Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Blind Item #4

The alliterate talk show host is addicted to a whole lot more than just laxatives. It just sounds more easy going to say laxatives.


  1. So you have the runs all the time? Is that how this works?

  2. I suppose we can see by her behavior she's a mess w overindulgence. Typically I'd say poor lady. but She's pretty mean

  3. Ugh, had a roommate in college that abused laxatives. The bathroom was always so fucking nasty and smelled the worst after she shit her brains out. She also ate nothing but Papa John’s pizza and I still cannot bring myself to even get near a Papa John’s as the smell is so triggering.

  4. I never got the appeal of WW. AND, she's a damn mess

  5. Wendy Williams laxatives to lose weight it’s a disgusting thing to do.

  6. She’s addicted to laxatives because the opioids she’s also addicted to have her so bunged-up that she needs help shitting. Neat spin.

  7. @Troy Dyer
    🤮 😂 Way to ruin Papa John’s for everyone!

  8. OMG - this is way too much information - did she share it on TV?
    plus - it is because of the opiates.

  9. I don't think I would share that info if I was addicted to laxatives ...

  10. Ugh. She claims to love the new life, I hope she gives it a chance. The show is its usual, casual, at times messy, self, nothing too out of the ordinary after the foot-in-mouth week. For background noise in the morning, the show is more fun than the screaming heads or boring cue card readers on other shows. She's got a deep musical background, and a special connection with much of her audience. I hope she keeps it together, for herself, her family, and the show.

    1. +1 But she has been talking like she has no effs to give. Too bad because she’s lost a lot of class.

  11. She's on Opiates, and they cause diarrhea, sort of like the horrific lack of grammar and punctuation in that blind has caused me.

  12. Anonymous9:28 AM

    +1 Town Pump. You got it right. Poor Wendy multiple addiction issues.

    @Troy I feel your pain. We had a college roommate who had binge/purge episodes. (This is long before eating disorders.) She would come home late at night after not eating all day and would eat this noxious concoction of cottage cheese and peas. A huge bowl and then immediately go to the bathroom and puke it all up. The third roommate and I got tired of cleaning the bathroom after her nightly episode. Those d**n peas would be everywhere. I don't eat peas even today.

  13. Opiates constipate, she’s full of shit, literally and figuratively.

  14. @Unknown - no , opiates cause constipation hence the need for laxatives

    smart association @Town Pump, exactly right

    @E - assuming one is not addicted to opiates and abusing laxatives for weight loss purposes like the college pizza-eater, yes - your butt can get unpredictably drippy and this is also why Kanye West had an issue in his pants at the Met Ball the year he wore jeans, a blinged out jean jacket and his icy-blue contacts.

  15. Hunter-- That Met Ball tidbit is horrifying!

    Ann-- Lawdy! Wth was wrong with this girl to not at least clean up her own mess? It's not like she was genuinely ill. You and your other roommate were angels, and I'd quease at the thought of peas, too!

  16. Painkillers, even the type the dentist prescribes, are constipating. Sure, after oral surgery, a pain killer or two and a glass of wine are divine. But the constipation puts a killer spin on pain pills. I've got two full fials of painkillers just sitting here in the drawer. Anyone want them?

  17. Opiates and other medications (like the Neurontin I take for neuropathy) do cause the pipes to back up, for sure. I have to take laxatives now and then and am supposed to take Miralax daily to prevent the back up, but I usually don't. Then I"m out of shit luck, lol!

    I had a couple of good friends in college who had a roommate once who was a total bulimic. We were all Juniors, and she was just getting started because she had spent so much time in and out of treatment centers for bulimia, her parents wouldn't let her go to school away from home so they could keep an eye on her. Everything seemed normal at first, but within a couple of weeks, my friends started noticing large quantities of food and condiments would disappear. One day, my friends get home and an ENTIRE large container of Country Crock was missing from the fridge. It was brand new. Then a dozen eggs went missing in one afternoon. Then they noticed she was always bringing in stuff in her backpack and going straight to her room and hide out. Then they would fine puke tracings in both the bathrooms all the time. The final straw was when my friend's birthday rolled around and the girl made a big deal about making a cake for her while we went to the Rec to work out. When we got home, the cake pan was in the sink, dirty, there was a empty container of frosting in the trash, all the eggs and all the mayo were missing, and there was no cake. The birthday girl happened to also be from that girl's home town and they had known each other since grade school. So my friend went to her room and confronted her. She finally admitted she had baked the cake and couldn't resist it, so she binged and purged the whole thing. Then she finished off the frosting. The butter and mayo were used to dip the cake in so that it went down and would come back up easier. My friend called the girl's mother and they showed up the next day to pick the girl up and take her back to treatment. She never came back.

  18. Ww and laxatives??? Just take calcium and Vitamin D. Stop using opiates of your gonna wear pullups in a few years. Ewwww

  19. She needs Metamucil.
