Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blind Item #2

I have written about three or four other cast members of this long running network comedy, but I believe it is a first for this A- list actor on the show who has this folksy kind of image he likes to portray but only enjoys being with women who want to be humiliated and degraded.


  1. Consenting adults. They like it.

  2. My mind went to him, too, Tricia, but Im not realky confident about it

  3. I know he dated Bethany Frankel, but that was a pull on her part to get into sitcoms I think

  4. Whoa! I missed that pairing! With that mouth on her, I can't picture her tolerating being humiliated or degraded for a second, even as some form of kink!Say the wrong thing, and she'd launch an ear-melting tirade! Am I wrong?!?

  5. No you are right,but she has a good side... does a lot of good for a lot of people.

  6. Eric fits because his character is from the Midwest and he's like an aww shucks type of fellow on the show.

  7. Bethany donated masks to hospital. She has a good side. Damaged goods from her toxic relationship with her mother. Still can’t see this. I would start laughing if stonestreet tried that crap with me.

  8. Same here lol. Though he did bring out the tougher side in Identity Thief(scenes with Melissa McCarthy). Disturbingly funny lol

  9. Great to hear the positives in Bethenny. I think she can be super witty and great reality tv character, but definitely has a long-winded temper!

  10. I was thinking of those same scenes, Tricia, but couldn't remember which movie! Can't say it's worthy of putting on the recommended list, though, unless the quarantine goes a realllly long time!

  11. Ew. I can't see him as anything but gay power bottom

  12. Don't forget he dated Charlize too

  13. key phrase is WANT TO BE humiliated and degraded.

    I don't see the problem here.

  14. you just blew my mind Tricia... had no idea those two hooked up.

  15. That would explain his appeal that I question in regards to his sexual appeal.
