Sunday, March 08, 2020

Blind Item #5

The only engagement ring the "girlfriend" of the former A-/B+ list teen singer turned meth addict is going to get is a $20 fake from Target.


  1. He's already admitted that he's broke and has been lying about having money. So why exactly is he trying to convince people that he's out shopping for $80K rings?

  2. Oh please he can't afford that much. Maybe shake down one of his abusers? Stop using drugs? I mean,I root for him but he makes it hard.

  3. Aaron he doesn’t know any other way of live and yes his family abused him financially, emotionally and Psychologically.
    They really fucked over this young man.

  4. oooo... Tar-jhaaaay. Ze French Store.

  5. He needs a therapist and a nice bowl of soup. This guy gives me the sads. Someone needs to get him still and clean for long enough that he can reboot.

  6. Aaron joins my list of celebs that make me so sad. So very sad. Like I feel they need someone to cook for them and give without expecting anything in return. They need a mother. All on my list need a damn mother but they all have one...

  7. Don’t these dudes have access to counterfeits?
