Monday, March 09, 2020

Blind Item #4

Pretty crappy of the A++ lister to throw out a version of events and not let the woman he threw under the bus for a lifetime not even get a chance to speak or challenge the crap narrative that the A++ lister has decoded is his truth.


  1. Spielberg? His daughter Micaleah

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM


    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Yeah it’s him. He recently spoke out about his Oval Office hummer. Something about managing his stress.

    2. OMG if it's him, Monica Lewinsky has written at least one tell-all book, I think more, actually. They can all go to hell. Paula Jones is the woman who was demoted for declining his sexual advances.

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Bill Clinton, the President that ejaculated on his intern's dress.

  4. Replies
    1. Rapist now? You're full of it.

    2. He’s a rapist. Where have you been?

    3. Everyone's a rapist according to veritas. Please seek help.

  5. What's the odds slick Willy doesn't last the till the summer?
    I'd say about evens at the minute.
    Hillary must dread what he might blurt out
    publically in his dotage.

  6. Anonymous8:13 AM

    No Flash, this "confession" is Disney's way of helping the Clintons.

  7. Trump screwed a porn star while his third wife was pregnant with his fifth child. Then paid off porn star to be quiet while he ran for office. He cheated on all of his wives and enjoyed the company of Jeffery Epstein and his gaggle of girls. He walked in on Junior Miss a Universe contestants in their dressing room while they were half dressed and the pictures of him groping his own underaged daughter are beyond uncomfortable. Spare me the pearl clutching over Clinton.

    1. This crowd closes their eyes to this, cc423. By the time I post this you will have three people crying TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!! TDS!!

      thank you for reminding us.
      Now everyone go out and GRAB A PUSSY today.

    2. Let’s not forget that he threw Ivana down the stairs and met and conducted his affair with Marla Maples in church.

    3. Yes Rosie, when someone is mentally ill people can and will point it out.
      Your scorching case of TDS is your own fault.
      You should know who owns the networks and tech giants.
      You should know who fed you the ten tons of total bullsh*t you willingly ingested and are now unable to shake off.

      Since you two are unable to comprehend that you should not just believe your TV you probably should get rid of it and decompress or you will not make it through DECLASSIFICATION.

    4. Bill Clinton promoted and demoted subordinates based in whether they'd blow him. It was a quid pro quo workplace sexual harassment case that the US Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY said could go forward (but that feminists caloed "just a civil suit) and that Clinton ultimately paid Paula Jones $800,000 to settle, blowing out of the water the amounts Weinstein paid to settle. Paula Jones alleged she was demoted after she declined to blow him when he dropped trou; Monica Lewinsky was but one of many employees in the suit alleged to have been promoted after blowing him.

    5. I'll take bjs over p-grabbing any day

    6. I'll do Bjs before anyone grabs my who ha.

  8. Unfortunately for the sad democrat supporters like cc423 and Rosie, there is no evidence against DJT while their Hero BC has admitted the extra-marital affairs with Lewinsky and Flowers.
    Only a fool would cite "evidence" from porn star Stormy Daniels' book.
    Keep on crying, losers, your party is dead in the water with zero chance in 2020.
    Four more years, losers.

  9. Fuck you Rosie. I used to have a hat like that and I can't even look at it anymore. Asshole feminazi's ruined it for me, I burned it in effigy.

  10. Clinton Family Mafia!!!

  11. What are you on about weirdo? Good grief get a grip. Doesn't your cultleader advise to GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY?
    So Follow him, bitch.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      He never said he did. He said you can. Because the average female will let you. Correct me if I’m wrong. I see no shortage of ignorant bitches ready willing and able to degrade themselves.

    2. Derp, Rosie only knows what Rosie's TV said.
      Being a regular on CDAN one would think that Rosie could grasp the total truth that when a man is rich and famous there are women who will let them do ANYTHING.
      For some reason they could not hear the statement as it stood.
      Rosie and people like Rosie are crazy, stuck in TDS until DECLASSIFICATION goes down. I seriously don't know what's going to happen to them after that. They're going to be yanked out of the matrix, they are not prepared, and there are no drugs that will be able to fix what's left of them.

    3. I don't watch TV.
      But now that you wrote one of your *vErY oMiNoUs* posts maybe I'll look into this spooky wooky **DECLASSIFICATION** ohmydearlord it sounds positively frightening.
      For the record, I used to think you were the creepiest one here. But now that you've warned me.. of the MaTrIx.. jeesh.. I feel like I owe you big. I mean BIGLY.

  12. When the Trump body counts matches the Clinton body count -- let's talk.

  13. Bill the paedo rapist.

  14. Clinton and his “anxiety”


  15. ~~Slick Willy of the Clinton $lush Fund Foundation

  16. Too bad for some that this blind is absolutely about Bill Clinton. You can't derail it with but but buts.

    I used to really like the Clintons, but it's become crystal clear to me how terribly BOTH of them treat people and how toxic and selfserving they both are.

  17. Yeah, this sounds like Cigar Dipper Willie.

  18. +1 Clinton. Slick Willy. What a horrible human being. How many lives has he destroyed. How many women has he raped over the years?

    A friend was a producer for a certain well-known nyc late night interviewing female. There is a story about him and an intern regarding an on-set issue. He is every bit the monster one hears about.

  19. Rosie riveter, it's funny how the Trump folks who claim all his critics have TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME! never get called on their own, actually real, Obama Derangement Syndrome, symptoms of which included overt racism toward him and the first lady, claims that he wasn't born in the US despite his US birth certificate, and seriously thinking he was the antichrist.

    CC423, truer words were never spoken.

  20. The answer to this blind is Clinton/Lewinsky. Please keep your political opinions to yourselves. Between that, the trolls (and ensuing monitored comments) and constantly repetitive blinds, this place is getting really bad & not a fun place to be.

  21. @Derp: Nice insult to all women. The ‘average woman’ would not sleep with Trump, Weinstein, or any of the other infamous pigs out there. Some would, but certainly not the average woman. His statement saying that ‘you can’ is still disgusting and despicable.

  22. you got some spittle on your screen cc432....Kindly do wipe it off

  23. ...maybe rosie can wipe that foam off your chin with her pussy hat

    can't wait for Trump 2020, it's gonna be terrific.

  24. Democrats or Republicans, liberal or conservative, Clinton or Trump. It's all the same. The rich become richer and the average person continues to fall farther behind. But, by all means, continue to parrot the narratives fed you by the powerful. They would just as soon we turn on each other than on them.

  25. Democrats have been the rapist party since the Kennedy boys were sexually abusing a doped up Marilyn.

  26. Have been reading that Uncle Perv might ask Hillary to run as VP which, of course, means say bye bye, Uncle Perv.

    Would not be surprised if Slick gets sick and dies. It would garner sympathy votes.

    Don't care that Slick got a bj in his office and has slept with anyone and anything he could and don't care that POTUS has slept around either. Clinton did some good for the US as POTUS has. Would not put up with it myself but it does not affect me.

    BTW, POTUS flew from FL to NYC on Epstein's small plane. He is not on any flight logs to Pedo island and he did not fly on the Lolita Express according to the women, the pilot, and the logs.

  27. The old line from feminists was that they had to protect the Dem boys because they were working for women's interests. From their point of view both parties were packed with pigs and rapists, but at least the Dems were advancing legislation and programs to help women. But the lesser of two evils is always still evil.


  29. This thread makes me miss Amazing Quotes.

  30. You trumpers crack me up, calling other people delusional. Seriously.

  31. Steady on, Monkeyweather (perfect screen name). Dial it back. You're getting spittle everywhere. Calm the fuck down. Jesus!

  32. Steady on, Monkeyweather (perfect screen name). Dial it back. You're getting spittle everywhere. Calm the fuck down. Jesus!

  33. Just here to show my support for CC423 and Rosie's version of the events. Truth is still fact, no matter how stupidly you want to spin anything. Trump is a psychotic, narcissistic, pedophile monster and so are you for supporting him, you delusional dimwits.

  34. La-juice, Rosie, cc423, and all the TDS crowd - Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Four. More. Years.
    Cry moar, we're all laughing at you.

  35. Hey people who scream TDS! Hey, you are not quite trashy, low down, and undereducated enough to be on Jerry Springer.

  36. Bill and Monica engaged in extramarital affair. Not a rape and is most certainly abuse if power. Started working in the 80s at General Dynamics and the atmosphere at that once great place was eerily similar. And yeah, people fucked in their offices, cars and roof our building. It was Crazy and glad that things have changed. Hot propositioned by very handsome, married Italian big wig and burst into tears. All it takes is a no ladies. ML had a big mouth due to immaturity and was being used by man Tripp.

  37. Trump fucks around and pays everyone off. Even aborted a few fetuses too, allegedly. Stormy just had a crappy lawyer. Did not know that bastard threw Ivana dow the stairs. 🤬

  38. There are very few greater abuses of power than a President pursuing an internm much less a very, very young intern, for sex. That is right up there.

  39. Gosh, sure glad all it takes is a no. That just makes it quite all right for a supervisor or any other type of boss to make a job miserable and/or contingent on sexual compliance/noncompliance, because all the power is in the hands of the much further down the ladder employee. Gee, the more you know.

    People really need to stop defending Clinton.

    1. No for affairs @ Zilla. For harrassment, you file formal complaint with HR than you for the throat with an EEOC complaint and lawyer. Documentation and witnesses help and is effective. In the 80s, you were laughed at and called a square if you were not a slut. That's my point. No defense of Uncle Bill but the one we have now, is just as bad with deeper pockets and insults women at the drop of a hat. People really need to stop giving him a pass

  40. Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton. Corroborated by the secret service agents he instructed to guard the door. Bit her in the mouth during and, as he was leaving, told her “better put some ice on that.”
    Trump is a dumbass cad. Clinton is a fucking monster.

    1. Her allegation ic urged in 1978 and there were no Secret Service around at that time. Her allegation seemed dubious at best. Secret service Really???

    2. Occured not urged.

    3. Nope, not really. Arkansas State Troopers not Secret Service. My bad.

  41. Monica Lewinski was no victim. She snd BC were two grown ass consenting adults who got caught and she was left holding the bag. I haven't forgotten the little detail of how the affair got started: She flashed her thong strap at him. And BC, typical man whore that he was, went for it. That's all.
