldn't lie to build themselves up? I love that they're getting huge backlash all over social media. It's like they're getting booed and hissed in their own home.

  9. That's why he is pro-Trump. Two narcissistic birds of a feather. Can't take responsibility for any of their words or actions.

  10. Please, there are people like that on both sides of the aisle.

  11. Agreed. Didn't say there weren't on both sides. Politics in general is full of them.

  12. How does one, cancel both?

  13. Oooft can they all fucking lick a wall please

  14. lol taylor literally has done nothing and you people still shit on her. you're all truly pathetic.

    1. The funniest part is cat lady is the one who kept telling karlie to fuck off when she wanted her clit rubbed. Now fag hag is jealous that brie stepped in! Go fuck yourself tay tay

  15. The fact that KimmyCakes was involved in a lie to gain attention is the least surprising news I've heard today. That pretty much describes her entire career. I blame Kanye less because I honestly believe he is sometimes mentally unwell.

  16. Im beginning to believe swifty kinda deserved all this shit from yeezy in some sort of weird karmic payback. What an insufferable fag hag cunt taylor is turning out to be as an adult!

  17. Considering Swift’s mother is dealing with cancer, the side effects of treatment, and a brain tumor… I’m going to assume Swift is laying low with her.

    Wow, I never thought I’d find an idiot that would think Kanye and Kim warrant a defense, let alone a justification. Please, look at the whole family. I bet PMK really *did* release the tape as rumored, she doesn’t like the virus getting all the media attentio.
    Too bad the virus won’t wipe out the whole family, that would be the ultimate gift to humanity. Also

    and Drew, troll harder. lazy trolling is truly depressing. No excuses!

  18. Damn lmaoo a lot of hate hard-ons for Swift in the comments.. Curious they would show up *Today*! It’s almost like the Klan is getting roasted (even by Kim & Klan’s OWN FANS! haha) lmaoooooo really says something considering how stupid those fans are. regular commenters & well, non-idiots know how much more awful Kardashians are than Swift. Yeah, Swifts business acumen often seen as calculation, which ?? everybody plays the game, she’s just under a bigger spotlight. But Kim, Kanye, PMK? Fuck theyre the worst of the worst, gonorrhea of pop culture. If PMK really did Leak the tape as rumored bc she didn’t like that the virus getting all the

  19. I believe PMK released it, as their stupid show starts again on March 26.

  20. Taylor didn't leak this. She would have years ago if she had it. This was PMK. She had access. Some of y'all need to use your brains. Kim and Kanye are POS's. Get over your TSwift Derrangement Syndrome.

  21. How would Taylor have leaked this? She never owned the footage. It belonged to Kim and Kanye. I think that some people are p*ssed off because they realise that they took the wrong side and don't want to admit it. The treatment that Taylor got being trolled and made to think that her career was gone was an awful thing to happen to someone who was telling the truth while pretty much everyone seemed to think she was a liar. I can't understand why people believed Kim. After Kim leaked the edited clips, I remember finding it odd that Kris Jenner in July 2016 praised Taylor as being 'lovely'. Odd way to describe someone who supposedly painted your son-in-law as a liar and who your daughter was calling a snake.

  22. Love all of tay tays faghag stans trying to blame pmk for her wacky pussy posse lesbian antics! Swifty just cant take it when her actions boomerang back on her cuntie ass..

  23. Except in this case, Dumbye and Kimbo's actions are boomeranging back on THEIR cunty asses. Swift didn't do a thing. Now more of Twitter hates Kimye, as it should be, lol.

  24. The one i feel sorry for is kushners brother. Kloss is flying all over the world begging to eat Taylor's pussy on valentines day then cat lady shuts her down cold for some English fag. Bitch is cold blooded, she knows stone cold lesbians dont sell tickets!

  25. This is obviously going to be a plot line for their revolting show which starts on March 26. Obviously both K-trash and Taylor are in on it.
